/** * swiper 8.3.0 * most modern mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions * https://swiperjs.com * * copyright 2014-2022 vladimir kharlampidi * * released under the mit license * * released on: july 6, 2022 */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = typeof globalthis !== 'undefined' ? globalthis : global || self, global.swiper = factory()); })(this, (function () { 'use strict'; /** * ssr window 4.0.2 * better handling for window object in ssr environment * https://github.com/nolimits4web/ssr-window * * copyright 2021, vladimir kharlampidi * * licensed under mit * * released on: december 13, 2021 */ /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ function isobject$1(obj) { return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object' && 'constructor' in obj && obj.constructor === object; } function extend$1(target, src) { if (target === void 0) { target = {}; } if (src === void 0) { src = {}; } object.keys(src).foreach(key => { if (typeof target[key] === 'undefined') target[key] = src[key];else if (isobject$1(src[key]) && isobject$1(target[key]) && object.keys(src[key]).length > 0) { extend$1(target[key], src[key]); } }); } const ssrdocument = { body: {}, addeventlistener() {}, removeeventlistener() {}, activeelement: { blur() {}, nodename: '' }, queryselector() { return null; }, queryselectorall() { return []; }, getelementbyid() { return null; }, createevent() { return { initevent() {} }; }, createelement() { return { children: [], childnodes: [], style: {}, setattribute() {}, getelementsbytagname() { return []; } }; }, createelementns() { return {}; }, importnode() { return null; }, location: { hash: '', host: '', hostname: '', href: '', origin: '', pathname: '', protocol: '', search: '' } }; function getdocument() { const doc = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : {}; extend$1(doc, ssrdocument); return doc; } const ssrwindow = { document: ssrdocument, navigator: { useragent: '' }, location: { hash: '', host: '', hostname: '', href: '', origin: '', pathname: '', protocol: '', search: '' }, history: { replacestate() {}, pushstate() {}, go() {}, back() {} }, customevent: function customevent() { return this; }, addeventlistener() {}, removeeventlistener() {}, getcomputedstyle() { return { getpropertyvalue() { return ''; } }; }, image() {}, date() {}, screen: {}, settimeout() {}, cleartimeout() {}, matchmedia() { return {}; }, requestanimationframe(callback) { if (typeof settimeout === 'undefined') { callback(); return null; } return settimeout(callback, 0); }, cancelanimationframe(id) { if (typeof settimeout === 'undefined') { return; } cleartimeout(id); } }; function getwindow() { const win = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {}; extend$1(win, ssrwindow); return win; } /** * dom7 4.0.4 * minimalistic javascript library for dom manipulation, with a jquery-compatible api * https://framework7.io/docs/dom7.html * * copyright 2022, vladimir kharlampidi * * licensed under mit * * released on: january 11, 2022 */ /* eslint-disable no-proto */ function makereactive(obj) { const proto = obj.__proto__; object.defineproperty(obj, '__proto__', { get() { return proto; }, set(value) { proto.__proto__ = value; } }); } class dom7 extends array { constructor(items) { if (typeof items === 'number') { super(items); } else { super(...(items || [])); makereactive(this); } } } function arrayflat(arr) { if (arr === void 0) { arr = []; } const res = []; arr.foreach(el => { if (array.isarray(el)) { res.push(...arrayflat(el)); } else { res.push(el); } }); return res; } function arrayfilter(arr, callback) { return array.prototype.filter.call(arr, callback); } function arrayunique(arr) { const uniquearray = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) { if (uniquearray.indexof(arr[i]) === -1) uniquearray.push(arr[i]); } return uniquearray; } function qsa(selector, context) { if (typeof selector !== 'string') { return [selector]; } const a = []; const res = context.queryselectorall(selector); for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i += 1) { a.push(res[i]); } return a; } function $(selector, context) { const window = getwindow(); const document = getdocument(); let arr = []; if (!context && selector instanceof dom7) { return selector; } if (!selector) { return new dom7(arr); } if (typeof selector === 'string') { const html = selector.trim(); if (html.indexof('<') >= 0 && html.indexof('>') >= 0) { let tocreate = 'div'; if (html.indexof(' c.split(' '))); this.foreach(el => { el.classlist.add(...classnames); }); return this; } function removeclass() { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, classes = new array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { classes[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } const classnames = arrayflat(classes.map(c => c.split(' '))); this.foreach(el => { el.classlist.remove(...classnames); }); return this; } function toggleclass() { for (var _len3 = arguments.length, classes = new array(_len3), _key3 = 0; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) { classes[_key3] = arguments[_key3]; } const classnames = arrayflat(classes.map(c => c.split(' '))); this.foreach(el => { classnames.foreach(classname => { el.classlist.toggle(classname); }); }); } function hasclass() { for (var _len4 = arguments.length, classes = new array(_len4), _key4 = 0; _key4 < _len4; _key4++) { classes[_key4] = arguments[_key4]; } const classnames = arrayflat(classes.map(c => c.split(' '))); return arrayfilter(this, el => { return classnames.filter(classname => el.classlist.contains(classname)).length > 0; }).length > 0; } function attr(attrs, value) { if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof attrs === 'string') { // get attr if (this[0]) return this[0].getattribute(attrs); return undefined; } // set attrs for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { if (arguments.length === 2) { // string this[i].setattribute(attrs, value); } else { // object for (const attrname in attrs) { this[i][attrname] = attrs[attrname]; this[i].setattribute(attrname, attrs[attrname]); } } } return this; } function removeattr(attr) { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { this[i].removeattribute(attr); } return this; } function transform(transform) { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { this[i].style.transform = transform; } return this; } function transition$1(duration) { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { this[i].style.transitionduration = typeof duration !== 'string' ? `${duration}ms` : duration; } return this; } function on() { for (var _len5 = arguments.length, args = new array(_len5), _key5 = 0; _key5 < _len5; _key5++) { args[_key5] = arguments[_key5]; } let [eventtype, targetselector, listener, capture] = args; if (typeof args[1] === 'function') { [eventtype, listener, capture] = args; targetselector = undefined; } if (!capture) capture = false; function handleliveevent(e) { const target = e.target; if (!target) return; const eventdata = e.target.dom7eventdata || []; if (eventdata.indexof(e) < 0) { eventdata.unshift(e); } if ($(target).is(targetselector)) listener.apply(target, eventdata);else { const parents = $(target).parents(); // eslint-disable-line for (let k = 0; k < parents.length; k += 1) { if ($(parents[k]).is(targetselector)) listener.apply(parents[k], eventdata); } } } function handleevent(e) { const eventdata = e && e.target ? e.target.dom7eventdata || [] : []; if (eventdata.indexof(e) < 0) { eventdata.unshift(e); } listener.apply(this, eventdata); } const events = eventtype.split(' '); let j; for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { const el = this[i]; if (!targetselector) { for (j = 0; j < events.length; j += 1) { const event = events[j]; if (!el.dom7listeners) el.dom7listeners = {}; if (!el.dom7listeners[event]) el.dom7listeners[event] = []; el.dom7listeners[event].push({ listener, proxylistener: handleevent }); el.addeventlistener(event, handleevent, {passive:false}); // el.addeventlistener(event, handleevent, capture,); } } else { // live events for (j = 0; j < events.length; j += 1) { const event = events[j]; if (!el.dom7livelisteners) el.dom7livelisteners = {}; if (!el.dom7livelisteners[event]) el.dom7livelisteners[event] = []; el.dom7livelisteners[event].push({ listener, proxylistener: handleliveevent }); el.addeventlistener(event, handleliveevent, {passive:false}); } } } return this; } function off() { for (var _len6 = arguments.length, args = new array(_len6), _key6 = 0; _key6 < _len6; _key6++) { args[_key6] = arguments[_key6]; } let [eventtype, targetselector, listener, capture] = args; if (typeof args[1] === 'function') { [eventtype, listener, capture] = args; targetselector = undefined; } if (!capture) capture = false; const events = eventtype.split(' '); for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i += 1) { const event = events[i]; for (let j = 0; j < this.length; j += 1) { const el = this[j]; let handlers; if (!targetselector && el.dom7listeners) { handlers = el.dom7listeners[event]; } else if (targetselector && el.dom7livelisteners) { handlers = el.dom7livelisteners[event]; } if (handlers && handlers.length) { for (let k = handlers.length - 1; k >= 0; k -= 1) { const handler = handlers[k]; if (listener && handler.listener === listener) { el.removeeventlistener(event, handler.proxylistener, capture); handlers.splice(k, 1); } else if (listener && handler.listener && handler.listener.dom7proxy && handler.listener.dom7proxy === listener) { el.removeeventlistener(event, handler.proxylistener, capture); handlers.splice(k, 1); } else if (!listener) { el.removeeventlistener(event, handler.proxylistener, capture); handlers.splice(k, 1); } } } } } return this; } function trigger() { const window = getwindow(); for (var _len9 = arguments.length, args = new array(_len9), _key9 = 0; _key9 < _len9; _key9++) { args[_key9] = arguments[_key9]; } const events = args[0].split(' '); const eventdata = args[1]; for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i += 1) { const event = events[i]; for (let j = 0; j < this.length; j += 1) { const el = this[j]; if (window.customevent) { const evt = new window.customevent(event, { detail: eventdata, bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); el.dom7eventdata = args.filter((data, dataindex) => dataindex > 0); el.dispatchevent(evt); el.dom7eventdata = []; delete el.dom7eventdata; } } } return this; } function transitionend$1(callback) { const dom = this; function firecallback(e) { if (e.target !== this) return; callback.call(this, e); dom.off('transitionend', firecallback); } if (callback) { dom.on('transitionend', firecallback); } return this; } function outerwidth(includemargins) { if (this.length > 0) { if (includemargins) { const styles = this.styles(); return this[0].offsetwidth + parsefloat(styles.getpropertyvalue('margin-right')) + parsefloat(styles.getpropertyvalue('margin-left')); } return this[0].offsetwidth; } return null; } function outerheight(includemargins) { if (this.length > 0) { if (includemargins) { const styles = this.styles(); return this[0].offsetheight + parsefloat(styles.getpropertyvalue('margin-top')) + parsefloat(styles.getpropertyvalue('margin-bottom')); } return this[0].offsetheight; } return null; } function offset() { if (this.length > 0) { const window = getwindow(); const document = getdocument(); const el = this[0]; const box = el.getboundingclientrect(); const body = document.body; const clienttop = el.clienttop || body.clienttop || 0; const clientleft = el.clientleft || body.clientleft || 0; const scrolltop = el === window ? window.scrolly : el.scrolltop; const scrollleft = el === window ? window.scrollx : el.scrollleft; return { top: box.top + scrolltop - clienttop, left: box.left + scrollleft - clientleft }; } return null; } function styles() { const window = getwindow(); if (this[0]) return window.getcomputedstyle(this[0], null); return {}; } function css(props, value) { const window = getwindow(); let i; if (arguments.length === 1) { if (typeof props === 'string') { // .css('width') if (this[0]) return window.getcomputedstyle(this[0], null).getpropertyvalue(props); } else { // .css({ width: '100px' }) for (i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { for (const prop in props) { this[i].style[prop] = props[prop]; } } return this; } } if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof props === 'string') { // .css('width', '100px') for (i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { this[i].style[props] = value; } return this; } return this; } function each(callback) { if (!callback) return this; this.foreach((el, index) => { callback.apply(el, [el, index]); }); return this; } function filter(callback) { const result = arrayfilter(this, callback); return $(result); } function html(html) { if (typeof html === 'undefined') { return this[0] ? this[0].innerhtml : null; } for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { this[i].innerhtml = html; } return this; } function text(text) { if (typeof text === 'undefined') { return this[0] ? this[0].textcontent.trim() : null; } for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { this[i].textcontent = text; } return this; } function is(selector) { const window = getwindow(); const document = getdocument(); const el = this[0]; let comparewith; let i; if (!el || typeof selector === 'undefined') return false; if (typeof selector === 'string') { if (el.matches) return el.matches(selector); if (el.webkitmatchesselector) return el.webkitmatchesselector(selector); if (el.msmatchesselector) return el.msmatchesselector(selector); comparewith = $(selector); for (i = 0; i < comparewith.length; i += 1) { if (comparewith[i] === el) return true; } return false; } if (selector === document) { return el === document; } if (selector === window) { return el === window; } if (selector.nodetype || selector instanceof dom7) { comparewith = selector.nodetype ? [selector] : selector; for (i = 0; i < comparewith.length; i += 1) { if (comparewith[i] === el) return true; } return false; } return false; } function index() { let child = this[0]; let i; if (child) { i = 0; // eslint-disable-next-line while ((child = child.previoussibling) !== null) { if (child.nodetype === 1) i += 1; } return i; } return undefined; } function eq(index) { if (typeof index === 'undefined') return this; const length = this.length; if (index > length - 1) { return $([]); } if (index < 0) { const returnindex = length + index; if (returnindex < 0) return $([]); return $([this[returnindex]]); } return $([this[index]]); } function append() { let newchild; const document = getdocument(); for (let k = 0; k < arguments.length; k += 1) { newchild = k < 0 || arguments.length <= k ? undefined : arguments[k]; for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { if (typeof newchild === 'string') { const tempdiv = document.createelement('div'); tempdiv.innerhtml = newchild; while (tempdiv.firstchild) { this[i].appendchild(tempdiv.firstchild); } } else if (newchild instanceof dom7) { for (let j = 0; j < newchild.length; j += 1) { this[i].appendchild(newchild[j]); } } else { this[i].appendchild(newchild); } } } return this; } function prepend(newchild) { const document = getdocument(); let i; let j; for (i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { if (typeof newchild === 'string') { const tempdiv = document.createelement('div'); tempdiv.innerhtml = newchild; for (j = tempdiv.childnodes.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) { this[i].insertbefore(tempdiv.childnodes[j], this[i].childnodes[0]); } } else if (newchild instanceof dom7) { for (j = 0; j < newchild.length; j += 1) { this[i].insertbefore(newchild[j], this[i].childnodes[0]); } } else { this[i].insertbefore(newchild, this[i].childnodes[0]); } } return this; } function next(selector) { if (this.length > 0) { if (selector) { if (this[0].nextelementsibling && $(this[0].nextelementsibling).is(selector)) { return $([this[0].nextelementsibling]); } return $([]); } if (this[0].nextelementsibling) return $([this[0].nextelementsibling]); return $([]); } return $([]); } function nextall(selector) { const nextels = []; let el = this[0]; if (!el) return $([]); while (el.nextelementsibling) { const next = el.nextelementsibling; // eslint-disable-line if (selector) { if ($(next).is(selector)) nextels.push(next); } else nextels.push(next); el = next; } return $(nextels); } function prev(selector) { if (this.length > 0) { const el = this[0]; if (selector) { if (el.previouselementsibling && $(el.previouselementsibling).is(selector)) { return $([el.previouselementsibling]); } return $([]); } if (el.previouselementsibling) return $([el.previouselementsibling]); return $([]); } return $([]); } function prevall(selector) { const prevels = []; let el = this[0]; if (!el) return $([]); while (el.previouselementsibling) { const prev = el.previouselementsibling; // eslint-disable-line if (selector) { if ($(prev).is(selector)) prevels.push(prev); } else prevels.push(prev); el = prev; } return $(prevels); } function parent(selector) { const parents = []; // eslint-disable-line for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { if (this[i].parentnode !== null) { if (selector) { if ($(this[i].parentnode).is(selector)) parents.push(this[i].parentnode); } else { parents.push(this[i].parentnode); } } } return $(parents); } function parents(selector) { const parents = []; // eslint-disable-line for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { let parent = this[i].parentnode; // eslint-disable-line while (parent) { if (selector) { if ($(parent).is(selector)) parents.push(parent); } else { parents.push(parent); } parent = parent.parentnode; } } return $(parents); } function closest(selector) { let closest = this; // eslint-disable-line if (typeof selector === 'undefined') { return $([]); } if (!closest.is(selector)) { closest = closest.parents(selector).eq(0); } return closest; } function find(selector) { const foundelements = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { const found = this[i].queryselectorall(selector); for (let j = 0; j < found.length; j += 1) { foundelements.push(found[j]); } } return $(foundelements); } function children(selector) { const children = []; // eslint-disable-line for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { const childnodes = this[i].children; for (let j = 0; j < childnodes.length; j += 1) { if (!selector || $(childnodes[j]).is(selector)) { children.push(childnodes[j]); } } } return $(children); } function remove() { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { if (this[i].parentnode) this[i].parentnode.removechild(this[i]); } return this; } const methods = { addclass, removeclass, hasclass, toggleclass, attr, removeattr, transform, transition: transition$1, on, off, trigger, transitionend: transitionend$1, outerwidth, outerheight, styles, offset, css, each, html, text, is, index, eq, append, prepend, next, nextall, prev, prevall, parent, parents, closest, find, children, filter, remove }; object.keys(methods).foreach(methodname => { object.defineproperty($.fn, methodname, { value: methods[methodname], writable: true }); }); function deleteprops(obj) { const object = obj; object.keys(object).foreach(key => { try { object[key] = null; } catch (e) {// no getter for object } try { delete object[key]; } catch (e) {// something got wrong } }); } function nexttick(callback, delay) { if (delay === void 0) { delay = 0; } return settimeout(callback, delay); } function now() { return date.now(); } function getcomputedstyle$1(el) { const window = getwindow(); let style; if (window.getcomputedstyle) { style = window.getcomputedstyle(el, null); } if (!style && el.currentstyle) { style = el.currentstyle; } if (!style) { style = el.style; } return style; } function gettranslate(el, axis) { if (axis === void 0) { axis = 'x'; } const window = getwindow(); let matrix; let curtransform; let transformmatrix; const curstyle = getcomputedstyle$1(el); if (window.webkitcssmatrix) { curtransform = curstyle.transform || curstyle.webkittransform; if (curtransform.split(',').length > 6) { curtransform = curtransform.split(', ').map(a => a.replace(',', '.')).join(', '); } // some old versions of webkit choke when 'none' is passed; pass // empty string instead in this case transformmatrix = new window.webkitcssmatrix(curtransform === 'none' ? '' : curtransform); } else { transformmatrix = curstyle.moztransform || curstyle.otransform || curstyle.mstransform || curstyle.mstransform || curstyle.transform || curstyle.getpropertyvalue('transform').replace('translate(', 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1,'); matrix = transformmatrix.tostring().split(','); } if (axis === 'x') { // latest chrome and webkits fix if (window.webkitcssmatrix) curtransform = transformmatrix.m41; // crazy ie10 matrix else if (matrix.length === 16) curtransform = parsefloat(matrix[12]); // normal browsers else curtransform = parsefloat(matrix[4]); } if (axis === 'y') { // latest chrome and webkits fix if (window.webkitcssmatrix) curtransform = transformmatrix.m42; // crazy ie10 matrix else if (matrix.length === 16) curtransform = parsefloat(matrix[13]); // normal browsers else curtransform = parsefloat(matrix[5]); } return curtransform || 0; } function isobject(o) { return typeof o === 'object' && o !== null && o.constructor && object.prototype.tostring.call(o).slice(8, -1) === 'object'; } function isnode(node) { // eslint-disable-next-line if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.htmlelement !== 'undefined') { return node instanceof htmlelement; } return node && (node.nodetype === 1 || node.nodetype === 11); } function extend() { const to = object(arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0]); const noextend = ['__proto__', 'constructor', 'prototype']; for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 1) { const nextsource = i < 0 || arguments.length <= i ? undefined : arguments[i]; if (nextsource !== undefined && nextsource !== null && !isnode(nextsource)) { const keysarray = object.keys(object(nextsource)).filter(key => noextend.indexof(key) < 0); for (let nextindex = 0, len = keysarray.length; nextindex < len; nextindex += 1) { const nextkey = keysarray[nextindex]; const desc = object.getownpropertydescriptor(nextsource, nextkey); if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable) { if (isobject(to[nextkey]) && isobject(nextsource[nextkey])) { if (nextsource[nextkey].__swiper__) { to[nextkey] = nextsource[nextkey]; } else { extend(to[nextkey], nextsource[nextkey]); } } else if (!isobject(to[nextkey]) && isobject(nextsource[nextkey])) { to[nextkey] = {}; if (nextsource[nextkey].__swiper__) { to[nextkey] = nextsource[nextkey]; } else { extend(to[nextkey], nextsource[nextkey]); } } else { to[nextkey] = nextsource[nextkey]; } } } } } return to; } function setcssproperty(el, varname, varvalue) { el.style.setproperty(varname, varvalue); } function animatecssmodescroll(_ref) { let { swiper, targetposition, side } = _ref; const window = getwindow(); const startposition = -swiper.translate; let starttime = null; let time; const duration = swiper.params.speed; swiper.wrapperel.style.scrollsnaptype = 'none'; window.cancelanimationframe(swiper.cssmodeframeid); const dir = targetposition > startposition ? 'next' : 'prev'; const isoutofbound = (current, target) => { return dir === 'next' && current >= target || dir === 'prev' && current <= target; }; const animate = () => { time = new date().gettime(); if (starttime === null) { starttime = time; } const progress = math.max(math.min((time - starttime) / duration, 1), 0); const easeprogress = 0.5 - math.cos(progress * math.pi) / 2; let currentposition = startposition + easeprogress * (targetposition - startposition); if (isoutofbound(currentposition, targetposition)) { currentposition = targetposition; } swiper.wrapperel.scrollto({ [side]: currentposition }); if (isoutofbound(currentposition, targetposition)) { swiper.wrapperel.style.overflow = 'hidden'; swiper.wrapperel.style.scrollsnaptype = ''; settimeout(() => { swiper.wrapperel.style.overflow = ''; swiper.wrapperel.scrollto({ [side]: currentposition }); }); window.cancelanimationframe(swiper.cssmodeframeid); return; } swiper.cssmodeframeid = window.requestanimationframe(animate); }; animate(); } let support; function calcsupport() { const window = getwindow(); const document = getdocument(); return { smoothscroll: document.documentelement && 'scrollbehavior' in document.documentelement.style, touch: !!('ontouchstart' in window || window.documenttouch && document instanceof window.documenttouch), passivelistener: function checkpassivelistener() { let supportspassive = false; try { const opts = object.defineproperty({}, 'passive', { // eslint-disable-next-line get() { supportspassive = true; } }); window.addeventlistener('testpassivelistener', null, opts); } catch (e) {// no support } return supportspassive; }(), gestures: function checkgestures() { return 'ongesturestart' in window; }() }; } function getsupport() { if (!support) { support = calcsupport(); } return support; } let devicecached; function calcdevice(_temp) { let { useragent } = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp; const support = getsupport(); const window = getwindow(); const platform = window.navigator.platform; const ua = useragent || window.navigator.useragent; const device = { ios: false, android: false }; const screenwidth = window.screen.width; const screenheight = window.screen.height; const android = ua.match(/(android);?[\s\/]+([\d.]+)?/); // eslint-disable-line let ipad = ua.match(/(ipad).*os\s([\d_]+)/); const ipod = ua.match(/(ipod)(.*os\s([\d_]+))?/); const iphone = !ipad && ua.match(/(iphone\sos|ios)\s([\d_]+)/); const windows = platform === 'win32'; let macos = platform === 'macintel'; // ipados 13 fix const ipadscreens = ['1024x1366', '1366x1024', '834x1194', '1194x834', '834x1112', '1112x834', '768x1024', '1024x768', '820x1180', '1180x820', '810x1080', '1080x810']; if (!ipad && macos && support.touch && ipadscreens.indexof(`${screenwidth}x${screenheight}`) >= 0) { ipad = ua.match(/(version)\/([\d.]+)/); if (!ipad) ipad = [0, 1, '13_0_0']; macos = false; } // android if (android && !windows) { device.os = 'android'; device.android = true; } if (ipad || iphone || ipod) { device.os = 'ios'; device.ios = true; } // export object return device; } function getdevice(overrides) { if (overrides === void 0) { overrides = {}; } if (!devicecached) { devicecached = calcdevice(overrides); } return devicecached; } let browser; function calcbrowser() { const window = getwindow(); function issafari() { const ua = window.navigator.useragent.tolowercase(); return ua.indexof('safari') >= 0 && ua.indexof('chrome') < 0 && ua.indexof('android') < 0; } return { issafari: issafari(), iswebview: /(iphone|ipod|ipad).*applewebkit(?!.*safari)/i.test(window.navigator.useragent) }; } function getbrowser() { if (!browser) { browser = calcbrowser(); } return browser; } function resize(_ref) { let { swiper, on, emit } = _ref; const window = getwindow(); let observer = null; let animationframe = null; const resizehandler = () => { if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.initialized) return; emit('beforeresize'); emit('resize'); }; const createobserver = () => { if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.initialized) return; observer = new resizeobserver(entries => { animationframe = window.requestanimationframe(() => { const { width, height } = swiper; let newwidth = width; let newheight = height; entries.foreach(_ref2 => { let { contentboxsize, contentrect, target } = _ref2; if (target && target !== swiper.el) return; newwidth = contentrect ? contentrect.width : (contentboxsize[0] || contentboxsize).inlinesize; newheight = contentrect ? contentrect.height : (contentboxsize[0] || contentboxsize).blocksize; }); if (newwidth !== width || newheight !== height) { resizehandler(); } }); }); observer.observe(swiper.el); }; const removeobserver = () => { if (animationframe) { window.cancelanimationframe(animationframe); } if (observer && observer.unobserve && swiper.el) { observer.unobserve(swiper.el); observer = null; } }; const orientationchangehandler = () => { if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.initialized) return; emit('orientationchange'); }; on('init', () => { if (swiper.params.resizeobserver && typeof window.resizeobserver !== 'undefined') { createobserver(); return; } window.addeventlistener('resize', resizehandler); window.addeventlistener('orientationchange', orientationchangehandler); }); on('destroy', () => { removeobserver(); window.removeeventlistener('resize', resizehandler); window.removeeventlistener('orientationchange', orientationchangehandler); }); } function observer(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on, emit } = _ref; const observers = []; const window = getwindow(); const attach = function (target, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } const observerfunc = window.mutationobserver || window.webkitmutationobserver; const observer = new observerfunc(mutations => { // the observerupdate event should only be triggered // once despite the number of mutations. additional // triggers are redundant and are very costly if (mutations.length === 1) { emit('observerupdate', mutations[0]); return; } const observerupdate = function observerupdate() { emit('observerupdate', mutations[0]); }; if (window.requestanimationframe) { window.requestanimationframe(observerupdate); } else { window.settimeout(observerupdate, 0); } }); observer.observe(target, { attributes: typeof options.attributes === 'undefined' ? true : options.attributes, childlist: typeof options.childlist === 'undefined' ? true : options.childlist, characterdata: typeof options.characterdata === 'undefined' ? true : options.characterdata }); observers.push(observer); }; const init = () => { if (!swiper.params.observer) return; if (swiper.params.observeparents) { const containerparents = swiper.$el.parents(); for (let i = 0; i < containerparents.length; i += 1) { attach(containerparents[i]); } } // observe container attach(swiper.$el[0], { childlist: swiper.params.observeslidechildren }); // observe wrapper attach(swiper.$wrapperel[0], { attributes: false }); }; const destroy = () => { observers.foreach(observer => { observer.disconnect(); }); observers.splice(0, observers.length); }; extendparams({ observer: false, observeparents: false, observeslidechildren: false }); on('init', init); on('destroy', destroy); } /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ var eventsemitter = { on(events, handler, priority) { const self = this; if (!self.eventslisteners || self.destroyed) return self; if (typeof handler !== 'function') return self; const method = priority ? 'unshift' : 'push'; events.split(' ').foreach(event => { if (!self.eventslisteners[event]) self.eventslisteners[event] = []; self.eventslisteners[event][method](handler); }); return self; }, once(events, handler, priority) { const self = this; if (!self.eventslisteners || self.destroyed) return self; if (typeof handler !== 'function') return self; function oncehandler() { self.off(events, oncehandler); if (oncehandler.__emitterproxy) { delete oncehandler.__emitterproxy; } for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } handler.apply(self, args); } oncehandler.__emitterproxy = handler; return self.on(events, oncehandler, priority); }, onany(handler, priority) { const self = this; if (!self.eventslisteners || self.destroyed) return self; if (typeof handler !== 'function') return self; const method = priority ? 'unshift' : 'push'; if (self.eventsanylisteners.indexof(handler) < 0) { self.eventsanylisteners[method](handler); } return self; }, offany(handler) { const self = this; if (!self.eventslisteners || self.destroyed) return self; if (!self.eventsanylisteners) return self; const index = self.eventsanylisteners.indexof(handler); if (index >= 0) { self.eventsanylisteners.splice(index, 1); } return self; }, off(events, handler) { const self = this; if (!self.eventslisteners || self.destroyed) return self; if (!self.eventslisteners) return self; events.split(' ').foreach(event => { if (typeof handler === 'undefined') { self.eventslisteners[event] = []; } else if (self.eventslisteners[event]) { self.eventslisteners[event].foreach((eventhandler, index) => { if (eventhandler === handler || eventhandler.__emitterproxy && eventhandler.__emitterproxy === handler) { self.eventslisteners[event].splice(index, 1); } }); } }); return self; }, emit() { const self = this; if (!self.eventslisteners || self.destroyed) return self; if (!self.eventslisteners) return self; let events; let data; let context; for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { args[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } if (typeof args[0] === 'string' || array.isarray(args[0])) { events = args[0]; data = args.slice(1, args.length); context = self; } else { events = args[0].events; data = args[0].data; context = args[0].context || self; } data.unshift(context); const eventsarray = array.isarray(events) ? events : events.split(' '); eventsarray.foreach(event => { if (self.eventsanylisteners && self.eventsanylisteners.length) { self.eventsanylisteners.foreach(eventhandler => { eventhandler.apply(context, [event, ...data]); }); } if (self.eventslisteners && self.eventslisteners[event]) { self.eventslisteners[event].foreach(eventhandler => { eventhandler.apply(context, data); }); } }); return self; } }; function updatesize() { const swiper = this; let width; let height; const $el = swiper.$el; if (typeof swiper.params.width !== 'undefined' && swiper.params.width !== null) { width = swiper.params.width; } else { width = $el[0].clientwidth; } if (typeof swiper.params.height !== 'undefined' && swiper.params.height !== null) { height = swiper.params.height; } else { height = $el[0].clientheight; } if (width === 0 && swiper.ishorizontal() || height === 0 && swiper.isvertical()) { return; } // subtract paddings width = width - parseint($el.css('padding-left') || 0, 10) - parseint($el.css('padding-right') || 0, 10); height = height - parseint($el.css('padding-top') || 0, 10) - parseint($el.css('padding-bottom') || 0, 10); if (number.isnan(width)) width = 0; if (number.isnan(height)) height = 0; object.assign(swiper, { width, height, size: swiper.ishorizontal() ? width : height }); } function updateslides() { const swiper = this; function getdirectionlabel(property) { if (swiper.ishorizontal()) { return property; } // prettier-ignore return { 'width': 'height', 'margin-top': 'margin-left', 'margin-bottom ': 'margin-right', 'margin-left': 'margin-top', 'margin-right': 'margin-bottom', 'padding-left': 'padding-top', 'padding-right': 'padding-bottom', 'marginright': 'marginbottom' }[property]; } function getdirectionpropertyvalue(node, label) { return parsefloat(node.getpropertyvalue(getdirectionlabel(label)) || 0); } const params = swiper.params; const { $wrapperel, size: swipersize, rtltranslate: rtl, wrongrtl } = swiper; const isvirtual = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled; const previousslideslength = isvirtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : swiper.slides.length; const slides = $wrapperel.children(`.${swiper.params.slideclass}`); const slideslength = isvirtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : slides.length; let snapgrid = []; const slidesgrid = []; const slidessizesgrid = []; let offsetbefore = params.slidesoffsetbefore; if (typeof offsetbefore === 'function') { offsetbefore = params.slidesoffsetbefore.call(swiper); } let offsetafter = params.slidesoffsetafter; if (typeof offsetafter === 'function') { offsetafter = params.slidesoffsetafter.call(swiper); } const previoussnapgridlength = swiper.snapgrid.length; const previousslidesgridlength = swiper.slidesgrid.length; let spacebetween = params.spacebetween; let slideposition = -offsetbefore; let prevslidesize = 0; let index = 0; if (typeof swipersize === 'undefined') { return; } if (typeof spacebetween === 'string' && spacebetween.indexof('%') >= 0) { spacebetween = parsefloat(spacebetween.replace('%', '')) / 100 * swipersize; } swiper.virtualsize = -spacebetween; // reset margins if (rtl) slides.css({ marginleft: '', marginbottom: '', margintop: '' });else slides.css({ marginright: '', marginbottom: '', margintop: '' }); // reset cssmode offsets if (params.centeredslides && params.cssmode) { setcssproperty(swiper.wrapperel, '--swiper-centered-offset-before', ''); setcssproperty(swiper.wrapperel, '--swiper-centered-offset-after', ''); } const gridenabled = params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1 && swiper.grid; if (gridenabled) { swiper.grid.initslides(slideslength); } // calc slides let slidesize; const shouldresetslidesize = params.slidesperview === 'auto' && params.breakpoints && object.keys(params.breakpoints).filter(key => { return typeof params.breakpoints[key].slidesperview !== 'undefined'; }).length > 0; for (let i = 0; i < slideslength; i += 1) { slidesize = 0; const slide = slides.eq(i); if (gridenabled) { swiper.grid.updateslide(i, slide, slideslength, getdirectionlabel); } if (slide.css('display') === 'none') continue; // eslint-disable-line if (params.slidesperview === 'auto') { if (shouldresetslidesize) { slides[i].style[getdirectionlabel('width')] = ``; } const slidestyles = getcomputedstyle(slide[0]); const currenttransform = slide[0].style.transform; const currentwebkittransform = slide[0].style.webkittransform; if (currenttransform) { slide[0].style.transform = 'none'; } if (currentwebkittransform) { slide[0].style.webkittransform = 'none'; } if (params.roundlengths) { slidesize = swiper.ishorizontal() ? slide.outerwidth(true) : slide.outerheight(true); } else { // eslint-disable-next-line const width = getdirectionpropertyvalue(slidestyles, 'width'); const paddingleft = getdirectionpropertyvalue(slidestyles, 'padding-left'); const paddingright = getdirectionpropertyvalue(slidestyles, 'padding-right'); const marginleft = getdirectionpropertyvalue(slidestyles, 'margin-left'); const marginright = getdirectionpropertyvalue(slidestyles, 'margin-right'); const boxsizing = slidestyles.getpropertyvalue('box-sizing'); if (boxsizing && boxsizing === 'border-box') { slidesize = width + marginleft + marginright; } else { const { clientwidth, offsetwidth } = slide[0]; slidesize = width + paddingleft + paddingright + marginleft + marginright + (offsetwidth - clientwidth); } } if (currenttransform) { slide[0].style.transform = currenttransform; } if (currentwebkittransform) { slide[0].style.webkittransform = currentwebkittransform; } if (params.roundlengths) slidesize = math.floor(slidesize); } else { slidesize = (swipersize - (params.slidesperview - 1) * spacebetween) / params.slidesperview; if (params.roundlengths) slidesize = math.floor(slidesize); if (slides[i]) { slides[i].style[getdirectionlabel('width')] = `${slidesize}px`; } } if (slides[i]) { slides[i].swiperslidesize = slidesize; } slidessizesgrid.push(slidesize); if (params.centeredslides) { slideposition = slideposition + slidesize / 2 + prevslidesize / 2 + spacebetween; if (prevslidesize === 0 && i !== 0) slideposition = slideposition - swipersize / 2 - spacebetween; if (i === 0) slideposition = slideposition - swipersize / 2 - spacebetween; if (math.abs(slideposition) < 1 / 1000) slideposition = 0; if (params.roundlengths) slideposition = math.floor(slideposition); if (index % params.slidespergroup === 0) snapgrid.push(slideposition); slidesgrid.push(slideposition); } else { if (params.roundlengths) slideposition = math.floor(slideposition); if ((index - math.min(swiper.params.slidespergroupskip, index)) % swiper.params.slidespergroup === 0) snapgrid.push(slideposition); slidesgrid.push(slideposition); slideposition = slideposition + slidesize + spacebetween; } swiper.virtualsize += slidesize + spacebetween; prevslidesize = slidesize; index += 1; } swiper.virtualsize = math.max(swiper.virtualsize, swipersize) + offsetafter; if (rtl && wrongrtl && (params.effect === 'slide' || params.effect === 'coverflow')) { $wrapperel.css({ width: `${swiper.virtualsize + params.spacebetween}px` }); } if (params.setwrappersize) { $wrapperel.css({ [getdirectionlabel('width')]: `${swiper.virtualsize + params.spacebetween}px` }); } if (gridenabled) { swiper.grid.updatewrappersize(slidesize, snapgrid, getdirectionlabel); } // remove last grid elements depending on width if (!params.centeredslides) { const newslidesgrid = []; for (let i = 0; i < snapgrid.length; i += 1) { let slidesgriditem = snapgrid[i]; if (params.roundlengths) slidesgriditem = math.floor(slidesgriditem); if (snapgrid[i] <= swiper.virtualsize - swipersize) { newslidesgrid.push(slidesgriditem); } } snapgrid = newslidesgrid; if (math.floor(swiper.virtualsize - swipersize) - math.floor(snapgrid[snapgrid.length - 1]) > 1) { snapgrid.push(swiper.virtualsize - swipersize); } } if (snapgrid.length === 0) snapgrid = [0]; if (params.spacebetween !== 0) { const key = swiper.ishorizontal() && rtl ? 'marginleft' : getdirectionlabel('marginright'); slides.filter((_, slideindex) => { if (!params.cssmode) return true; if (slideindex === slides.length - 1) { return false; } return true; }).css({ [key]: `${spacebetween}px` }); } if (params.centeredslides && params.centeredslidesbounds) { let allslidessize = 0; slidessizesgrid.foreach(slidesizevalue => { allslidessize += slidesizevalue + (params.spacebetween ? params.spacebetween : 0); }); allslidessize -= params.spacebetween; const maxsnap = allslidessize - swipersize; snapgrid = snapgrid.map(snap => { if (snap < 0) return -offsetbefore; if (snap > maxsnap) return maxsnap + offsetafter; return snap; }); } if (params.centerinsufficientslides) { let allslidessize = 0; slidessizesgrid.foreach(slidesizevalue => { allslidessize += slidesizevalue + (params.spacebetween ? params.spacebetween : 0); }); allslidessize -= params.spacebetween; if (allslidessize < swipersize) { const allslidesoffset = (swipersize - allslidessize) / 2; snapgrid.foreach((snap, snapindex) => { snapgrid[snapindex] = snap - allslidesoffset; }); slidesgrid.foreach((snap, snapindex) => { slidesgrid[snapindex] = snap + allslidesoffset; }); } } object.assign(swiper, { slides, snapgrid, slidesgrid, slidessizesgrid }); if (params.centeredslides && params.cssmode && !params.centeredslidesbounds) { setcssproperty(swiper.wrapperel, '--swiper-centered-offset-before', `${-snapgrid[0]}px`); setcssproperty(swiper.wrapperel, '--swiper-centered-offset-after', `${swiper.size / 2 - slidessizesgrid[slidessizesgrid.length - 1] / 2}px`); const addtosnapgrid = -swiper.snapgrid[0]; const addtoslidesgrid = -swiper.slidesgrid[0]; swiper.snapgrid = swiper.snapgrid.map(v => v + addtosnapgrid); swiper.slidesgrid = swiper.slidesgrid.map(v => v + addtoslidesgrid); } if (slideslength !== previousslideslength) { swiper.emit('slideslengthchange'); } if (snapgrid.length !== previoussnapgridlength) { if (swiper.params.watchoverflow) swiper.checkoverflow(); swiper.emit('snapgridlengthchange'); } if (slidesgrid.length !== previousslidesgridlength) { swiper.emit('slidesgridlengthchange'); } if (params.watchslidesprogress) { swiper.updateslidesoffset(); } if (!isvirtual && !params.cssmode && (params.effect === 'slide' || params.effect === 'fade')) { const backfacehiddenclass = `${params.containermodifierclass}backface-hidden`; const hasclassbackfaceclassadded = swiper.$el.hasclass(backfacehiddenclass); if (slideslength <= params.maxbackfacehiddenslides) { if (!hasclassbackfaceclassadded) swiper.$el.addclass(backfacehiddenclass); } else if (hasclassbackfaceclassadded) { swiper.$el.removeclass(backfacehiddenclass); } } } function updateautoheight(speed) { const swiper = this; const activeslides = []; const isvirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled; let newheight = 0; let i; if (typeof speed === 'number') { swiper.settransition(speed); } else if (speed === true) { swiper.settransition(swiper.params.speed); } const getslidebyindex = index => { if (isvirtual) { return swiper.slides.filter(el => parseint(el.getattribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10) === index)[0]; } return swiper.slides.eq(index)[0]; }; // find slides currently in view if (swiper.params.slidesperview !== 'auto' && swiper.params.slidesperview > 1) { if (swiper.params.centeredslides) { (swiper.visibleslides || $([])).each(slide => { activeslides.push(slide); }); } else { for (i = 0; i < math.ceil(swiper.params.slidesperview); i += 1) { const index = swiper.activeindex + i; if (index > swiper.slides.length && !isvirtual) break; activeslides.push(getslidebyindex(index)); } } } else { activeslides.push(getslidebyindex(swiper.activeindex)); } // find new height from highest slide in view for (i = 0; i < activeslides.length; i += 1) { if (typeof activeslides[i] !== 'undefined') { const height = activeslides[i].offsetheight; newheight = height > newheight ? height : newheight; } } // update height if (newheight || newheight === 0) swiper.$wrapperel.css('height', `${newheight}px`); } function updateslidesoffset() { const swiper = this; const slides = swiper.slides; for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { slides[i].swiperslideoffset = swiper.ishorizontal() ? slides[i].offsetleft : slides[i].offsettop; } } function updateslidesprogress(translate) { if (translate === void 0) { translate = this && this.translate || 0; } const swiper = this; const params = swiper.params; const { slides, rtltranslate: rtl, snapgrid } = swiper; if (slides.length === 0) return; if (typeof slides[0].swiperslideoffset === 'undefined') swiper.updateslidesoffset(); let offsetcenter = -translate; if (rtl) offsetcenter = translate; // visible slides slides.removeclass(params.slidevisibleclass); swiper.visibleslidesindexes = []; swiper.visibleslides = []; for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { const slide = slides[i]; let slideoffset = slide.swiperslideoffset; if (params.cssmode && params.centeredslides) { slideoffset -= slides[0].swiperslideoffset; } const slideprogress = (offsetcenter + (params.centeredslides ? swiper.mintranslate() : 0) - slideoffset) / (slide.swiperslidesize + params.spacebetween); const originalslideprogress = (offsetcenter - snapgrid[0] + (params.centeredslides ? swiper.mintranslate() : 0) - slideoffset) / (slide.swiperslidesize + params.spacebetween); const slidebefore = -(offsetcenter - slideoffset); const slideafter = slidebefore + swiper.slidessizesgrid[i]; const isvisible = slidebefore >= 0 && slidebefore < swiper.size - 1 || slideafter > 1 && slideafter <= swiper.size || slidebefore <= 0 && slideafter >= swiper.size; if (isvisible) { swiper.visibleslides.push(slide); swiper.visibleslidesindexes.push(i); slides.eq(i).addclass(params.slidevisibleclass); } slide.progress = rtl ? -slideprogress : slideprogress; slide.originalprogress = rtl ? -originalslideprogress : originalslideprogress; } swiper.visibleslides = $(swiper.visibleslides); } function updateprogress(translate) { const swiper = this; if (typeof translate === 'undefined') { const multiplier = swiper.rtltranslate ? -1 : 1; // eslint-disable-next-line translate = swiper && swiper.translate && swiper.translate * multiplier || 0; } const params = swiper.params; const translatesdiff = swiper.maxtranslate() - swiper.mintranslate(); let { progress, isbeginning, isend } = swiper; const wasbeginning = isbeginning; const wasend = isend; if (translatesdiff === 0) { progress = 0; isbeginning = true; isend = true; } else { progress = (translate - swiper.mintranslate()) / translatesdiff; isbeginning = progress <= 0; isend = progress >= 1; } object.assign(swiper, { progress, isbeginning, isend }); if (params.watchslidesprogress || params.centeredslides && params.autoheight) swiper.updateslidesprogress(translate); if (isbeginning && !wasbeginning) { swiper.emit('reachbeginning toedge'); } if (isend && !wasend) { swiper.emit('reachend toedge'); } if (wasbeginning && !isbeginning || wasend && !isend) { swiper.emit('fromedge'); } swiper.emit('progress', progress); } function updateslidesclasses() { const swiper = this; const { slides, params, $wrapperel, activeindex, realindex } = swiper; const isvirtual = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled; slides.removeclass(`${params.slideactiveclass} ${params.slidenextclass} ${params.slideprevclass} ${params.slideduplicateactiveclass} ${params.slideduplicatenextclass} ${params.slideduplicateprevclass}`); let activeslide; if (isvirtual) { activeslide = swiper.$wrapperel.find(`.${params.slideclass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${activeindex}"]`); } else { activeslide = slides.eq(activeindex); } // active classes activeslide.addclass(params.slideactiveclass); if (params.loop) { // duplicate to all looped slides if (activeslide.hasclass(params.slideduplicateclass)) { $wrapperel.children(`.${params.slideclass}:not(.${params.slideduplicateclass})[data-swiper-slide-index="${realindex}"]`).addclass(params.slideduplicateactiveclass); } else { $wrapperel.children(`.${params.slideclass}.${params.slideduplicateclass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${realindex}"]`).addclass(params.slideduplicateactiveclass); } } // next slide let nextslide = activeslide.nextall(`.${params.slideclass}`).eq(0).addclass(params.slidenextclass); if (params.loop && nextslide.length === 0) { nextslide = slides.eq(0); nextslide.addclass(params.slidenextclass); } // prev slide let prevslide = activeslide.prevall(`.${params.slideclass}`).eq(0).addclass(params.slideprevclass); if (params.loop && prevslide.length === 0) { prevslide = slides.eq(-1); prevslide.addclass(params.slideprevclass); } if (params.loop) { // duplicate to all looped slides if (nextslide.hasclass(params.slideduplicateclass)) { $wrapperel.children(`.${params.slideclass}:not(.${params.slideduplicateclass})[data-swiper-slide-index="${nextslide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index')}"]`).addclass(params.slideduplicatenextclass); } else { $wrapperel.children(`.${params.slideclass}.${params.slideduplicateclass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${nextslide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index')}"]`).addclass(params.slideduplicatenextclass); } if (prevslide.hasclass(params.slideduplicateclass)) { $wrapperel.children(`.${params.slideclass}:not(.${params.slideduplicateclass})[data-swiper-slide-index="${prevslide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index')}"]`).addclass(params.slideduplicateprevclass); } else { $wrapperel.children(`.${params.slideclass}.${params.slideduplicateclass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${prevslide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index')}"]`).addclass(params.slideduplicateprevclass); } } swiper.emitslidesclasses(); } function updateactiveindex(newactiveindex) { const swiper = this; const translate = swiper.rtltranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate; const { slidesgrid, snapgrid, params, activeindex: previousindex, realindex: previousrealindex, snapindex: previoussnapindex } = swiper; let activeindex = newactiveindex; let snapindex; if (typeof activeindex === 'undefined') { for (let i = 0; i < slidesgrid.length; i += 1) { if (typeof slidesgrid[i + 1] !== 'undefined') { if (translate >= slidesgrid[i] && translate < slidesgrid[i + 1] - (slidesgrid[i + 1] - slidesgrid[i]) / 2) { activeindex = i; } else if (translate >= slidesgrid[i] && translate < slidesgrid[i + 1]) { activeindex = i + 1; } } else if (translate >= slidesgrid[i]) { activeindex = i; } } // normalize slideindex if (params.normalizeslideindex) { if (activeindex < 0 || typeof activeindex === 'undefined') activeindex = 0; } } if (snapgrid.indexof(translate) >= 0) { snapindex = snapgrid.indexof(translate); } else { const skip = math.min(params.slidespergroupskip, activeindex); snapindex = skip + math.floor((activeindex - skip) / params.slidespergroup); } if (snapindex >= snapgrid.length) snapindex = snapgrid.length - 1; if (activeindex === previousindex) { if (snapindex !== previoussnapindex) { swiper.snapindex = snapindex; swiper.emit('snapindexchange'); } return; } // get real index const realindex = parseint(swiper.slides.eq(activeindex).attr('data-swiper-slide-index') || activeindex, 10); object.assign(swiper, { snapindex, realindex, previousindex, activeindex }); swiper.emit('activeindexchange'); swiper.emit('snapindexchange'); if (previousrealindex !== realindex) { swiper.emit('realindexchange'); } if (swiper.initialized || swiper.params.runcallbacksoninit) { swiper.emit('slidechange'); } } function updateclickedslide(e) { const swiper = this; const params = swiper.params; const slide = $(e).closest(`.${params.slideclass}`)[0]; let slidefound = false; let slideindex; if (slide) { for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i += 1) { if (swiper.slides[i] === slide) { slidefound = true; slideindex = i; break; } } } if (slide && slidefound) { swiper.clickedslide = slide; if (swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) { swiper.clickedindex = parseint($(slide).attr('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10); } else { swiper.clickedindex = slideindex; } } else { swiper.clickedslide = undefined; swiper.clickedindex = undefined; return; } if (params.slidetoclickedslide && swiper.clickedindex !== undefined && swiper.clickedindex !== swiper.activeindex) { swiper.slidetoclickedslide(); } } var update = { updatesize, updateslides, updateautoheight, updateslidesoffset, updateslidesprogress, updateprogress, updateslidesclasses, updateactiveindex, updateclickedslide }; function getswipertranslate(axis) { if (axis === void 0) { axis = this.ishorizontal() ? 'x' : 'y'; } const swiper = this; const { params, rtltranslate: rtl, translate, $wrapperel } = swiper; if (params.virtualtranslate) { return rtl ? -translate : translate; } if (params.cssmode) { return translate; } let currenttranslate = gettranslate($wrapperel[0], axis); if (rtl) currenttranslate = -currenttranslate; return currenttranslate || 0; } function settranslate(translate, bycontroller) { const swiper = this; const { rtltranslate: rtl, params, $wrapperel, wrapperel, progress } = swiper; let x = 0; let y = 0; const z = 0; if (swiper.ishorizontal()) { x = rtl ? -translate : translate; } else { y = translate; } if (params.roundlengths) { x = math.floor(x); y = math.floor(y); } if (params.cssmode) { wrapperel[swiper.ishorizontal() ? 'scrollleft' : 'scrolltop'] = swiper.ishorizontal() ? -x : -y; } else if (!params.virtualtranslate) { $wrapperel.transform(`translate3d(${x}px, ${y}px, ${z}px)`); } swiper.previoustranslate = swiper.translate; swiper.translate = swiper.ishorizontal() ? x : y; // check if we need to update progress let newprogress; const translatesdiff = swiper.maxtranslate() - swiper.mintranslate(); if (translatesdiff === 0) { newprogress = 0; } else { newprogress = (translate - swiper.mintranslate()) / translatesdiff; } if (newprogress !== progress) { swiper.updateprogress(translate); } swiper.emit('settranslate', swiper.translate, bycontroller); } function mintranslate() { return -this.snapgrid[0]; } function maxtranslate() { return -this.snapgrid[this.snapgrid.length - 1]; } function translateto(translate, speed, runcallbacks, translatebounds, internal) { if (translate === void 0) { translate = 0; } if (speed === void 0) { speed = this.params.speed; } if (runcallbacks === void 0) { runcallbacks = true; } if (translatebounds === void 0) { translatebounds = true; } const swiper = this; const { params, wrapperel } = swiper; if (swiper.animating && params.preventinteractionontransition) { return false; } const mintranslate = swiper.mintranslate(); const maxtranslate = swiper.maxtranslate(); let newtranslate; if (translatebounds && translate > mintranslate) newtranslate = mintranslate;else if (translatebounds && translate < maxtranslate) newtranslate = maxtranslate;else newtranslate = translate; // update progress swiper.updateprogress(newtranslate); if (params.cssmode) { const ish = swiper.ishorizontal(); if (speed === 0) { wrapperel[ish ? 'scrollleft' : 'scrolltop'] = -newtranslate; } else { if (!swiper.support.smoothscroll) { animatecssmodescroll({ swiper, targetposition: -newtranslate, side: ish ? 'left' : 'top' }); return true; } wrapperel.scrollto({ [ish ? 'left' : 'top']: -newtranslate, behavior: 'smooth' }); } return true; } if (speed === 0) { swiper.settransition(0); swiper.settranslate(newtranslate); if (runcallbacks) { swiper.emit('beforetransitionstart', speed, internal); swiper.emit('transitionend'); } } else { swiper.settransition(speed); swiper.settranslate(newtranslate); if (runcallbacks) { swiper.emit('beforetransitionstart', speed, internal); swiper.emit('transitionstart'); } if (!swiper.animating) { swiper.animating = true; if (!swiper.ontranslatetowrappertransitionend) { swiper.ontranslatetowrappertransitionend = function transitionend(e) { if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return; if (e.target !== this) return; swiper.$wrapperel[0].removeeventlistener('transitionend', swiper.ontranslatetowrappertransitionend); swiper.$wrapperel[0].removeeventlistener('webkittransitionend', swiper.ontranslatetowrappertransitionend); swiper.ontranslatetowrappertransitionend = null; delete swiper.ontranslatetowrappertransitionend; if (runcallbacks) { swiper.emit('transitionend'); } }; } swiper.$wrapperel[0].addeventlistener('transitionend', swiper.ontranslatetowrappertransitionend); swiper.$wrapperel[0].addeventlistener('webkittransitionend', swiper.ontranslatetowrappertransitionend); } } return true; } var translate = { gettranslate: getswipertranslate, settranslate, mintranslate, maxtranslate, translateto }; function settransition(duration, bycontroller) { const swiper = this; if (!swiper.params.cssmode) { swiper.$wrapperel.transition(duration); } swiper.emit('settransition', duration, bycontroller); } function transitionemit(_ref) { let { swiper, runcallbacks, direction, step } = _ref; const { activeindex, previousindex } = swiper; let dir = direction; if (!dir) { if (activeindex > previousindex) dir = 'next';else if (activeindex < previousindex) dir = 'prev';else dir = 'reset'; } swiper.emit(`transition${step}`); if (runcallbacks && activeindex !== previousindex) { if (dir === 'reset') { swiper.emit(`slideresettransition${step}`); return; } swiper.emit(`slidechangetransition${step}`); if (dir === 'next') { swiper.emit(`slidenexttransition${step}`); } else { swiper.emit(`slideprevtransition${step}`); } } } function transitionstart(runcallbacks, direction) { if (runcallbacks === void 0) { runcallbacks = true; } const swiper = this; const { params } = swiper; if (params.cssmode) return; if (params.autoheight) { swiper.updateautoheight(); } transitionemit({ swiper, runcallbacks, direction, step: 'start' }); } function transitionend(runcallbacks, direction) { if (runcallbacks === void 0) { runcallbacks = true; } const swiper = this; const { params } = swiper; swiper.animating = false; if (params.cssmode) return; swiper.settransition(0); transitionemit({ swiper, runcallbacks, direction, step: 'end' }); } var transition = { settransition, transitionstart, transitionend }; function slideto(index, speed, runcallbacks, internal, initial) { if (index === void 0) { index = 0; } if (speed === void 0) { speed = this.params.speed; } if (runcallbacks === void 0) { runcallbacks = true; } if (typeof index !== 'number' && typeof index !== 'string') { throw new error(`the 'index' argument cannot have type other than 'number' or 'string'. [${typeof index}] given.`); } if (typeof index === 'string') { /** * the `index` argument converted from `string` to `number`. * @type {number} */ const indexasnumber = parseint(index, 10); /** * determines whether the `index` argument is a valid `number` * after being converted from the `string` type. * @type {boolean} */ const isvalidnumber = isfinite(indexasnumber); if (!isvalidnumber) { throw new error(`the passed-in 'index' (string) couldn't be converted to 'number'. [${index}] given.`); } // knowing that the converted `index` is a valid number, // we can update the original argument's value. index = indexasnumber; } const swiper = this; let slideindex = index; if (slideindex < 0) slideindex = 0; const { params, snapgrid, slidesgrid, previousindex, activeindex, rtltranslate: rtl, wrapperel, enabled } = swiper; if (swiper.animating && params.preventinteractionontransition || !enabled && !internal && !initial) { return false; } const skip = math.min(swiper.params.slidespergroupskip, slideindex); let snapindex = skip + math.floor((slideindex - skip) / swiper.params.slidespergroup); if (snapindex >= snapgrid.length) snapindex = snapgrid.length - 1; if ((activeindex || params.initialslide || 0) === (previousindex || 0) && runcallbacks) { swiper.emit('beforeslidechangestart'); } const translate = -snapgrid[snapindex]; // update progress swiper.updateprogress(translate); // normalize slideindex if (params.normalizeslideindex) { for (let i = 0; i < slidesgrid.length; i += 1) { const normalizedtranslate = -math.floor(translate * 100); const normalizedgrid = math.floor(slidesgrid[i] * 100); const normalizedgridnext = math.floor(slidesgrid[i + 1] * 100); if (typeof slidesgrid[i + 1] !== 'undefined') { if (normalizedtranslate >= normalizedgrid && normalizedtranslate < normalizedgridnext - (normalizedgridnext - normalizedgrid) / 2) { slideindex = i; } else if (normalizedtranslate >= normalizedgrid && normalizedtranslate < normalizedgridnext) { slideindex = i + 1; } } else if (normalizedtranslate >= normalizedgrid) { slideindex = i; } } } // directions locks if (swiper.initialized && slideindex !== activeindex) { if (!swiper.allowslidenext && translate < swiper.translate && translate < swiper.mintranslate()) { return false; } if (!swiper.allowslideprev && translate > swiper.translate && translate > swiper.maxtranslate()) { if ((activeindex || 0) !== slideindex) return false; } } let direction; if (slideindex > activeindex) direction = 'next';else if (slideindex < activeindex) direction = 'prev';else direction = 'reset'; // update index if (rtl && -translate === swiper.translate || !rtl && translate === swiper.translate) { swiper.updateactiveindex(slideindex); // update height if (params.autoheight) { swiper.updateautoheight(); } swiper.updateslidesclasses(); if (params.effect !== 'slide') { swiper.settranslate(translate); } if (direction !== 'reset') { swiper.transitionstart(runcallbacks, direction); swiper.transitionend(runcallbacks, direction); } return false; } if (params.cssmode) { const ish = swiper.ishorizontal(); const t = rtl ? translate : -translate; if (speed === 0) { const isvirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled; if (isvirtual) { swiper.wrapperel.style.scrollsnaptype = 'none'; swiper._immediatevirtual = true; } wrapperel[ish ? 'scrollleft' : 'scrolltop'] = t; if (isvirtual) { requestanimationframe(() => { swiper.wrapperel.style.scrollsnaptype = ''; swiper._swiperimmediatevirtual = false; }); } } else { if (!swiper.support.smoothscroll) { animatecssmodescroll({ swiper, targetposition: t, side: ish ? 'left' : 'top' }); return true; } wrapperel.scrollto({ [ish ? 'left' : 'top']: t, behavior: 'smooth' }); } return true; } swiper.settransition(speed); swiper.settranslate(translate); swiper.updateactiveindex(slideindex); swiper.updateslidesclasses(); swiper.emit('beforetransitionstart', speed, internal); swiper.transitionstart(runcallbacks, direction); if (speed === 0) { swiper.transitionend(runcallbacks, direction); } else if (!swiper.animating) { swiper.animating = true; if (!swiper.onslidetowrappertransitionend) { swiper.onslidetowrappertransitionend = function transitionend(e) { if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return; if (e.target !== this) return; swiper.$wrapperel[0].removeeventlistener('transitionend', swiper.onslidetowrappertransitionend); swiper.$wrapperel[0].removeeventlistener('webkittransitionend', swiper.onslidetowrappertransitionend); swiper.onslidetowrappertransitionend = null; delete swiper.onslidetowrappertransitionend; swiper.transitionend(runcallbacks, direction); }; } swiper.$wrapperel[0].addeventlistener('transitionend', swiper.onslidetowrappertransitionend); swiper.$wrapperel[0].addeventlistener('webkittransitionend', swiper.onslidetowrappertransitionend); } return true; } function slidetoloop(index, speed, runcallbacks, internal) { if (index === void 0) { index = 0; } if (speed === void 0) { speed = this.params.speed; } if (runcallbacks === void 0) { runcallbacks = true; } if (typeof index === 'string') { /** * the `index` argument converted from `string` to `number`. * @type {number} */ const indexasnumber = parseint(index, 10); /** * determines whether the `index` argument is a valid `number` * after being converted from the `string` type. * @type {boolean} */ const isvalidnumber = isfinite(indexasnumber); if (!isvalidnumber) { throw new error(`the passed-in 'index' (string) couldn't be converted to 'number'. [${index}] given.`); } // knowing that the converted `index` is a valid number, // we can update the original argument's value. index = indexasnumber; } const swiper = this; let newindex = index; if (swiper.params.loop) { newindex += swiper.loopedslides; } return swiper.slideto(newindex, speed, runcallbacks, internal); } /* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */ function slidenext(speed, runcallbacks, internal) { if (speed === void 0) { speed = this.params.speed; } if (runcallbacks === void 0) { runcallbacks = true; } const swiper = this; const { animating, enabled, params } = swiper; if (!enabled) return swiper; let pergroup = params.slidespergroup; if (params.slidesperview === 'auto' && params.slidespergroup === 1 && params.slidespergroupauto) { pergroup = math.max(swiper.slidesperviewdynamic('current', true), 1); } const increment = swiper.activeindex < params.slidespergroupskip ? 1 : pergroup; if (params.loop) { if (animating && params.looppreventsslide) return false; swiper.loopfix(); // eslint-disable-next-line swiper._clientleft = swiper.$wrapperel[0].clientleft; } if (params.rewind && swiper.isend) { return swiper.slideto(0, speed, runcallbacks, internal); } return swiper.slideto(swiper.activeindex + increment, speed, runcallbacks, internal); } /* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */ function slideprev(speed, runcallbacks, internal) { if (speed === void 0) { speed = this.params.speed; } if (runcallbacks === void 0) { runcallbacks = true; } const swiper = this; const { params, animating, snapgrid, slidesgrid, rtltranslate, enabled } = swiper; if (!enabled) return swiper; if (params.loop) { if (animating && params.looppreventsslide) return false; swiper.loopfix(); // eslint-disable-next-line swiper._clientleft = swiper.$wrapperel[0].clientleft; } const translate = rtltranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate; function normalize(val) { if (val < 0) return -math.floor(math.abs(val)); return math.floor(val); } const normalizedtranslate = normalize(translate); const normalizedsnapgrid = snapgrid.map(val => normalize(val)); let prevsnap = snapgrid[normalizedsnapgrid.indexof(normalizedtranslate) - 1]; if (typeof prevsnap === 'undefined' && params.cssmode) { let prevsnapindex; snapgrid.foreach((snap, snapindex) => { if (normalizedtranslate >= snap) { // prevsnap = snap; prevsnapindex = snapindex; } }); if (typeof prevsnapindex !== 'undefined') { prevsnap = snapgrid[prevsnapindex > 0 ? prevsnapindex - 1 : prevsnapindex]; } } let previndex = 0; if (typeof prevsnap !== 'undefined') { previndex = slidesgrid.indexof(prevsnap); if (previndex < 0) previndex = swiper.activeindex - 1; if (params.slidesperview === 'auto' && params.slidespergroup === 1 && params.slidespergroupauto) { previndex = previndex - swiper.slidesperviewdynamic('previous', true) + 1; previndex = math.max(previndex, 0); } } if (params.rewind && swiper.isbeginning) { const lastindex = swiper.params.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length - 1 : swiper.slides.length - 1; return swiper.slideto(lastindex, speed, runcallbacks, internal); } return swiper.slideto(previndex, speed, runcallbacks, internal); } /* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */ function slidereset(speed, runcallbacks, internal) { if (speed === void 0) { speed = this.params.speed; } if (runcallbacks === void 0) { runcallbacks = true; } const swiper = this; return swiper.slideto(swiper.activeindex, speed, runcallbacks, internal); } /* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */ function slidetoclosest(speed, runcallbacks, internal, threshold) { if (speed === void 0) { speed = this.params.speed; } if (runcallbacks === void 0) { runcallbacks = true; } if (threshold === void 0) { threshold = 0.5; } const swiper = this; let index = swiper.activeindex; const skip = math.min(swiper.params.slidespergroupskip, index); const snapindex = skip + math.floor((index - skip) / swiper.params.slidespergroup); const translate = swiper.rtltranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate; if (translate >= swiper.snapgrid[snapindex]) { // the current translate is on or after the current snap index, so the choice // is between the current index and the one after it. const currentsnap = swiper.snapgrid[snapindex]; const nextsnap = swiper.snapgrid[snapindex + 1]; if (translate - currentsnap > (nextsnap - currentsnap) * threshold) { index += swiper.params.slidespergroup; } } else { // the current translate is before the current snap index, so the choice // is between the current index and the one before it. const prevsnap = swiper.snapgrid[snapindex - 1]; const currentsnap = swiper.snapgrid[snapindex]; if (translate - prevsnap <= (currentsnap - prevsnap) * threshold) { index -= swiper.params.slidespergroup; } } index = math.max(index, 0); index = math.min(index, swiper.slidesgrid.length - 1); return swiper.slideto(index, speed, runcallbacks, internal); } function slidetoclickedslide() { const swiper = this; const { params, $wrapperel } = swiper; const slidesperview = params.slidesperview === 'auto' ? swiper.slidesperviewdynamic() : params.slidesperview; let slidetoindex = swiper.clickedindex; let realindex; if (params.loop) { if (swiper.animating) return; realindex = parseint($(swiper.clickedslide).attr('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10); if (params.centeredslides) { if (slidetoindex < swiper.loopedslides - slidesperview / 2 || slidetoindex > swiper.slides.length - swiper.loopedslides + slidesperview / 2) { swiper.loopfix(); slidetoindex = $wrapperel.children(`.${params.slideclass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${realindex}"]:not(.${params.slideduplicateclass})`).eq(0).index(); nexttick(() => { swiper.slideto(slidetoindex); }); } else { swiper.slideto(slidetoindex); } } else if (slidetoindex > swiper.slides.length - slidesperview) { swiper.loopfix(); slidetoindex = $wrapperel.children(`.${params.slideclass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${realindex}"]:not(.${params.slideduplicateclass})`).eq(0).index(); nexttick(() => { swiper.slideto(slidetoindex); }); } else { swiper.slideto(slidetoindex); } } else { swiper.slideto(slidetoindex); } } var slide = { slideto, slidetoloop, slidenext, slideprev, slidereset, slidetoclosest, slidetoclickedslide }; function loopcreate() { const swiper = this; const document = getdocument(); const { params, $wrapperel } = swiper; // remove duplicated slides const $selector = $wrapperel.children().length > 0 ? $($wrapperel.children()[0].parentnode) : $wrapperel; $selector.children(`.${params.slideclass}.${params.slideduplicateclass}`).remove(); let slides = $selector.children(`.${params.slideclass}`); if (params.loopfillgroupwithblank) { const blankslidesnum = params.slidespergroup - slides.length % params.slidespergroup; if (blankslidesnum !== params.slidespergroup) { for (let i = 0; i < blankslidesnum; i += 1) { const blanknode = $(document.createelement('div')).addclass(`${params.slideclass} ${params.slideblankclass}`); $selector.append(blanknode); } slides = $selector.children(`.${params.slideclass}`); } } if (params.slidesperview === 'auto' && !params.loopedslides) params.loopedslides = slides.length; swiper.loopedslides = math.ceil(parsefloat(params.loopedslides || params.slidesperview, 10)); swiper.loopedslides += params.loopadditionalslides; if (swiper.loopedslides > slides.length) { swiper.loopedslides = slides.length; } const prependslides = []; const appendslides = []; slides.each((el, index) => { const slide = $(el); if (index < swiper.loopedslides) { appendslides.push(el); } if (index < slides.length && index >= slides.length - swiper.loopedslides) { prependslides.push(el); } slide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index', index); }); for (let i = 0; i < appendslides.length; i += 1) { $selector.append($(appendslides[i].clonenode(true)).addclass(params.slideduplicateclass)); } for (let i = prependslides.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { $selector.prepend($(prependslides[i].clonenode(true)).addclass(params.slideduplicateclass)); } } function loopfix() { const swiper = this; swiper.emit('beforeloopfix'); const { activeindex, slides, loopedslides, allowslideprev, allowslidenext, snapgrid, rtltranslate: rtl } = swiper; let newindex; swiper.allowslideprev = true; swiper.allowslidenext = true; const snaptranslate = -snapgrid[activeindex]; const diff = snaptranslate - swiper.gettranslate(); // fix for negative oversliding if (activeindex < loopedslides) { newindex = slides.length - loopedslides * 3 + activeindex; newindex += loopedslides; const slidechanged = swiper.slideto(newindex, 0, false, true); if (slidechanged && diff !== 0) { swiper.settranslate((rtl ? -swiper.translate : swiper.translate) - diff); } } else if (activeindex >= slides.length - loopedslides) { // fix for positive oversliding newindex = -slides.length + activeindex + loopedslides; newindex += loopedslides; const slidechanged = swiper.slideto(newindex, 0, false, true); if (slidechanged && diff !== 0) { swiper.settranslate((rtl ? -swiper.translate : swiper.translate) - diff); } } swiper.allowslideprev = allowslideprev; swiper.allowslidenext = allowslidenext; swiper.emit('loopfix'); } function loopdestroy() { const swiper = this; const { $wrapperel, params, slides } = swiper; $wrapperel.children(`.${params.slideclass}.${params.slideduplicateclass},.${params.slideclass}.${params.slideblankclass}`).remove(); slides.removeattr('data-swiper-slide-index'); } var loop = { loopcreate, loopfix, loopdestroy }; function setgrabcursor(moving) { const swiper = this; if (swiper.support.touch || !swiper.params.simulatetouch || swiper.params.watchoverflow && swiper.islocked || swiper.params.cssmode) return; const el = swiper.params.toucheventstarget === 'container' ? swiper.el : swiper.wrapperel; el.style.cursor = 'move'; el.style.cursor = moving ? 'grabbing' : 'grab'; } function unsetgrabcursor() { const swiper = this; if (swiper.support.touch || swiper.params.watchoverflow && swiper.islocked || swiper.params.cssmode) { return; } swiper[swiper.params.toucheventstarget === 'container' ? 'el' : 'wrapperel'].style.cursor = ''; } var grabcursor = { setgrabcursor, unsetgrabcursor }; function closestelement(selector, base) { if (base === void 0) { base = this; } function __closestfrom(el) { if (!el || el === getdocument() || el === getwindow()) return null; if (el.assignedslot) el = el.assignedslot; const found = el.closest(selector); if (!found && !el.getrootnode) { return null; } return found || __closestfrom(el.getrootnode().host); } return __closestfrom(base); } function ontouchstart(event) { const swiper = this; const document = getdocument(); const window = getwindow(); const data = swiper.toucheventsdata; const { params, touches, enabled } = swiper; if (!enabled) return; if (swiper.animating && params.preventinteractionontransition) { return; } if (!swiper.animating && params.cssmode && params.loop) { swiper.loopfix(); } let e = event; if (e.originalevent) e = e.originalevent; let $targetel = $(e.target); if (params.toucheventstarget === 'wrapper') { if (!$targetel.closest(swiper.wrapperel).length) return; } data.istouchevent = e.type === 'touchstart'; if (!data.istouchevent && 'which' in e && e.which === 3) return; if (!data.istouchevent && 'button' in e && e.button > 0) return; if (data.istouched && data.ismoved) return; // change target el for shadow root component const swipingclasshasvalue = !!params.noswipingclass && params.noswipingclass !== ''; if (swipingclasshasvalue && e.target && e.target.shadowroot && event.path && event.path[0]) { $targetel = $(event.path[0]); } const noswipingselector = params.noswipingselector ? params.noswipingselector : `.${params.noswipingclass}`; const istargetshadow = !!(e.target && e.target.shadowroot); // use closestelement for shadow root element to get the actual closest for nested shadow root element if (params.noswiping && (istargetshadow ? closestelement(noswipingselector, $targetel[0]) : $targetel.closest(noswipingselector)[0])) { swiper.allowclick = true; return; } if (params.swipehandler) { if (!$targetel.closest(params.swipehandler)[0]) return; } touches.currentx = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targettouches[0].pagex : e.pagex; touches.currenty = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targettouches[0].pagey : e.pagey; const startx = touches.currentx; const starty = touches.currenty; // do not start if ios edge swipe is detected. otherwise ios app cannot swipe-to-go-back anymore const edgeswipedetection = params.edgeswipedetection || params.iosedgeswipedetection; const edgeswipethreshold = params.edgeswipethreshold || params.iosedgeswipethreshold; if (edgeswipedetection && (startx <= edgeswipethreshold || startx >= window.innerwidth - edgeswipethreshold)) { if (edgeswipedetection === 'prevent') { event.preventdefault(); } else { return; } } object.assign(data, { istouched: true, ismoved: false, allowtouchcallbacks: true, isscrolling: undefined, startmoving: undefined }); touches.startx = startx; touches.starty = starty; data.touchstarttime = now(); swiper.allowclick = true; swiper.updatesize(); swiper.swipedirection = undefined; if (params.threshold > 0) data.allowthresholdmove = false; if (e.type !== 'touchstart') { let preventdefault = true; if ($targetel.is(data.focusableelements)) { preventdefault = false; if ($targetel[0].nodename === 'select') { data.istouched = false; } } if (document.activeelement && $(document.activeelement).is(data.focusableelements) && document.activeelement !== $targetel[0]) { document.activeelement.blur(); } const shouldpreventdefault = preventdefault && swiper.allowtouchmove && params.touchstartpreventdefault; if ((params.touchstartforcepreventdefault || shouldpreventdefault) && !$targetel[0].iscontenteditable) { e.preventdefault(); } } if (swiper.params.freemode && swiper.params.freemode.enabled && swiper.freemode && swiper.animating && !params.cssmode) { swiper.freemode.ontouchstart(); } swiper.emit('touchstart', e); } function ontouchmove(event) { const document = getdocument(); const swiper = this; const data = swiper.toucheventsdata; const { params, touches, rtltranslate: rtl, enabled } = swiper; if (!enabled) return; let e = event; if (e.originalevent) e = e.originalevent; if (!data.istouched) { if (data.startmoving && data.isscrolling) { swiper.emit('touchmoveopposite', e); } return; } if (data.istouchevent && e.type !== 'touchmove') return; const targettouch = e.type === 'touchmove' && e.targettouches && (e.targettouches[0] || e.changedtouches[0]); const pagex = e.type === 'touchmove' ? targettouch.pagex : e.pagex; const pagey = e.type === 'touchmove' ? targettouch.pagey : e.pagey; if (e.preventedbynestedswiper) { touches.startx = pagex; touches.starty = pagey; return; } if (!swiper.allowtouchmove) { if (!$(e.target).is(data.focusableelements)) { swiper.allowclick = false; } if (data.istouched) { object.assign(touches, { startx: pagex, starty: pagey, currentx: pagex, currenty: pagey }); data.touchstarttime = now(); } return; } if (data.istouchevent && params.touchreleaseonedges && !params.loop) { if (swiper.isvertical()) { // vertical if (pagey < touches.starty && swiper.translate <= swiper.maxtranslate() || pagey > touches.starty && swiper.translate >= swiper.mintranslate()) { data.istouched = false; data.ismoved = false; return; } } else if (pagex < touches.startx && swiper.translate <= swiper.maxtranslate() || pagex > touches.startx && swiper.translate >= swiper.mintranslate()) { return; } } if (data.istouchevent && document.activeelement) { if (e.target === document.activeelement && $(e.target).is(data.focusableelements)) { data.ismoved = true; swiper.allowclick = false; return; } } if (data.allowtouchcallbacks) { swiper.emit('touchmove', e); } if (e.targettouches && e.targettouches.length > 1) return; touches.currentx = pagex; touches.currenty = pagey; const diffx = touches.currentx - touches.startx; const diffy = touches.currenty - touches.starty; if (swiper.params.threshold && math.sqrt(diffx ** 2 + diffy ** 2) < swiper.params.threshold) return; if (typeof data.isscrolling === 'undefined') { let touchangle; if (swiper.ishorizontal() && touches.currenty === touches.starty || swiper.isvertical() && touches.currentx === touches.startx) { data.isscrolling = false; } else { // eslint-disable-next-line if (diffx * diffx + diffy * diffy >= 25) { touchangle = math.atan2(math.abs(diffy), math.abs(diffx)) * 180 / math.pi; data.isscrolling = swiper.ishorizontal() ? touchangle > params.touchangle : 90 - touchangle > params.touchangle; } } } if (data.isscrolling) { swiper.emit('touchmoveopposite', e); } if (typeof data.startmoving === 'undefined') { if (touches.currentx !== touches.startx || touches.currenty !== touches.starty) { data.startmoving = true; } } if (data.isscrolling) { data.istouched = false; return; } if (!data.startmoving) { return; } swiper.allowclick = false; if (!params.cssmode && e.cancelable) { e.preventdefault(); } if (params.touchmovestoppropagation && !params.nested) { e.stoppropagation(); } if (!data.ismoved) { if (params.loop && !params.cssmode) { swiper.loopfix(); } data.starttranslate = swiper.gettranslate(); swiper.settransition(0); if (swiper.animating) { swiper.$wrapperel.trigger('webkittransitionend transitionend'); } data.allowmomentumbounce = false; // grab cursor if (params.grabcursor && (swiper.allowslidenext === true || swiper.allowslideprev === true)) { swiper.setgrabcursor(true); } swiper.emit('sliderfirstmove', e); } swiper.emit('slidermove', e); data.ismoved = true; let diff = swiper.ishorizontal() ? diffx : diffy; touches.diff = diff; diff *= params.touchratio; if (rtl) diff = -diff; swiper.swipedirection = diff > 0 ? 'prev' : 'next'; data.currenttranslate = diff + data.starttranslate; let disableparentswiper = true; let resistanceratio = params.resistanceratio; if (params.touchreleaseonedges) { resistanceratio = 0; } if (diff > 0 && data.currenttranslate > swiper.mintranslate()) { disableparentswiper = false; if (params.resistance) data.currenttranslate = swiper.mintranslate() - 1 + (-swiper.mintranslate() + data.starttranslate + diff) ** resistanceratio; } else if (diff < 0 && data.currenttranslate < swiper.maxtranslate()) { disableparentswiper = false; if (params.resistance) data.currenttranslate = swiper.maxtranslate() + 1 - (swiper.maxtranslate() - data.starttranslate - diff) ** resistanceratio; } if (disableparentswiper) { e.preventedbynestedswiper = true; } // directions locks if (!swiper.allowslidenext && swiper.swipedirection === 'next' && data.currenttranslate < data.starttranslate) { data.currenttranslate = data.starttranslate; } if (!swiper.allowslideprev && swiper.swipedirection === 'prev' && data.currenttranslate > data.starttranslate) { data.currenttranslate = data.starttranslate; } if (!swiper.allowslideprev && !swiper.allowslidenext) { data.currenttranslate = data.starttranslate; } // threshold if (params.threshold > 0) { if (math.abs(diff) > params.threshold || data.allowthresholdmove) { if (!data.allowthresholdmove) { data.allowthresholdmove = true; touches.startx = touches.currentx; touches.starty = touches.currenty; data.currenttranslate = data.starttranslate; touches.diff = swiper.ishorizontal() ? touches.currentx - touches.startx : touches.currenty - touches.starty; return; } } else { data.currenttranslate = data.starttranslate; return; } } if (!params.followfinger || params.cssmode) return; // update active index in free mode if (params.freemode && params.freemode.enabled && swiper.freemode || params.watchslidesprogress) { swiper.updateactiveindex(); swiper.updateslidesclasses(); } if (swiper.params.freemode && params.freemode.enabled && swiper.freemode) { swiper.freemode.ontouchmove(); } // update progress swiper.updateprogress(data.currenttranslate); // update translate swiper.settranslate(data.currenttranslate); } function ontouchend(event) { const swiper = this; const data = swiper.toucheventsdata; const { params, touches, rtltranslate: rtl, slidesgrid, enabled } = swiper; if (!enabled) return; let e = event; if (e.originalevent) e = e.originalevent; if (data.allowtouchcallbacks) { swiper.emit('touchend', e); } data.allowtouchcallbacks = false; if (!data.istouched) { if (data.ismoved && params.grabcursor) { swiper.setgrabcursor(false); } data.ismoved = false; data.startmoving = false; return; } // return grab cursor if (params.grabcursor && data.ismoved && data.istouched && (swiper.allowslidenext === true || swiper.allowslideprev === true)) { swiper.setgrabcursor(false); } // time diff const touchendtime = now(); const timediff = touchendtime - data.touchstarttime; // tap, doubletap, click if (swiper.allowclick) { const pathtree = e.path || e.composedpath && e.composedpath(); swiper.updateclickedslide(pathtree && pathtree[0] || e.target); swiper.emit('tap click', e); if (timediff < 300 && touchendtime - data.lastclicktime < 300) { swiper.emit('doubletap doubleclick', e); } } data.lastclicktime = now(); nexttick(() => { if (!swiper.destroyed) swiper.allowclick = true; }); if (!data.istouched || !data.ismoved || !swiper.swipedirection || touches.diff === 0 || data.currenttranslate === data.starttranslate) { data.istouched = false; data.ismoved = false; data.startmoving = false; return; } data.istouched = false; data.ismoved = false; data.startmoving = false; let currentpos; if (params.followfinger) { currentpos = rtl ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate; } else { currentpos = -data.currenttranslate; } if (params.cssmode) { return; } if (swiper.params.freemode && params.freemode.enabled) { swiper.freemode.ontouchend({ currentpos }); return; } // find current slide let stopindex = 0; let groupsize = swiper.slidessizesgrid[0]; for (let i = 0; i < slidesgrid.length; i += i < params.slidespergroupskip ? 1 : params.slidespergroup) { const increment = i < params.slidespergroupskip - 1 ? 1 : params.slidespergroup; if (typeof slidesgrid[i + increment] !== 'undefined') { if (currentpos >= slidesgrid[i] && currentpos < slidesgrid[i + increment]) { stopindex = i; groupsize = slidesgrid[i + increment] - slidesgrid[i]; } } else if (currentpos >= slidesgrid[i]) { stopindex = i; groupsize = slidesgrid[slidesgrid.length - 1] - slidesgrid[slidesgrid.length - 2]; } } let rewindfirstindex = null; let rewindlastindex = null; if (params.rewind) { if (swiper.isbeginning) { rewindlastindex = swiper.params.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length - 1 : swiper.slides.length - 1; } else if (swiper.isend) { rewindfirstindex = 0; } } // find current slide size const ratio = (currentpos - slidesgrid[stopindex]) / groupsize; const increment = stopindex < params.slidespergroupskip - 1 ? 1 : params.slidespergroup; if (timediff > params.longswipesms) { // long touches if (!params.longswipes) { swiper.slideto(swiper.activeindex); return; } if (swiper.swipedirection === 'next') { if (ratio >= params.longswipesratio) swiper.slideto(params.rewind && swiper.isend ? rewindfirstindex : stopindex + increment);else swiper.slideto(stopindex); } if (swiper.swipedirection === 'prev') { if (ratio > 1 - params.longswipesratio) { swiper.slideto(stopindex + increment); } else if (rewindlastindex !== null && ratio < 0 && math.abs(ratio) > params.longswipesratio) { swiper.slideto(rewindlastindex); } else { swiper.slideto(stopindex); } } } else { // short swipes if (!params.shortswipes) { swiper.slideto(swiper.activeindex); return; } const isnavbuttontarget = swiper.navigation && (e.target === swiper.navigation.nextel || e.target === swiper.navigation.prevel); if (!isnavbuttontarget) { if (swiper.swipedirection === 'next') { swiper.slideto(rewindfirstindex !== null ? rewindfirstindex : stopindex + increment); } if (swiper.swipedirection === 'prev') { swiper.slideto(rewindlastindex !== null ? rewindlastindex : stopindex); } } else if (e.target === swiper.navigation.nextel) { swiper.slideto(stopindex + increment); } else { swiper.slideto(stopindex); } } } function onresize() { const swiper = this; const { params, el } = swiper; if (el && el.offsetwidth === 0) return; // breakpoints if (params.breakpoints) { swiper.setbreakpoint(); } // save locks const { allowslidenext, allowslideprev, snapgrid } = swiper; // disable locks on resize swiper.allowslidenext = true; swiper.allowslideprev = true; swiper.updatesize(); swiper.updateslides(); swiper.updateslidesclasses(); if ((params.slidesperview === 'auto' || params.slidesperview > 1) && swiper.isend && !swiper.isbeginning && !swiper.params.centeredslides) { swiper.slideto(swiper.slides.length - 1, 0, false, true); } else { swiper.slideto(swiper.activeindex, 0, false, true); } if (swiper.autoplay && swiper.autoplay.running && swiper.autoplay.paused) { swiper.autoplay.run(); } // return locks after resize swiper.allowslideprev = allowslideprev; swiper.allowslidenext = allowslidenext; if (swiper.params.watchoverflow && snapgrid !== swiper.snapgrid) { swiper.checkoverflow(); } } function onclick(e) { const swiper = this; if (!swiper.enabled) return; if (!swiper.allowclick) { if (swiper.params.preventclicks) e.preventdefault(); if (swiper.params.preventclickspropagation && swiper.animating) { e.stoppropagation(); e.stopimmediatepropagation(); } } } function onscroll() { const swiper = this; const { wrapperel, rtltranslate, enabled } = swiper; if (!enabled) return; swiper.previoustranslate = swiper.translate; if (swiper.ishorizontal()) { swiper.translate = -wrapperel.scrollleft; } else { swiper.translate = -wrapperel.scrolltop; } // eslint-disable-next-line if (swiper.translate === 0) swiper.translate = 0; swiper.updateactiveindex(); swiper.updateslidesclasses(); let newprogress; const translatesdiff = swiper.maxtranslate() - swiper.mintranslate(); if (translatesdiff === 0) { newprogress = 0; } else { newprogress = (swiper.translate - swiper.mintranslate()) / translatesdiff; } if (newprogress !== swiper.progress) { swiper.updateprogress(rtltranslate ? -swiper.translate : swiper.translate); } swiper.emit('settranslate', swiper.translate, false); } let dummyeventattached = false; function dummyeventlistener() {} const events = (swiper, method) => { const document = getdocument(); const { params, touchevents, el, wrapperel, device, support } = swiper; const capture = !!params.nested; const dommethod = method === 'on' ? 'addeventlistener' : 'removeeventlistener'; const swipermethod = method; // touch events if (!support.touch) { el[dommethod](touchevents.start, swiper.ontouchstart, false); document[dommethod](touchevents.move, swiper.ontouchmove, capture); document[dommethod](touchevents.end, swiper.ontouchend, false); } else { const passivelistener = touchevents.start === 'touchstart' && support.passivelistener && params.passivelisteners ? { passive: true, capture: false } : false; el[dommethod](touchevents.start, swiper.ontouchstart, passivelistener); el[dommethod](touchevents.move, swiper.ontouchmove, support.passivelistener ? { passive: false, capture } : capture); el[dommethod](touchevents.end, swiper.ontouchend, passivelistener); if (touchevents.cancel) { el[dommethod](touchevents.cancel, swiper.ontouchend, passivelistener); } } // prevent links clicks if (params.preventclicks || params.preventclickspropagation) { el[dommethod]('click', swiper.onclick, true); } if (params.cssmode) { wrapperel[dommethod]('scroll', swiper.onscroll); } // resize handler if (params.updateonwindowresize) { swiper[swipermethod](device.ios || device.android ? 'resize orientationchange observerupdate' : 'resize observerupdate', onresize, true); } else { swiper[swipermethod]('observerupdate', onresize, true); } }; function attachevents() { const swiper = this; const document = getdocument(); const { params, support } = swiper; swiper.ontouchstart = ontouchstart.bind(swiper); swiper.ontouchmove = ontouchmove.bind(swiper); swiper.ontouchend = ontouchend.bind(swiper); if (params.cssmode) { swiper.onscroll = onscroll.bind(swiper); } swiper.onclick = onclick.bind(swiper); if (support.touch && !dummyeventattached) { document.addeventlistener('touchstart', dummyeventlistener); dummyeventattached = true; } events(swiper, 'on'); } function detachevents() { const swiper = this; events(swiper, 'off'); } var events$1 = { attachevents, detachevents }; const isgridenabled = (swiper, params) => { return swiper.grid && params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1; }; function setbreakpoint() { const swiper = this; const { activeindex, initialized, loopedslides = 0, params, $el } = swiper; const breakpoints = params.breakpoints; if (!breakpoints || breakpoints && object.keys(breakpoints).length === 0) return; // get breakpoint for window width and update parameters const breakpoint = swiper.getbreakpoint(breakpoints, swiper.params.breakpointsbase, swiper.el); if (!breakpoint || swiper.currentbreakpoint === breakpoint) return; const breakpointonlyparams = breakpoint in breakpoints ? breakpoints[breakpoint] : undefined; const breakpointparams = breakpointonlyparams || swiper.originalparams; const wasmultirow = isgridenabled(swiper, params); const ismultirow = isgridenabled(swiper, breakpointparams); const wasenabled = params.enabled; if (wasmultirow && !ismultirow) { $el.removeclass(`${params.containermodifierclass}grid ${params.containermodifierclass}grid-column`); swiper.emitcontainerclasses(); } else if (!wasmultirow && ismultirow) { $el.addclass(`${params.containermodifierclass}grid`); if (breakpointparams.grid.fill && breakpointparams.grid.fill === 'column' || !breakpointparams.grid.fill && params.grid.fill === 'column') { $el.addclass(`${params.containermodifierclass}grid-column`); } swiper.emitcontainerclasses(); } // toggle navigation, pagination, scrollbar ['navigation', 'pagination', 'scrollbar'].foreach(prop => { const wasmoduleenabled = params[prop] && params[prop].enabled; const ismoduleenabled = breakpointparams[prop] && breakpointparams[prop].enabled; if (wasmoduleenabled && !ismoduleenabled) { swiper[prop].disable(); } if (!wasmoduleenabled && ismoduleenabled) { swiper[prop].enable(); } }); const directionchanged = breakpointparams.direction && breakpointparams.direction !== params.direction; const needsreloop = params.loop && (breakpointparams.slidesperview !== params.slidesperview || directionchanged); if (directionchanged && initialized) { swiper.changedirection(); } extend(swiper.params, breakpointparams); const isenabled = swiper.params.enabled; object.assign(swiper, { allowtouchmove: swiper.params.allowtouchmove, allowslidenext: swiper.params.allowslidenext, allowslideprev: swiper.params.allowslideprev }); if (wasenabled && !isenabled) { swiper.disable(); } else if (!wasenabled && isenabled) { swiper.enable(); } swiper.currentbreakpoint = breakpoint; swiper.emit('_beforebreakpoint', breakpointparams); if (needsreloop && initialized) { swiper.loopdestroy(); swiper.loopcreate(); swiper.updateslides(); swiper.slideto(activeindex - loopedslides + swiper.loopedslides, 0, false); } swiper.emit('breakpoint', breakpointparams); } function getbreakpoint(breakpoints, base, containerel) { if (base === void 0) { base = 'window'; } if (!breakpoints || base === 'container' && !containerel) return undefined; let breakpoint = false; const window = getwindow(); const currentheight = base === 'window' ? window.innerheight : containerel.clientheight; const points = object.keys(breakpoints).map(point => { if (typeof point === 'string' && point.indexof('@') === 0) { const minratio = parsefloat(point.substr(1)); const value = currentheight * minratio; return { value, point }; } return { value: point, point }; }); points.sort((a, b) => parseint(a.value, 10) - parseint(b.value, 10)); for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i += 1) { const { point, value } = points[i]; if (base === 'window') { if (window.matchmedia(`(min-width: ${value}px)`).matches) { breakpoint = point; } } else if (value <= containerel.clientwidth) { breakpoint = point; } } return breakpoint || 'max'; } var breakpoints = { setbreakpoint, getbreakpoint }; function prepareclasses(entries, prefix) { const resultclasses = []; entries.foreach(item => { if (typeof item === 'object') { object.keys(item).foreach(classnames => { if (item[classnames]) { resultclasses.push(prefix + classnames); } }); } else if (typeof item === 'string') { resultclasses.push(prefix + item); } }); return resultclasses; } function addclasses() { const swiper = this; const { classnames, params, rtl, $el, device, support } = swiper; // prettier-ignore const suffixes = prepareclasses(['initialized', params.direction, { 'pointer-events': !support.touch }, { 'free-mode': swiper.params.freemode && params.freemode.enabled }, { 'autoheight': params.autoheight }, { 'rtl': rtl }, { 'grid': params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1 }, { 'grid-column': params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1 && params.grid.fill === 'column' }, { 'android': device.android }, { 'ios': device.ios }, { 'css-mode': params.cssmode }, { 'centered': params.cssmode && params.centeredslides }, { 'watch-progress': params.watchslidesprogress }], params.containermodifierclass); classnames.push(...suffixes); $el.addclass([...classnames].join(' ')); swiper.emitcontainerclasses(); } function removeclasses() { const swiper = this; const { $el, classnames } = swiper; $el.removeclass(classnames.join(' ')); swiper.emitcontainerclasses(); } var classes = { addclasses, removeclasses }; function loadimage(imageel, src, srcset, sizes, checkforcomplete, callback) { const window = getwindow(); let image; function onready() { if (callback) callback(); } const ispicture = $(imageel).parent('picture')[0]; if (!ispicture && (!imageel.complete || !checkforcomplete)) { if (src) { image = new window.image(); image.onload = onready; image.onerror = onready; if (sizes) { image.sizes = sizes; } if (srcset) { image.srcset = srcset; } if (src) { image.src = src; } } else { onready(); } } else { // image already loaded... onready(); } } function preloadimages() { const swiper = this; swiper.imagestoload = swiper.$el.find('img'); function onready() { if (typeof swiper === 'undefined' || swiper === null || !swiper || swiper.destroyed) return; if (swiper.imagesloaded !== undefined) swiper.imagesloaded += 1; if (swiper.imagesloaded === swiper.imagestoload.length) { if (swiper.params.updateonimagesready) swiper.update(); swiper.emit('imagesready'); } } for (let i = 0; i < swiper.imagestoload.length; i += 1) { const imageel = swiper.imagestoload[i]; swiper.loadimage(imageel, imageel.currentsrc || imageel.getattribute('src'), imageel.srcset || imageel.getattribute('srcset'), imageel.sizes || imageel.getattribute('sizes'), true, onready); } } var images = { loadimage, preloadimages }; function checkoverflow() { const swiper = this; const { islocked: waslocked, params } = swiper; const { slidesoffsetbefore } = params; if (slidesoffsetbefore) { const lastslideindex = swiper.slides.length - 1; const lastsliderightedge = swiper.slidesgrid[lastslideindex] + swiper.slidessizesgrid[lastslideindex] + slidesoffsetbefore * 2; swiper.islocked = swiper.size > lastsliderightedge; } else { swiper.islocked = swiper.snapgrid.length === 1; } if (params.allowslidenext === true) { swiper.allowslidenext = !swiper.islocked; } if (params.allowslideprev === true) { swiper.allowslideprev = !swiper.islocked; } if (waslocked && waslocked !== swiper.islocked) { swiper.isend = false; } if (waslocked !== swiper.islocked) { swiper.emit(swiper.islocked ? 'lock' : 'unlock'); } } var checkoverflow$1 = { checkoverflow }; var defaults = { init: true, direction: 'horizontal', toucheventstarget: 'wrapper', initialslide: 0, speed: 300, cssmode: false, updateonwindowresize: true, resizeobserver: true, nested: false, createelements: false, enabled: true, focusableelements: 'input, select, option, textarea, button, video, label', // overrides width: null, height: null, // preventinteractionontransition: false, // ssr useragent: null, url: null, // to support ios's swipe-to-go-back gesture (when being used in-app). edgeswipedetection: false, edgeswipethreshold: 20, // autoheight autoheight: false, // set wrapper width setwrappersize: false, // virtual translate virtualtranslate: false, // effects effect: 'slide', // 'slide' or 'fade' or 'cube' or 'coverflow' or 'flip' // breakpoints breakpoints: undefined, breakpointsbase: 'window', // slides grid spacebetween: 0, slidesperview: 1, slidespergroup: 1, slidespergroupskip: 0, slidespergroupauto: false, centeredslides: false, centeredslidesbounds: false, slidesoffsetbefore: 0, // in px slidesoffsetafter: 0, // in px normalizeslideindex: true, centerinsufficientslides: false, // disable swiper and hide navigation when container not overflow watchoverflow: true, // round length roundlengths: false, // touches touchratio: 1, touchangle: 45, simulatetouch: true, shortswipes: true, longswipes: true, longswipesratio: 0.5, longswipesms: 300, followfinger: true, allowtouchmove: true, threshold: 0, touchmovestoppropagation: false, touchstartpreventdefault: true, touchstartforcepreventdefault: false, touchreleaseonedges: false, // unique navigation elements uniquenavelements: true, // resistance resistance: true, resistanceratio: 0.85, // progress watchslidesprogress: false, // cursor grabcursor: false, // clicks preventclicks: true, preventclickspropagation: true, slidetoclickedslide: false, // images preloadimages: true, updateonimagesready: true, // loop loop: false, loopadditionalslides: 0, loopedslides: null, loopfillgroupwithblank: false, looppreventsslide: true, // rewind rewind: false, // swiping/no swiping allowslideprev: true, allowslidenext: true, swipehandler: null, // '.swipe-handler', noswiping: true, noswipingclass: 'swiper-no-swiping', noswipingselector: null, // passive listeners passivelisteners: true, maxbackfacehiddenslides: 10, // ns containermodifierclass: 'swiper-', // new slideclass: 'swiper-slide', slideblankclass: 'swiper-slide-invisible-blank', slideactiveclass: 'swiper-slide-active', slideduplicateactiveclass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate-active', slidevisibleclass: 'swiper-slide-visible', slideduplicateclass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate', slidenextclass: 'swiper-slide-next', slideduplicatenextclass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate-next', slideprevclass: 'swiper-slide-prev', slideduplicateprevclass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate-prev', wrapperclass: 'swiper-wrapper', // callbacks runcallbacksoninit: true, // internals _emitclasses: false }; function moduleextendparams(params, allmodulesparams) { return function extendparams(obj) { if (obj === void 0) { obj = {}; } const moduleparamname = object.keys(obj)[0]; const moduleparams = obj[moduleparamname]; if (typeof moduleparams !== 'object' || moduleparams === null) { extend(allmodulesparams, obj); return; } if (['navigation', 'pagination', 'scrollbar'].indexof(moduleparamname) >= 0 && params[moduleparamname] === true) { params[moduleparamname] = { auto: true }; } if (!(moduleparamname in params && 'enabled' in moduleparams)) { extend(allmodulesparams, obj); return; } if (params[moduleparamname] === true) { params[moduleparamname] = { enabled: true }; } if (typeof params[moduleparamname] === 'object' && !('enabled' in params[moduleparamname])) { params[moduleparamname].enabled = true; } if (!params[moduleparamname]) params[moduleparamname] = { enabled: false }; extend(allmodulesparams, obj); }; } /* eslint no-param-reassign: "off" */ const prototypes = { eventsemitter, update, translate, transition, slide, loop, grabcursor, events: events$1, breakpoints, checkoverflow: checkoverflow$1, classes, images }; const extendeddefaults = {}; class swiper { constructor() { let el; let params; for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } if (args.length === 1 && args[0].constructor && object.prototype.tostring.call(args[0]).slice(8, -1) === 'object') { params = args[0]; } else { [el, params] = args; } if (!params) params = {}; params = extend({}, params); if (el && !params.el) params.el = el; if (params.el && $(params.el).length > 1) { const swipers = []; $(params.el).each(containerel => { const newparams = extend({}, params, { el: containerel }); swipers.push(new swiper(newparams)); }); return swipers; } // swiper instance const swiper = this; swiper.__swiper__ = true; swiper.support = getsupport(); swiper.device = getdevice({ useragent: params.useragent }); swiper.browser = getbrowser(); swiper.eventslisteners = {}; swiper.eventsanylisteners = []; swiper.modules = [...swiper.__modules__]; if (params.modules && array.isarray(params.modules)) { swiper.modules.push(...params.modules); } const allmodulesparams = {}; swiper.modules.foreach(mod => { mod({ swiper, extendparams: moduleextendparams(params, allmodulesparams), on: swiper.on.bind(swiper), once: swiper.once.bind(swiper), off: swiper.off.bind(swiper), emit: swiper.emit.bind(swiper) }); }); // extend defaults with modules params const swiperparams = extend({}, defaults, allmodulesparams); // extend defaults with passed params swiper.params = extend({}, swiperparams, extendeddefaults, params); swiper.originalparams = extend({}, swiper.params); swiper.passedparams = extend({}, params); // add event listeners if (swiper.params && swiper.params.on) { object.keys(swiper.params.on).foreach(eventname => { swiper.on(eventname, swiper.params.on[eventname]); }); } if (swiper.params && swiper.params.onany) { swiper.onany(swiper.params.onany); } // save dom lib swiper.$ = $; // extend swiper object.assign(swiper, { enabled: swiper.params.enabled, el, // classes classnames: [], // slides slides: $(), slidesgrid: [], snapgrid: [], slidessizesgrid: [], // isdirection ishorizontal() { return swiper.params.direction === 'horizontal'; }, isvertical() { return swiper.params.direction === 'vertical'; }, // indexes activeindex: 0, realindex: 0, // isbeginning: true, isend: false, // props translate: 0, previoustranslate: 0, progress: 0, velocity: 0, animating: false, // locks allowslidenext: swiper.params.allowslidenext, allowslideprev: swiper.params.allowslideprev, // touch events touchevents: function touchevents() { const touch = ['touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend', 'touchcancel']; const desktop = ['pointerdown', 'pointermove', 'pointerup']; swiper.toucheventstouch = { start: touch[0], move: touch[1], end: touch[2], cancel: touch[3] }; swiper.toucheventsdesktop = { start: desktop[0], move: desktop[1], end: desktop[2] }; return swiper.support.touch || !swiper.params.simulatetouch ? swiper.toucheventstouch : swiper.toucheventsdesktop; }(), toucheventsdata: { istouched: undefined, ismoved: undefined, allowtouchcallbacks: undefined, touchstarttime: undefined, isscrolling: undefined, currenttranslate: undefined, starttranslate: undefined, allowthresholdmove: undefined, // form elements to match focusableelements: swiper.params.focusableelements, // last click time lastclicktime: now(), clicktimeout: undefined, // velocities velocities: [], allowmomentumbounce: undefined, istouchevent: undefined, startmoving: undefined }, // clicks allowclick: true, // touches allowtouchmove: swiper.params.allowtouchmove, touches: { startx: 0, starty: 0, currentx: 0, currenty: 0, diff: 0 }, // images imagestoload: [], imagesloaded: 0 }); swiper.emit('_swiper'); // init if (swiper.params.init) { swiper.init(); } // return app instance return swiper; } enable() { const swiper = this; if (swiper.enabled) return; swiper.enabled = true; if (swiper.params.grabcursor) { swiper.setgrabcursor(); } swiper.emit('enable'); } disable() { const swiper = this; if (!swiper.enabled) return; swiper.enabled = false; if (swiper.params.grabcursor) { swiper.unsetgrabcursor(); } swiper.emit('disable'); } setprogress(progress, speed) { const swiper = this; progress = math.min(math.max(progress, 0), 1); const min = swiper.mintranslate(); const max = swiper.maxtranslate(); const current = (max - min) * progress + min; swiper.translateto(current, typeof speed === 'undefined' ? 0 : speed); swiper.updateactiveindex(); swiper.updateslidesclasses(); } emitcontainerclasses() { const swiper = this; if (!swiper.params._emitclasses || !swiper.el) return; const cls = swiper.el.classname.split(' ').filter(classname => { return classname.indexof('swiper') === 0 || classname.indexof(swiper.params.containermodifierclass) === 0; }); swiper.emit('_containerclasses', cls.join(' ')); } getslideclasses(slideel) { const swiper = this; if (swiper.destroyed) return ''; return slideel.classname.split(' ').filter(classname => { return classname.indexof('swiper-slide') === 0 || classname.indexof(swiper.params.slideclass) === 0; }).join(' '); } emitslidesclasses() { const swiper = this; if (!swiper.params._emitclasses || !swiper.el) return; const updates = []; swiper.slides.each(slideel => { const classnames = swiper.getslideclasses(slideel); updates.push({ slideel, classnames }); swiper.emit('_slideclass', slideel, classnames); }); swiper.emit('_slideclasses', updates); } slidesperviewdynamic(view, exact) { if (view === void 0) { view = 'current'; } if (exact === void 0) { exact = false; } const swiper = this; const { params, slides, slidesgrid, slidessizesgrid, size: swipersize, activeindex } = swiper; let spv = 1; if (params.centeredslides) { let slidesize = slides[activeindex].swiperslidesize; let breakloop; for (let i = activeindex + 1; i < slides.length; i += 1) { if (slides[i] && !breakloop) { slidesize += slides[i].swiperslidesize; spv += 1; if (slidesize > swipersize) breakloop = true; } } for (let i = activeindex - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { if (slides[i] && !breakloop) { slidesize += slides[i].swiperslidesize; spv += 1; if (slidesize > swipersize) breakloop = true; } } } else { // eslint-disable-next-line if (view === 'current') { for (let i = activeindex + 1; i < slides.length; i += 1) { const slideinview = exact ? slidesgrid[i] + slidessizesgrid[i] - slidesgrid[activeindex] < swipersize : slidesgrid[i] - slidesgrid[activeindex] < swipersize; if (slideinview) { spv += 1; } } } else { // previous for (let i = activeindex - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const slideinview = slidesgrid[activeindex] - slidesgrid[i] < swipersize; if (slideinview) { spv += 1; } } } } return spv; } update() { const swiper = this; if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return; const { snapgrid, params } = swiper; // breakpoints if (params.breakpoints) { swiper.setbreakpoint(); } swiper.updatesize(); swiper.updateslides(); swiper.updateprogress(); swiper.updateslidesclasses(); function settranslate() { const translatevalue = swiper.rtltranslate ? swiper.translate * -1 : swiper.translate; const newtranslate = math.min(math.max(translatevalue, swiper.maxtranslate()), swiper.mintranslate()); swiper.settranslate(newtranslate); swiper.updateactiveindex(); swiper.updateslidesclasses(); } let translated; if (swiper.params.freemode && swiper.params.freemode.enabled) { settranslate(); if (swiper.params.autoheight) { swiper.updateautoheight(); } } else { if ((swiper.params.slidesperview === 'auto' || swiper.params.slidesperview > 1) && swiper.isend && !swiper.params.centeredslides) { translated = swiper.slideto(swiper.slides.length - 1, 0, false, true); } else { translated = swiper.slideto(swiper.activeindex, 0, false, true); } if (!translated) { settranslate(); } } if (params.watchoverflow && snapgrid !== swiper.snapgrid) { swiper.checkoverflow(); } swiper.emit('update'); } changedirection(newdirection, needupdate) { if (needupdate === void 0) { needupdate = true; } const swiper = this; const currentdirection = swiper.params.direction; if (!newdirection) { // eslint-disable-next-line newdirection = currentdirection === 'horizontal' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'; } if (newdirection === currentdirection || newdirection !== 'horizontal' && newdirection !== 'vertical') { return swiper; } swiper.$el.removeclass(`${swiper.params.containermodifierclass}${currentdirection}`).addclass(`${swiper.params.containermodifierclass}${newdirection}`); swiper.emitcontainerclasses(); swiper.params.direction = newdirection; swiper.slides.each(slideel => { if (newdirection === 'vertical') { slideel.style.width = ''; } else { slideel.style.height = ''; } }); swiper.emit('changedirection'); if (needupdate) swiper.update(); return swiper; } changelanguagedirection(direction) { const swiper = this; if (swiper.rtl && direction === 'rtl' || !swiper.rtl && direction === 'ltr') return; swiper.rtl = direction === 'rtl'; swiper.rtltranslate = swiper.params.direction === 'horizontal' && swiper.rtl; if (swiper.rtl) { swiper.$el.addclass(`${swiper.params.containermodifierclass}rtl`); swiper.el.dir = 'rtl'; } else { swiper.$el.removeclass(`${swiper.params.containermodifierclass}rtl`); swiper.el.dir = 'ltr'; } swiper.update(); } mount(el) { const swiper = this; if (swiper.mounted) return true; // find el const $el = $(el || swiper.params.el); el = $el[0]; if (!el) { return false; } el.swiper = swiper; const getwrapperselector = () => { return `.${(swiper.params.wrapperclass || '').trim().split(' ').join('.')}`; }; const getwrapper = () => { if (el && el.shadowroot && el.shadowroot.queryselector) { const res = $(el.shadowroot.queryselector(getwrapperselector())); // children needs to return slot items res.children = options => $el.children(options); return res; } if (!$el.children) { return $($el).children(getwrapperselector()); } return $el.children(getwrapperselector()); }; // find wrapper let $wrapperel = getwrapper(); if ($wrapperel.length === 0 && swiper.params.createelements) { const document = getdocument(); const wrapper = document.createelement('div'); $wrapperel = $(wrapper); wrapper.classname = swiper.params.wrapperclass; $el.append(wrapper); $el.children(`.${swiper.params.slideclass}`).each(slideel => { $wrapperel.append(slideel); }); } object.assign(swiper, { $el, el, $wrapperel, wrapperel: $wrapperel[0], mounted: true, // rtl rtl: el.dir.tolowercase() === 'rtl' || $el.css('direction') === 'rtl', rtltranslate: swiper.params.direction === 'horizontal' && (el.dir.tolowercase() === 'rtl' || $el.css('direction') === 'rtl'), wrongrtl: $wrapperel.css('display') === '-webkit-box' }); return true; } init(el) { const swiper = this; if (swiper.initialized) return swiper; const mounted = swiper.mount(el); if (mounted === false) return swiper; swiper.emit('beforeinit'); // set breakpoint if (swiper.params.breakpoints) { swiper.setbreakpoint(); } // add classes swiper.addclasses(); // create loop if (swiper.params.loop) { swiper.loopcreate(); } // update size swiper.updatesize(); // update slides swiper.updateslides(); if (swiper.params.watchoverflow) { swiper.checkoverflow(); } // set grab cursor if (swiper.params.grabcursor && swiper.enabled) { swiper.setgrabcursor(); } if (swiper.params.preloadimages) { swiper.preloadimages(); } // slide to initial slide if (swiper.params.loop) { swiper.slideto(swiper.params.initialslide + swiper.loopedslides, 0, swiper.params.runcallbacksoninit, false, true); } else { swiper.slideto(swiper.params.initialslide, 0, swiper.params.runcallbacksoninit, false, true); } // attach events swiper.attachevents(); // init flag swiper.initialized = true; // emit swiper.emit('init'); swiper.emit('afterinit'); return swiper; } destroy(deleteinstance, cleanstyles) { if (deleteinstance === void 0) { deleteinstance = true; } if (cleanstyles === void 0) { cleanstyles = true; } const swiper = this; const { params, $el, $wrapperel, slides } = swiper; if (typeof swiper.params === 'undefined' || swiper.destroyed) { return null; } swiper.emit('beforedestroy'); // init flag swiper.initialized = false; // detach events swiper.detachevents(); // destroy loop if (params.loop) { swiper.loopdestroy(); } // cleanup styles if (cleanstyles) { swiper.removeclasses(); $el.removeattr('style'); $wrapperel.removeattr('style'); if (slides && slides.length) { slides.removeclass([params.slidevisibleclass, params.slideactiveclass, params.slidenextclass, params.slideprevclass].join(' ')).removeattr('style').removeattr('data-swiper-slide-index'); } } swiper.emit('destroy'); // detach emitter events object.keys(swiper.eventslisteners).foreach(eventname => { swiper.off(eventname); }); if (deleteinstance !== false) { swiper.$el[0].swiper = null; deleteprops(swiper); } swiper.destroyed = true; return null; } static extenddefaults(newdefaults) { extend(extendeddefaults, newdefaults); } static get extendeddefaults() { return extendeddefaults; } static get defaults() { return defaults; } static installmodule(mod) { if (!swiper.prototype.__modules__) swiper.prototype.__modules__ = []; const modules = swiper.prototype.__modules__; if (typeof mod === 'function' && modules.indexof(mod) < 0) { modules.push(mod); } } static use(module) { if (array.isarray(module)) { module.foreach(m => swiper.installmodule(m)); return swiper; } swiper.installmodule(module); return swiper; } } object.keys(prototypes).foreach(prototypegroup => { object.keys(prototypes[prototypegroup]).foreach(protomethod => { swiper.prototype[protomethod] = prototypes[prototypegroup][protomethod]; }); }); swiper.use([resize, observer]); function virtual(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on, emit } = _ref; extendparams({ virtual: { enabled: false, slides: [], cache: true, renderslide: null, renderexternal: null, renderexternalupdate: true, addslidesbefore: 0, addslidesafter: 0 } }); let cssmodetimeout; swiper.virtual = { cache: {}, from: undefined, to: undefined, slides: [], offset: 0, slidesgrid: [] }; function renderslide(slide, index) { const params = swiper.params.virtual; if (params.cache && swiper.virtual.cache[index]) { return swiper.virtual.cache[index]; } const $slideel = params.renderslide ? $(params.renderslide.call(swiper, slide, index)) : $(`
`); if (!$slideel.attr('data-swiper-slide-index')) $slideel.attr('data-swiper-slide-index', index); if (params.cache) swiper.virtual.cache[index] = $slideel; return $slideel; } function update(force) { const { slidesperview, slidespergroup, centeredslides } = swiper.params; const { addslidesbefore, addslidesafter } = swiper.params.virtual; const { from: previousfrom, to: previousto, slides, slidesgrid: previousslidesgrid, offset: previousoffset } = swiper.virtual; if (!swiper.params.cssmode) { swiper.updateactiveindex(); } const activeindex = swiper.activeindex || 0; let offsetprop; if (swiper.rtltranslate) offsetprop = 'right';else offsetprop = swiper.ishorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top'; let slidesafter; let slidesbefore; if (centeredslides) { slidesafter = math.floor(slidesperview / 2) + slidespergroup + addslidesafter; slidesbefore = math.floor(slidesperview / 2) + slidespergroup + addslidesbefore; } else { slidesafter = slidesperview + (slidespergroup - 1) + addslidesafter; slidesbefore = slidespergroup + addslidesbefore; } const from = math.max((activeindex || 0) - slidesbefore, 0); const to = math.min((activeindex || 0) + slidesafter, slides.length - 1); const offset = (swiper.slidesgrid[from] || 0) - (swiper.slidesgrid[0] || 0); object.assign(swiper.virtual, { from, to, offset, slidesgrid: swiper.slidesgrid }); function onrendered() { swiper.updateslides(); swiper.updateprogress(); swiper.updateslidesclasses(); if (swiper.lazy && swiper.params.lazy.enabled) { swiper.lazy.load(); } emit('virtualupdate'); } if (previousfrom === from && previousto === to && !force) { if (swiper.slidesgrid !== previousslidesgrid && offset !== previousoffset) { swiper.slides.css(offsetprop, `${offset}px`); } swiper.updateprogress(); emit('virtualupdate'); return; } if (swiper.params.virtual.renderexternal) { swiper.params.virtual.renderexternal.call(swiper, { offset, from, to, slides: function getslides() { const slidestorender = []; for (let i = from; i <= to; i += 1) { slidestorender.push(slides[i]); } return slidestorender; }() }); if (swiper.params.virtual.renderexternalupdate) { onrendered(); } else { emit('virtualupdate'); } return; } const prependindexes = []; const appendindexes = []; if (force) { swiper.$wrapperel.find(`.${swiper.params.slideclass}`).remove(); } else { for (let i = previousfrom; i <= previousto; i += 1) { if (i < from || i > to) { swiper.$wrapperel.find(`.${swiper.params.slideclass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${i}"]`).remove(); } } } for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { if (i >= from && i <= to) { if (typeof previousto === 'undefined' || force) { appendindexes.push(i); } else { if (i > previousto) appendindexes.push(i); if (i < previousfrom) prependindexes.push(i); } } } appendindexes.foreach(index => { swiper.$wrapperel.append(renderslide(slides[index], index)); }); prependindexes.sort((a, b) => b - a).foreach(index => { swiper.$wrapperel.prepend(renderslide(slides[index], index)); }); swiper.$wrapperel.children('.swiper-slide').css(offsetprop, `${offset}px`); onrendered(); } function appendslide(slides) { if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) { for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { if (slides[i]) swiper.virtual.slides.push(slides[i]); } } else { swiper.virtual.slides.push(slides); } update(true); } function prependslide(slides) { const activeindex = swiper.activeindex; let newactiveindex = activeindex + 1; let numberofnewslides = 1; if (array.isarray(slides)) { for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { if (slides[i]) swiper.virtual.slides.unshift(slides[i]); } newactiveindex = activeindex + slides.length; numberofnewslides = slides.length; } else { swiper.virtual.slides.unshift(slides); } if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) { const cache = swiper.virtual.cache; const newcache = {}; object.keys(cache).foreach(cachedindex => { const $cachedel = cache[cachedindex]; const cachedelindex = $cachedel.attr('data-swiper-slide-index'); if (cachedelindex) { $cachedel.attr('data-swiper-slide-index', parseint(cachedelindex, 10) + numberofnewslides); } newcache[parseint(cachedindex, 10) + numberofnewslides] = $cachedel; }); swiper.virtual.cache = newcache; } update(true); swiper.slideto(newactiveindex, 0); } function removeslide(slidesindexes) { if (typeof slidesindexes === 'undefined' || slidesindexes === null) return; let activeindex = swiper.activeindex; if (array.isarray(slidesindexes)) { for (let i = slidesindexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { swiper.virtual.slides.splice(slidesindexes[i], 1); if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) { delete swiper.virtual.cache[slidesindexes[i]]; } if (slidesindexes[i] < activeindex) activeindex -= 1; activeindex = math.max(activeindex, 0); } } else { swiper.virtual.slides.splice(slidesindexes, 1); if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) { delete swiper.virtual.cache[slidesindexes]; } if (slidesindexes < activeindex) activeindex -= 1; activeindex = math.max(activeindex, 0); } update(true); swiper.slideto(activeindex, 0); } function removeallslides() { swiper.virtual.slides = []; if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) { swiper.virtual.cache = {}; } update(true); swiper.slideto(0, 0); } on('beforeinit', () => { if (!swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return; swiper.virtual.slides = swiper.params.virtual.slides; swiper.classnames.push(`${swiper.params.containermodifierclass}virtual`); swiper.params.watchslidesprogress = true; swiper.originalparams.watchslidesprogress = true; if (!swiper.params.initialslide) { update(); } }); on('settranslate', () => { if (!swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return; if (swiper.params.cssmode && !swiper._immediatevirtual) { cleartimeout(cssmodetimeout); cssmodetimeout = settimeout(() => { update(); }, 100); } else { update(); } }); on('init update resize', () => { if (!swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return; if (swiper.params.cssmode) { setcssproperty(swiper.wrapperel, '--swiper-virtual-size', `${swiper.virtualsize}px`); } }); object.assign(swiper.virtual, { appendslide, prependslide, removeslide, removeallslides, update }); } /* eslint-disable consistent-return */ function keyboard(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on, emit } = _ref; const document = getdocument(); const window = getwindow(); swiper.keyboard = { enabled: false }; extendparams({ keyboard: { enabled: false, onlyinviewport: true, pageupdown: true } }); function handle(event) { if (!swiper.enabled) return; const { rtltranslate: rtl } = swiper; let e = event; if (e.originalevent) e = e.originalevent; // jquery fix const kc = e.keycode || e.charcode; const pageupdown = swiper.params.keyboard.pageupdown; const ispageup = pageupdown && kc === 33; const ispagedown = pageupdown && kc === 34; const isarrowleft = kc === 37; const isarrowright = kc === 39; const isarrowup = kc === 38; const isarrowdown = kc === 40; // directions locks if (!swiper.allowslidenext && (swiper.ishorizontal() && isarrowright || swiper.isvertical() && isarrowdown || ispagedown)) { return false; } if (!swiper.allowslideprev && (swiper.ishorizontal() && isarrowleft || swiper.isvertical() && isarrowup || ispageup)) { return false; } if (e.shiftkey || e.altkey || e.ctrlkey || e.metakey) { return undefined; } if (document.activeelement && document.activeelement.nodename && (document.activeelement.nodename.tolowercase() === 'input' || document.activeelement.nodename.tolowercase() === 'textarea')) { return undefined; } if (swiper.params.keyboard.onlyinviewport && (ispageup || ispagedown || isarrowleft || isarrowright || isarrowup || isarrowdown)) { let inview = false; // check that swiper should be inside of visible area of window if (swiper.$el.parents(`.${swiper.params.slideclass}`).length > 0 && swiper.$el.parents(`.${swiper.params.slideactiveclass}`).length === 0) { return undefined; } const $el = swiper.$el; const swiperwidth = $el[0].clientwidth; const swiperheight = $el[0].clientheight; const windowwidth = window.innerwidth; const windowheight = window.innerheight; const swiperoffset = swiper.$el.offset(); if (rtl) swiperoffset.left -= swiper.$el[0].scrollleft; const swipercoord = [[swiperoffset.left, swiperoffset.top], [swiperoffset.left + swiperwidth, swiperoffset.top], [swiperoffset.left, swiperoffset.top + swiperheight], [swiperoffset.left + swiperwidth, swiperoffset.top + swiperheight]]; for (let i = 0; i < swipercoord.length; i += 1) { const point = swipercoord[i]; if (point[0] >= 0 && point[0] <= windowwidth && point[1] >= 0 && point[1] <= windowheight) { if (point[0] === 0 && point[1] === 0) continue; // eslint-disable-line inview = true; } } if (!inview) return undefined; } if (swiper.ishorizontal()) { if (ispageup || ispagedown || isarrowleft || isarrowright) { if (e.preventdefault) e.preventdefault();else e.returnvalue = false; } if ((ispagedown || isarrowright) && !rtl || (ispageup || isarrowleft) && rtl) swiper.slidenext(); if ((ispageup || isarrowleft) && !rtl || (ispagedown || isarrowright) && rtl) swiper.slideprev(); } else { if (ispageup || ispagedown || isarrowup || isarrowdown) { if (e.preventdefault) e.preventdefault();else e.returnvalue = false; } if (ispagedown || isarrowdown) swiper.slidenext(); if (ispageup || isarrowup) swiper.slideprev(); } emit('keypress', kc); return undefined; } function enable() { if (swiper.keyboard.enabled) return; $(document).on('keydown', handle); swiper.keyboard.enabled = true; } function disable() { if (!swiper.keyboard.enabled) return; $(document).off('keydown', handle); swiper.keyboard.enabled = false; } on('init', () => { if (swiper.params.keyboard.enabled) { enable(); } }); on('destroy', () => { if (swiper.keyboard.enabled) { disable(); } }); object.assign(swiper.keyboard, { enable, disable }); } /* eslint-disable consistent-return */ function mousewheel(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on, emit } = _ref; const window = getwindow(); extendparams({ mousewheel: { enabled: false, releaseonedges: false, invert: false, forcetoaxis: false, sensitivity: 1, eventstarget: 'container', thresholddelta: null, thresholdtime: null } }); swiper.mousewheel = { enabled: false }; let timeout; let lastscrolltime = now(); let lasteventbeforesnap; const recentwheelevents = []; function normalize(e) { // reasonable defaults const pixel_step = 10; const line_height = 40; const page_height = 800; let sx = 0; let sy = 0; // spinx, spiny let px = 0; let py = 0; // pixelx, pixely // legacy if ('detail' in e) { sy = e.detail; } if ('wheeldelta' in e) { sy = -e.wheeldelta / 120; } if ('wheeldeltay' in e) { sy = -e.wheeldeltay / 120; } if ('wheeldeltax' in e) { sx = -e.wheeldeltax / 120; } // side scrolling on ff with dommousescroll if ('axis' in e && e.axis === e.horizontal_axis) { sx = sy; sy = 0; } px = sx * pixel_step; py = sy * pixel_step; if ('deltay' in e) { py = e.deltay; } if ('deltax' in e) { px = e.deltax; } if (e.shiftkey && !px) { // if user scrolls with shift he wants horizontal scroll px = py; py = 0; } if ((px || py) && e.deltamode) { if (e.deltamode === 1) { // delta in line units px *= line_height; py *= line_height; } else { // delta in page units px *= page_height; py *= page_height; } } // fall-back if spin cannot be determined if (px && !sx) { sx = px < 1 ? -1 : 1; } if (py && !sy) { sy = py < 1 ? -1 : 1; } return { spinx: sx, spiny: sy, pixelx: px, pixely: py }; } function handlemouseenter() { if (!swiper.enabled) return; swiper.mouseentered = true; } function handlemouseleave() { if (!swiper.enabled) return; swiper.mouseentered = false; } function animateslider(newevent) { if (swiper.params.mousewheel.thresholddelta && newevent.delta < swiper.params.mousewheel.thresholddelta) { // prevent if delta of wheel scroll delta is below configured threshold return false; } if (swiper.params.mousewheel.thresholdtime && now() - lastscrolltime < swiper.params.mousewheel.thresholdtime) { // prevent if time between scrolls is below configured threshold return false; } // if the movement is not big enough and // if the last time the user scrolled was too close to the current one (avoid continuously triggering the slider): // don't go any further (avoid insignificant scroll movement). if (newevent.delta >= 6 && now() - lastscrolltime < 60) { // return false as a default return true; } // if user is scrolling towards the end: // if the slider hasn't hit the latest slide or // if the slider is a loop and // if the slider isn't moving right now: // go to next slide and // emit a scroll event. // else (the user is scrolling towards the beginning) and // if the slider hasn't hit the first slide or // if the slider is a loop and // if the slider isn't moving right now: // go to prev slide and // emit a scroll event. if (newevent.direction < 0) { if ((!swiper.isend || swiper.params.loop) && !swiper.animating) { swiper.slidenext(); emit('scroll', newevent.raw); } } else if ((!swiper.isbeginning || swiper.params.loop) && !swiper.animating) { swiper.slideprev(); emit('scroll', newevent.raw); } // if you got here is because an animation has been triggered so store the current time lastscrolltime = new window.date().gettime(); // return false as a default return false; } function releasescroll(newevent) { const params = swiper.params.mousewheel; if (newevent.direction < 0) { if (swiper.isend && !swiper.params.loop && params.releaseonedges) { // return true to animate scroll on edges return true; } } else if (swiper.isbeginning && !swiper.params.loop && params.releaseonedges) { // return true to animate scroll on edges return true; } return false; } function handle(event) { let e = event; let disableparentswiper = true; if (!swiper.enabled) return; const params = swiper.params.mousewheel; if (swiper.params.cssmode) { e.preventdefault(); } let target = swiper.$el; if (swiper.params.mousewheel.eventstarget !== 'container') { target = $(swiper.params.mousewheel.eventstarget); } if (!swiper.mouseentered && !target[0].contains(e.target) && !params.releaseonedges) return true; if (e.originalevent) e = e.originalevent; // jquery fix let delta = 0; const rtlfactor = swiper.rtltranslate ? -1 : 1; const data = normalize(e); if (params.forcetoaxis) { if (swiper.ishorizontal()) { if (math.abs(data.pixelx) > math.abs(data.pixely)) delta = -data.pixelx * rtlfactor;else return true; } else if (math.abs(data.pixely) > math.abs(data.pixelx)) delta = -data.pixely;else return true; } else { delta = math.abs(data.pixelx) > math.abs(data.pixely) ? -data.pixelx * rtlfactor : -data.pixely; } if (delta === 0) return true; if (params.invert) delta = -delta; // get the scroll positions let positions = swiper.gettranslate() + delta * params.sensitivity; if (positions >= swiper.mintranslate()) positions = swiper.mintranslate(); if (positions <= swiper.maxtranslate()) positions = swiper.maxtranslate(); // when loop is true: // the disableparentswiper will be true. // when loop is false: // if the scroll positions is not on edge, // then the disableparentswiper will be true. // if the scroll on edge positions, // then the disableparentswiper will be false. disableparentswiper = swiper.params.loop ? true : !(positions === swiper.mintranslate() || positions === swiper.maxtranslate()); if (disableparentswiper && swiper.params.nested) e.stoppropagation(); if (!swiper.params.freemode || !swiper.params.freemode.enabled) { // register the new event in a variable which stores the relevant data const newevent = { time: now(), delta: math.abs(delta), direction: math.sign(delta), raw: event }; // keep the most recent events if (recentwheelevents.length >= 2) { recentwheelevents.shift(); // only store the last n events } const prevevent = recentwheelevents.length ? recentwheelevents[recentwheelevents.length - 1] : undefined; recentwheelevents.push(newevent); // if there is at least one previous recorded event: // if direction has changed or // if the scroll is quicker than the previous one: // animate the slider. // else (this is the first time the wheel is moved): // animate the slider. if (prevevent) { if (newevent.direction !== prevevent.direction || newevent.delta > prevevent.delta || newevent.time > prevevent.time + 150) { animateslider(newevent); } } else { animateslider(newevent); } // if it's time to release the scroll: // return now so you don't hit the preventdefault. if (releasescroll(newevent)) { return true; } } else { // freemode or scrollcontainer: // if we recently snapped after a momentum scroll, then ignore wheel events // to give time for the deceleration to finish. stop ignoring after 500 msecs // or if it's a new scroll (larger delta or inverse sign as last event before // an end-of-momentum snap). const newevent = { time: now(), delta: math.abs(delta), direction: math.sign(delta) }; const ignorewheelevents = lasteventbeforesnap && newevent.time < lasteventbeforesnap.time + 500 && newevent.delta <= lasteventbeforesnap.delta && newevent.direction === lasteventbeforesnap.direction; if (!ignorewheelevents) { lasteventbeforesnap = undefined; if (swiper.params.loop) { swiper.loopfix(); } let position = swiper.gettranslate() + delta * params.sensitivity; const wasbeginning = swiper.isbeginning; const wasend = swiper.isend; if (position >= swiper.mintranslate()) position = swiper.mintranslate(); if (position <= swiper.maxtranslate()) position = swiper.maxtranslate(); swiper.settransition(0); swiper.settranslate(position); swiper.updateprogress(); swiper.updateactiveindex(); swiper.updateslidesclasses(); if (!wasbeginning && swiper.isbeginning || !wasend && swiper.isend) { swiper.updateslidesclasses(); } if (swiper.params.freemode.sticky) { // when wheel scrolling starts with sticky (aka snap) enabled, then detect // the end of a momentum scroll by storing recent (n=15?) wheel events. // 1. do all n events have decreasing or same (absolute value) delta? // 2. did all n events arrive in the last m (m=500?) msecs? // 3. does the earliest event have an (absolute value) delta that's // at least p (p=1?) larger than the most recent event's delta? // 4. does the latest event have a delta that's smaller than q (q=6?) pixels? // if 1-4 are "yes" then we're near the end of a momentum scroll deceleration. // snap immediately and ignore remaining wheel events in this scroll. // see comment above for "remaining wheel events in this scroll" determination. // if 1-4 aren't satisfied, then wait to snap until 500ms after the last event. cleartimeout(timeout); timeout = undefined; if (recentwheelevents.length >= 15) { recentwheelevents.shift(); // only store the last n events } const prevevent = recentwheelevents.length ? recentwheelevents[recentwheelevents.length - 1] : undefined; const firstevent = recentwheelevents[0]; recentwheelevents.push(newevent); if (prevevent && (newevent.delta > prevevent.delta || newevent.direction !== prevevent.direction)) { // increasing or reverse-sign delta means the user started scrolling again. clear the wheel event log. recentwheelevents.splice(0); } else if (recentwheelevents.length >= 15 && newevent.time - firstevent.time < 500 && firstevent.delta - newevent.delta >= 1 && newevent.delta <= 6) { // we're at the end of the deceleration of a momentum scroll, so there's no need // to wait for more events. snap asap on the next tick. // also, because there's some remaining momentum we'll bias the snap in the // direction of the ongoing scroll because it's better ux for the scroll to snap // in the same direction as the scroll instead of reversing to snap. therefore, // if it's already scrolled more than 20% in the current direction, keep going. const snaptothreshold = delta > 0 ? 0.8 : 0.2; lasteventbeforesnap = newevent; recentwheelevents.splice(0); timeout = nexttick(() => { swiper.slidetoclosest(swiper.params.speed, true, undefined, snaptothreshold); }, 0); // no delay; move on next tick } if (!timeout) { // if we get here, then we haven't detected the end of a momentum scroll, so // we'll consider a scroll "complete" when there haven't been any wheel events // for 500ms. timeout = nexttick(() => { const snaptothreshold = 0.5; lasteventbeforesnap = newevent; recentwheelevents.splice(0); swiper.slidetoclosest(swiper.params.speed, true, undefined, snaptothreshold); }, 500); } } // emit event if (!ignorewheelevents) emit('scroll', e); // stop autoplay if (swiper.params.autoplay && swiper.params.autoplaydisableoninteraction) swiper.autoplay.stop(); // return page scroll on edge positions if (position === swiper.mintranslate() || position === swiper.maxtranslate()) return true; } } if (e.preventdefault) e.preventdefault();else e.returnvalue = false; return false; } function events(method) { let target = swiper.$el; if (swiper.params.mousewheel.eventstarget !== 'container') { target = $(swiper.params.mousewheel.eventstarget); } target[method]('mouseenter', handlemouseenter); target[method]('mouseleave', handlemouseleave); target[method]('wheel', handle); } function enable() { if (swiper.params.cssmode) { swiper.wrapperel.removeeventlistener('wheel', handle); return true; } if (swiper.mousewheel.enabled) return false; events('on'); swiper.mousewheel.enabled = true; return true; } function disable() { if (swiper.params.cssmode) { swiper.wrapperel.addeventlistener(event, handle); return true; } if (!swiper.mousewheel.enabled) return false; events('off'); swiper.mousewheel.enabled = false; return true; } on('init', () => { if (!swiper.params.mousewheel.enabled && swiper.params.cssmode) { disable(); } if (swiper.params.mousewheel.enabled) enable(); }); on('destroy', () => { if (swiper.params.cssmode) { enable(); } if (swiper.mousewheel.enabled) disable(); }); object.assign(swiper.mousewheel, { enable, disable }); } function createelementifnotdefined(swiper, originalparams, params, checkprops) { const document = getdocument(); if (swiper.params.createelements) { object.keys(checkprops).foreach(key => { if (!params[key] && params.auto === true) { let element = swiper.$el.children(`.${checkprops[key]}`)[0]; if (!element) { element = document.createelement('div'); element.classname = checkprops[key]; swiper.$el.append(element); } params[key] = element; originalparams[key] = element; } }); } return params; } function navigation(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on, emit } = _ref; extendparams({ navigation: { nextel: null, prevel: null, hideonclick: false, disabledclass: 'swiper-button-disabled', hiddenclass: 'swiper-button-hidden', lockclass: 'swiper-button-lock', navigationdisabledclass: 'swiper-navigation-disabled' } }); swiper.navigation = { nextel: null, $nextel: null, prevel: null, $prevel: null }; function getel(el) { let $el; if (el) { $el = $(el); if (swiper.params.uniquenavelements && typeof el === 'string' && $el.length > 1 && swiper.$el.find(el).length === 1) { $el = swiper.$el.find(el); } } return $el; } function toggleel($el, disabled) { const params = swiper.params.navigation; if ($el && $el.length > 0) { $el[disabled ? 'addclass' : 'removeclass'](params.disabledclass); if ($el[0] && $el[0].tagname === 'button') $el[0].disabled = disabled; if (swiper.params.watchoverflow && swiper.enabled) { $el[swiper.islocked ? 'addclass' : 'removeclass'](params.lockclass); } } } function update() { // update navigation buttons if (swiper.params.loop) return; const { $nextel, $prevel } = swiper.navigation; toggleel($prevel, swiper.isbeginning && !swiper.params.rewind); toggleel($nextel, swiper.isend && !swiper.params.rewind); } function onprevclick(e) { e.preventdefault(); if (swiper.isbeginning && !swiper.params.loop && !swiper.params.rewind) return; swiper.slideprev(); emit('navigationprev'); } function onnextclick(e) { e.preventdefault(); if (swiper.isend && !swiper.params.loop && !swiper.params.rewind) return; swiper.slidenext(); emit('navigationnext'); } function init() { const params = swiper.params.navigation; swiper.params.navigation = createelementifnotdefined(swiper, swiper.originalparams.navigation, swiper.params.navigation, { nextel: 'swiper-button-next', prevel: 'swiper-button-prev' }); if (!(params.nextel || params.prevel)) return; const $nextel = getel(params.nextel); const $prevel = getel(params.prevel); if ($nextel && $nextel.length > 0) { $nextel.on('click', onnextclick); } if ($prevel && $prevel.length > 0) { $prevel.on('click', onprevclick); } object.assign(swiper.navigation, { $nextel, nextel: $nextel && $nextel[0], $prevel, prevel: $prevel && $prevel[0] }); if (!swiper.enabled) { if ($nextel) $nextel.addclass(params.lockclass); if ($prevel) $prevel.addclass(params.lockclass); } } function destroy() { const { $nextel, $prevel } = swiper.navigation; if ($nextel && $nextel.length) { $nextel.off('click', onnextclick); $nextel.removeclass(swiper.params.navigation.disabledclass); } if ($prevel && $prevel.length) { $prevel.off('click', onprevclick); $prevel.removeclass(swiper.params.navigation.disabledclass); } } on('init', () => { if (swiper.params.navigation.enabled === false) { // eslint-disable-next-line disable(); } else { init(); update(); } }); on('toedge fromedge lock unlock', () => { update(); }); on('destroy', () => { destroy(); }); on('enable disable', () => { const { $nextel, $prevel } = swiper.navigation; if ($nextel) { $nextel[swiper.enabled ? 'removeclass' : 'addclass'](swiper.params.navigation.lockclass); } if ($prevel) { $prevel[swiper.enabled ? 'removeclass' : 'addclass'](swiper.params.navigation.lockclass); } }); on('click', (_s, e) => { const { $nextel, $prevel } = swiper.navigation; const targetel = e.target; if (swiper.params.navigation.hideonclick && !$(targetel).is($prevel) && !$(targetel).is($nextel)) { if (swiper.pagination && swiper.params.pagination && swiper.params.pagination.clickable && (swiper.pagination.el === targetel || swiper.pagination.el.contains(targetel))) return; let ishidden; if ($nextel) { ishidden = $nextel.hasclass(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenclass); } else if ($prevel) { ishidden = $prevel.hasclass(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenclass); } if (ishidden === true) { emit('navigationshow'); } else { emit('navigationhide'); } if ($nextel) { $nextel.toggleclass(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenclass); } if ($prevel) { $prevel.toggleclass(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenclass); } } }); const enable = () => { swiper.$el.removeclass(swiper.params.navigation.navigationdisabledclass); init(); update(); }; const disable = () => { swiper.$el.addclass(swiper.params.navigation.navigationdisabledclass); destroy(); }; object.assign(swiper.navigation, { enable, disable, update, init, destroy }); } function classestoselector(classes) { if (classes === void 0) { classes = ''; } return `.${classes.trim().replace(/([\.:!\/])/g, '\\$1') // eslint-disable-line .replace(/ /g, '.')}`; } function pagination(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on, emit } = _ref; const pfx = 'swiper-pagination'; extendparams({ pagination: { el: null, bulletelement: 'span', clickable: false, hideonclick: false, renderbullet: null, renderprogressbar: null, renderfraction: null, rendercustom: null, progressbaropposite: false, type: 'bullets', // 'bullets' or 'progressbar' or 'fraction' or 'custom' dynamicbullets: false, dynamicmainbullets: 1, formatfractioncurrent: number => number, formatfractiontotal: number => number, bulletclass: `${pfx}-bullet`, bulletactiveclass: `${pfx}-bullet-active`, modifierclass: `${pfx}-`, currentclass: `${pfx}-current`, totalclass: `${pfx}-total`, hiddenclass: `${pfx}-hidden`, progressbarfillclass: `${pfx}-progressbar-fill`, progressbaroppositeclass: `${pfx}-progressbar-opposite`, clickableclass: `${pfx}-clickable`, lockclass: `${pfx}-lock`, horizontalclass: `${pfx}-horizontal`, verticalclass: `${pfx}-vertical`, paginationdisabledclass: `${pfx}-disabled` } }); swiper.pagination = { el: null, $el: null, bullets: [] }; let bulletsize; let dynamicbulletindex = 0; function ispaginationdisabled() { return !swiper.params.pagination.el || !swiper.pagination.el || !swiper.pagination.$el || swiper.pagination.$el.length === 0; } function setsidebullets($bulletel, position) { const { bulletactiveclass } = swiper.params.pagination; $bulletel[position]().addclass(`${bulletactiveclass}-${position}`)[position]().addclass(`${bulletactiveclass}-${position}-${position}`); } function update() { // render || update pagination bullets/items const rtl = swiper.rtl; const params = swiper.params.pagination; if (ispaginationdisabled()) return; const slideslength = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : swiper.slides.length; const $el = swiper.pagination.$el; // current/total let current; const total = swiper.params.loop ? math.ceil((slideslength - swiper.loopedslides * 2) / swiper.params.slidespergroup) : swiper.snapgrid.length; if (swiper.params.loop) { current = math.ceil((swiper.activeindex - swiper.loopedslides) / swiper.params.slidespergroup); if (current > slideslength - 1 - swiper.loopedslides * 2) { current -= slideslength - swiper.loopedslides * 2; } if (current > total - 1) current -= total; if (current < 0 && swiper.params.paginationtype !== 'bullets') current = total + current; } else if (typeof swiper.snapindex !== 'undefined') { current = swiper.snapindex; } else { current = swiper.activeindex || 0; } // types if (params.type === 'bullets' && swiper.pagination.bullets && swiper.pagination.bullets.length > 0) { const bullets = swiper.pagination.bullets; let firstindex; let lastindex; let midindex; if (params.dynamicbullets) { bulletsize = bullets.eq(0)[swiper.ishorizontal() ? 'outerwidth' : 'outerheight'](true); $el.css(swiper.ishorizontal() ? 'width' : 'height', `${bulletsize * (params.dynamicmainbullets + 4)}px`); if (params.dynamicmainbullets > 1 && swiper.previousindex !== undefined) { dynamicbulletindex += current - (swiper.previousindex - swiper.loopedslides || 0); if (dynamicbulletindex > params.dynamicmainbullets - 1) { dynamicbulletindex = params.dynamicmainbullets - 1; } else if (dynamicbulletindex < 0) { dynamicbulletindex = 0; } } firstindex = math.max(current - dynamicbulletindex, 0); lastindex = firstindex + (math.min(bullets.length, params.dynamicmainbullets) - 1); midindex = (lastindex + firstindex) / 2; } bullets.removeclass(['', '-next', '-next-next', '-prev', '-prev-prev', '-main'].map(suffix => `${params.bulletactiveclass}${suffix}`).join(' ')); if ($el.length > 1) { bullets.each(bullet => { const $bullet = $(bullet); const bulletindex = $bullet.index(); if (bulletindex === current) { $bullet.addclass(params.bulletactiveclass); } if (params.dynamicbullets) { if (bulletindex >= firstindex && bulletindex <= lastindex) { $bullet.addclass(`${params.bulletactiveclass}-main`); } if (bulletindex === firstindex) { setsidebullets($bullet, 'prev'); } if (bulletindex === lastindex) { setsidebullets($bullet, 'next'); } } }); } else { const $bullet = bullets.eq(current); const bulletindex = $bullet.index(); $bullet.addclass(params.bulletactiveclass); if (params.dynamicbullets) { const $firstdisplayedbullet = bullets.eq(firstindex); const $lastdisplayedbullet = bullets.eq(lastindex); for (let i = firstindex; i <= lastindex; i += 1) { bullets.eq(i).addclass(`${params.bulletactiveclass}-main`); } if (swiper.params.loop) { if (bulletindex >= bullets.length) { for (let i = params.dynamicmainbullets; i >= 0; i -= 1) { bullets.eq(bullets.length - i).addclass(`${params.bulletactiveclass}-main`); } bullets.eq(bullets.length - params.dynamicmainbullets - 1).addclass(`${params.bulletactiveclass}-prev`); } else { setsidebullets($firstdisplayedbullet, 'prev'); setsidebullets($lastdisplayedbullet, 'next'); } } else { setsidebullets($firstdisplayedbullet, 'prev'); setsidebullets($lastdisplayedbullet, 'next'); } } } if (params.dynamicbullets) { const dynamicbulletslength = math.min(bullets.length, params.dynamicmainbullets + 4); const bulletsoffset = (bulletsize * dynamicbulletslength - bulletsize) / 2 - midindex * bulletsize; const offsetprop = rtl ? 'right' : 'left'; bullets.css(swiper.ishorizontal() ? offsetprop : 'top', `${bulletsoffset}px`); } } if (params.type === 'fraction') { $el.find(classestoselector(params.currentclass)).text(params.formatfractioncurrent(current + 1)); $el.find(classestoselector(params.totalclass)).text(params.formatfractiontotal(total)); } if (params.type === 'progressbar') { let progressbardirection; if (params.progressbaropposite) { progressbardirection = swiper.ishorizontal() ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'; } else { progressbardirection = swiper.ishorizontal() ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'; } const scale = (current + 1) / total; let scalex = 1; let scaley = 1; if (progressbardirection === 'horizontal') { scalex = scale; } else { scaley = scale; } $el.find(classestoselector(params.progressbarfillclass)).transform(`translate3d(0,0,0) scalex(${scalex}) scaley(${scaley})`).transition(swiper.params.speed); } if (params.type === 'custom' && params.rendercustom) { $el.html(params.rendercustom(swiper, current + 1, total)); emit('paginationrender', $el[0]); } else { emit('paginationupdate', $el[0]); } if (swiper.params.watchoverflow && swiper.enabled) { $el[swiper.islocked ? 'addclass' : 'removeclass'](params.lockclass); } } function render() { // render container const params = swiper.params.pagination; if (ispaginationdisabled()) return; const slideslength = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : swiper.slides.length; const $el = swiper.pagination.$el; let paginationhtml = ''; if (params.type === 'bullets') { let numberofbullets = swiper.params.loop ? math.ceil((slideslength - swiper.loopedslides * 2) / swiper.params.slidespergroup) : swiper.snapgrid.length; if (swiper.params.freemode && swiper.params.freemode.enabled && !swiper.params.loop && numberofbullets > slideslength) { numberofbullets = slideslength; } for (let i = 0; i < numberofbullets; i += 1) { if (params.renderbullet) { paginationhtml += params.renderbullet.call(swiper, i, params.bulletclass); } else { paginationhtml += `<${params.bulletelement} class="${params.bulletclass}">`; } } $el.html(paginationhtml); swiper.pagination.bullets = $el.find(classestoselector(params.bulletclass)); } if (params.type === 'fraction') { if (params.renderfraction) { paginationhtml = params.renderfraction.call(swiper, params.currentclass, params.totalclass); } else { paginationhtml = `` + ' / ' + ``; } $el.html(paginationhtml); } if (params.type === 'progressbar') { if (params.renderprogressbar) { paginationhtml = params.renderprogressbar.call(swiper, params.progressbarfillclass); } else { paginationhtml = ``; } $el.html(paginationhtml); } if (params.type !== 'custom') { emit('paginationrender', swiper.pagination.$el[0]); } } function init() { swiper.params.pagination = createelementifnotdefined(swiper, swiper.originalparams.pagination, swiper.params.pagination, { el: 'swiper-pagination' }); const params = swiper.params.pagination; if (!params.el) return; let $el = $(params.el); if ($el.length === 0) return; if (swiper.params.uniquenavelements && typeof params.el === 'string' && $el.length > 1) { $el = swiper.$el.find(params.el); // check if it belongs to another nested swiper if ($el.length > 1) { $el = $el.filter(el => { if ($(el).parents('.swiper')[0] !== swiper.el) return false; return true; }); } } if (params.type === 'bullets' && params.clickable) { $el.addclass(params.clickableclass); } $el.addclass(params.modifierclass + params.type); $el.addclass(swiper.ishorizontal() ? params.horizontalclass : params.verticalclass); if (params.type === 'bullets' && params.dynamicbullets) { $el.addclass(`${params.modifierclass}${params.type}-dynamic`); dynamicbulletindex = 0; if (params.dynamicmainbullets < 1) { params.dynamicmainbullets = 1; } } if (params.type === 'progressbar' && params.progressbaropposite) { $el.addclass(params.progressbaroppositeclass); } if (params.clickable) { $el.on('click', classestoselector(params.bulletclass), function onclick(e) { e.preventdefault(); let index = $(this).index() * swiper.params.slidespergroup; if (swiper.params.loop) index += swiper.loopedslides; swiper.slideto(index); }); } object.assign(swiper.pagination, { $el, el: $el[0] }); if (!swiper.enabled) { $el.addclass(params.lockclass); } } function destroy() { const params = swiper.params.pagination; if (ispaginationdisabled()) return; const $el = swiper.pagination.$el; $el.removeclass(params.hiddenclass); $el.removeclass(params.modifierclass + params.type); $el.removeclass(swiper.ishorizontal() ? params.horizontalclass : params.verticalclass); if (swiper.pagination.bullets && swiper.pagination.bullets.removeclass) swiper.pagination.bullets.removeclass(params.bulletactiveclass); if (params.clickable) { $el.off('click', classestoselector(params.bulletclass)); } } on('init', () => { if (swiper.params.pagination.enabled === false) { // eslint-disable-next-line disable(); } else { init(); render(); update(); } }); on('activeindexchange', () => { if (swiper.params.loop) { update(); } else if (typeof swiper.snapindex === 'undefined') { update(); } }); on('snapindexchange', () => { if (!swiper.params.loop) { update(); } }); on('slideslengthchange', () => { if (swiper.params.loop) { render(); update(); } }); on('snapgridlengthchange', () => { if (!swiper.params.loop) { render(); update(); } }); on('destroy', () => { destroy(); }); on('enable disable', () => { const { $el } = swiper.pagination; if ($el) { $el[swiper.enabled ? 'removeclass' : 'addclass'](swiper.params.pagination.lockclass); } }); on('lock unlock', () => { update(); }); on('click', (_s, e) => { const targetel = e.target; const { $el } = swiper.pagination; if (swiper.params.pagination.el && swiper.params.pagination.hideonclick && $el && $el.length > 0 && !$(targetel).hasclass(swiper.params.pagination.bulletclass)) { if (swiper.navigation && (swiper.navigation.nextel && targetel === swiper.navigation.nextel || swiper.navigation.prevel && targetel === swiper.navigation.prevel)) return; const ishidden = $el.hasclass(swiper.params.pagination.hiddenclass); if (ishidden === true) { emit('paginationshow'); } else { emit('paginationhide'); } $el.toggleclass(swiper.params.pagination.hiddenclass); } }); const enable = () => { swiper.$el.removeclass(swiper.params.pagination.paginationdisabledclass); if (swiper.pagination.$el) { swiper.pagination.$el.removeclass(swiper.params.pagination.paginationdisabledclass); } init(); render(); update(); }; const disable = () => { swiper.$el.addclass(swiper.params.pagination.paginationdisabledclass); if (swiper.pagination.$el) { swiper.pagination.$el.addclass(swiper.params.pagination.paginationdisabledclass); } destroy(); }; object.assign(swiper.pagination, { enable, disable, render, update, init, destroy }); } function scrollbar(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on, emit } = _ref; const document = getdocument(); let istouched = false; let timeout = null; let dragtimeout = null; let dragstartpos; let dragsize; let tracksize; let divider; extendparams({ scrollbar: { el: null, dragsize: 'auto', hide: false, draggable: false, snaponrelease: true, lockclass: 'swiper-scrollbar-lock', dragclass: 'swiper-scrollbar-drag', scrollbardisabledclass: 'swiper-scrollbar-disabled', horizontalclass: `swiper-scrollbar-horizontal`, verticalclass: `swiper-scrollbar-vertical` } }); swiper.scrollbar = { el: null, dragel: null, $el: null, $dragel: null }; function settranslate() { if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return; const { scrollbar, rtltranslate: rtl, progress } = swiper; const { $dragel, $el } = scrollbar; const params = swiper.params.scrollbar; let newsize = dragsize; let newpos = (tracksize - dragsize) * progress; if (rtl) { newpos = -newpos; if (newpos > 0) { newsize = dragsize - newpos; newpos = 0; } else if (-newpos + dragsize > tracksize) { newsize = tracksize + newpos; } } else if (newpos < 0) { newsize = dragsize + newpos; newpos = 0; } else if (newpos + dragsize > tracksize) { newsize = tracksize - newpos; } if (swiper.ishorizontal()) { $dragel.transform(`translate3d(${newpos}px, 0, 0)`); $dragel[0].style.width = `${newsize}px`; } else { $dragel.transform(`translate3d(0px, ${newpos}px, 0)`); $dragel[0].style.height = `${newsize}px`; } if (params.hide) { cleartimeout(timeout); $el[0].style.opacity = 1; timeout = settimeout(() => { $el[0].style.opacity = 0; $el.transition(400); }, 1000); } } function settransition(duration) { if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return; swiper.scrollbar.$dragel.transition(duration); } function updatesize() { if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return; const { scrollbar } = swiper; const { $dragel, $el } = scrollbar; $dragel[0].style.width = ''; $dragel[0].style.height = ''; tracksize = swiper.ishorizontal() ? $el[0].offsetwidth : $el[0].offsetheight; divider = swiper.size / (swiper.virtualsize + swiper.params.slidesoffsetbefore - (swiper.params.centeredslides ? swiper.snapgrid[0] : 0)); if (swiper.params.scrollbar.dragsize === 'auto') { dragsize = tracksize * divider; } else { dragsize = parseint(swiper.params.scrollbar.dragsize, 10); } if (swiper.ishorizontal()) { $dragel[0].style.width = `${dragsize}px`; } else { $dragel[0].style.height = `${dragsize}px`; } if (divider >= 1) { $el[0].style.display = 'none'; } else { $el[0].style.display = ''; } if (swiper.params.scrollbar.hide) { $el[0].style.opacity = 0; } if (swiper.params.watchoverflow && swiper.enabled) { scrollbar.$el[swiper.islocked ? 'addclass' : 'removeclass'](swiper.params.scrollbar.lockclass); } } function getpointerposition(e) { if (swiper.ishorizontal()) { return e.type === 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targettouches[0].clientx : e.clientx; } return e.type === 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targettouches[0].clienty : e.clienty; } function setdragposition(e) { const { scrollbar, rtltranslate: rtl } = swiper; const { $el } = scrollbar; let positionratio; positionratio = (getpointerposition(e) - $el.offset()[swiper.ishorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top'] - (dragstartpos !== null ? dragstartpos : dragsize / 2)) / (tracksize - dragsize); positionratio = math.max(math.min(positionratio, 1), 0); if (rtl) { positionratio = 1 - positionratio; } const position = swiper.mintranslate() + (swiper.maxtranslate() - swiper.mintranslate()) * positionratio; swiper.updateprogress(position); swiper.settranslate(position); swiper.updateactiveindex(); swiper.updateslidesclasses(); } function ondragstart(e) { const params = swiper.params.scrollbar; const { scrollbar, $wrapperel } = swiper; const { $el, $dragel } = scrollbar; istouched = true; dragstartpos = e.target === $dragel[0] || e.target === $dragel ? getpointerposition(e) - e.target.getboundingclientrect()[swiper.ishorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top'] : null; e.preventdefault(); e.stoppropagation(); $wrapperel.transition(100); $dragel.transition(100); setdragposition(e); cleartimeout(dragtimeout); $el.transition(0); if (params.hide) { $el.css('opacity', 1); } if (swiper.params.cssmode) { swiper.$wrapperel.css('scroll-snap-type', 'none'); } emit('scrollbardragstart', e); } function ondragmove(e) { const { scrollbar, $wrapperel } = swiper; const { $el, $dragel } = scrollbar; if (!istouched) return; if (e.preventdefault) e.preventdefault();else e.returnvalue = false; setdragposition(e); $wrapperel.transition(0); $el.transition(0); $dragel.transition(0); emit('scrollbardragmove', e); } function ondragend(e) { const params = swiper.params.scrollbar; const { scrollbar, $wrapperel } = swiper; const { $el } = scrollbar; if (!istouched) return; istouched = false; if (swiper.params.cssmode) { swiper.$wrapperel.css('scroll-snap-type', ''); $wrapperel.transition(''); } if (params.hide) { cleartimeout(dragtimeout); dragtimeout = nexttick(() => { $el.css('opacity', 0); $el.transition(400); }, 1000); } emit('scrollbardragend', e); if (params.snaponrelease) { swiper.slidetoclosest(); } } function events(method) { const { scrollbar, toucheventstouch, toucheventsdesktop, params, support } = swiper; const $el = scrollbar.$el; if (!$el) return; const target = $el[0]; const activelistener = support.passivelistener && params.passivelisteners ? { passive: false, capture: false } : false; const passivelistener = support.passivelistener && params.passivelisteners ? { passive: true, capture: false } : false; if (!target) return; const eventmethod = method === 'on' ? 'addeventlistener' : 'removeeventlistener'; if (!support.touch) { target[eventmethod](toucheventsdesktop.start, ondragstart, activelistener); document[eventmethod](toucheventsdesktop.move, ondragmove, activelistener); document[eventmethod](toucheventsdesktop.end, ondragend, passivelistener); } else { target[eventmethod](toucheventstouch.start, ondragstart, activelistener); target[eventmethod](toucheventstouch.move, ondragmove, activelistener); target[eventmethod](toucheventstouch.end, ondragend, passivelistener); } } function enabledraggable() { if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return; events('on'); } function disabledraggable() { if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return; events('off'); } function init() { const { scrollbar, $el: $swiperel } = swiper; swiper.params.scrollbar = createelementifnotdefined(swiper, swiper.originalparams.scrollbar, swiper.params.scrollbar, { el: 'swiper-scrollbar' }); const params = swiper.params.scrollbar; if (!params.el) return; let $el = $(params.el); if (swiper.params.uniquenavelements && typeof params.el === 'string' && $el.length > 1 && $swiperel.find(params.el).length === 1) { $el = $swiperel.find(params.el); } $el.addclass(swiper.ishorizontal() ? params.horizontalclass : params.verticalclass); let $dragel = $el.find(`.${swiper.params.scrollbar.dragclass}`); if ($dragel.length === 0) { $dragel = $(`
`); $el.append($dragel); } object.assign(scrollbar, { $el, el: $el[0], $dragel, dragel: $dragel[0] }); if (params.draggable) { enabledraggable(); } if ($el) { $el[swiper.enabled ? 'removeclass' : 'addclass'](swiper.params.scrollbar.lockclass); } } function destroy() { const params = swiper.params.scrollbar; const $el = swiper.scrollbar.$el; if ($el) { $el.removeclass(swiper.ishorizontal() ? params.horizontalclass : params.verticalclass); } disabledraggable(); } on('init', () => { if (swiper.params.scrollbar.enabled === false) { // eslint-disable-next-line disable(); } else { init(); updatesize(); settranslate(); } }); on('update resize observerupdate lock unlock', () => { updatesize(); }); on('settranslate', () => { settranslate(); }); on('settransition', (_s, duration) => { settransition(duration); }); on('enable disable', () => { const { $el } = swiper.scrollbar; if ($el) { $el[swiper.enabled ? 'removeclass' : 'addclass'](swiper.params.scrollbar.lockclass); } }); on('destroy', () => { destroy(); }); const enable = () => { swiper.$el.removeclass(swiper.params.scrollbar.scrollbardisabledclass); if (swiper.scrollbar.$el) { swiper.scrollbar.$el.removeclass(swiper.params.scrollbar.scrollbardisabledclass); } init(); updatesize(); settranslate(); }; const disable = () => { swiper.$el.addclass(swiper.params.scrollbar.scrollbardisabledclass); if (swiper.scrollbar.$el) { swiper.scrollbar.$el.addclass(swiper.params.scrollbar.scrollbardisabledclass); } destroy(); }; object.assign(swiper.scrollbar, { enable, disable, updatesize, settranslate, init, destroy }); } function parallax(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on } = _ref; extendparams({ parallax: { enabled: false } }); const settransform = (el, progress) => { const { rtl } = swiper; const $el = $(el); const rtlfactor = rtl ? -1 : 1; const p = $el.attr('data-swiper-parallax') || '0'; let x = $el.attr('data-swiper-parallax-x'); let y = $el.attr('data-swiper-parallax-y'); const scale = $el.attr('data-swiper-parallax-scale'); const opacity = $el.attr('data-swiper-parallax-opacity'); if (x || y) { x = x || '0'; y = y || '0'; } else if (swiper.ishorizontal()) { x = p; y = '0'; } else { y = p; x = '0'; } if (x.indexof('%') >= 0) { x = `${parseint(x, 10) * progress * rtlfactor}%`; } else { x = `${x * progress * rtlfactor}px`; } if (y.indexof('%') >= 0) { y = `${parseint(y, 10) * progress}%`; } else { y = `${y * progress}px`; } if (typeof opacity !== 'undefined' && opacity !== null) { const currentopacity = opacity - (opacity - 1) * (1 - math.abs(progress)); $el[0].style.opacity = currentopacity; } if (typeof scale === 'undefined' || scale === null) { $el.transform(`translate3d(${x}, ${y}, 0px)`); } else { const currentscale = scale - (scale - 1) * (1 - math.abs(progress)); $el.transform(`translate3d(${x}, ${y}, 0px) scale(${currentscale})`); } }; const settranslate = () => { const { $el, slides, progress, snapgrid } = swiper; $el.children('[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y], [data-swiper-parallax-opacity], [data-swiper-parallax-scale]').each(el => { settransform(el, progress); }); slides.each((slideel, slideindex) => { let slideprogress = slideel.progress; if (swiper.params.slidespergroup > 1 && swiper.params.slidesperview !== 'auto') { slideprogress += math.ceil(slideindex / 2) - progress * (snapgrid.length - 1); } slideprogress = math.min(math.max(slideprogress, -1), 1); $(slideel).find('[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y], [data-swiper-parallax-opacity], [data-swiper-parallax-scale]').each(el => { settransform(el, slideprogress); }); }); }; const settransition = function (duration) { if (duration === void 0) { duration = swiper.params.speed; } const { $el } = swiper; $el.find('[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y], [data-swiper-parallax-opacity], [data-swiper-parallax-scale]').each(parallaxel => { const $parallaxel = $(parallaxel); let parallaxduration = parseint($parallaxel.attr('data-swiper-parallax-duration'), 10) || duration; if (duration === 0) parallaxduration = 0; $parallaxel.transition(parallaxduration); }); }; on('beforeinit', () => { if (!swiper.params.parallax.enabled) return; swiper.params.watchslidesprogress = true; swiper.originalparams.watchslidesprogress = true; }); on('init', () => { if (!swiper.params.parallax.enabled) return; settranslate(); }); on('settranslate', () => { if (!swiper.params.parallax.enabled) return; settranslate(); }); on('settransition', (_swiper, duration) => { if (!swiper.params.parallax.enabled) return; settransition(duration); }); } function zoom(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on, emit } = _ref; const window = getwindow(); extendparams({ zoom: { enabled: false, maxratio: 3, minratio: 1, toggle: true, containerclass: 'swiper-zoom-container', zoomedslideclass: 'swiper-slide-zoomed' } }); swiper.zoom = { enabled: false }; let currentscale = 1; let isscaling = false; let gesturesenabled; let fakegesturetouched; let fakegesturemoved; const gesture = { $slideel: undefined, slidewidth: undefined, slideheight: undefined, $imageel: undefined, $imagewrapel: undefined, maxratio: 3 }; const image = { istouched: undefined, ismoved: undefined, currentx: undefined, currenty: undefined, minx: undefined, miny: undefined, maxx: undefined, maxy: undefined, width: undefined, height: undefined, startx: undefined, starty: undefined, touchesstart: {}, touchescurrent: {} }; const velocity = { x: undefined, y: undefined, prevpositionx: undefined, prevpositiony: undefined, prevtime: undefined }; let scale = 1; object.defineproperty(swiper.zoom, 'scale', { get() { return scale; }, set(value) { if (scale !== value) { const imageel = gesture.$imageel ? gesture.$imageel[0] : undefined; const slideel = gesture.$slideel ? gesture.$slideel[0] : undefined; emit('zoomchange', value, imageel, slideel); } scale = value; } }); function getdistancebetweentouches(e) { if (e.targettouches.length < 2) return 1; const x1 = e.targettouches[0].pagex; const y1 = e.targettouches[0].pagey; const x2 = e.targettouches[1].pagex; const y2 = e.targettouches[1].pagey; const distance = math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2); return distance; } // events function ongesturestart(e) { const support = swiper.support; const params = swiper.params.zoom; fakegesturetouched = false; fakegesturemoved = false; if (!support.gestures) { if (e.type !== 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchstart' && e.targettouches.length < 2) { return; } fakegesturetouched = true; gesture.scalestart = getdistancebetweentouches(e); } if (!gesture.$slideel || !gesture.$slideel.length) { gesture.$slideel = $(e.target).closest(`.${swiper.params.slideclass}`); if (gesture.$slideel.length === 0) gesture.$slideel = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeindex); gesture.$imageel = gesture.$slideel.find(`.${params.containerclass}`).eq(0).find('picture, img, svg, canvas, .swiper-zoom-target').eq(0); gesture.$imagewrapel = gesture.$imageel.parent(`.${params.containerclass}`); gesture.maxratio = gesture.$imagewrapel.attr('data-swiper-zoom') || params.maxratio; if (gesture.$imagewrapel.length === 0) { gesture.$imageel = undefined; return; } } if (gesture.$imageel) { gesture.$imageel.transition(0); } isscaling = true; } function ongesturechange(e) { const support = swiper.support; const params = swiper.params.zoom; const zoom = swiper.zoom; if (!support.gestures) { if (e.type !== 'touchmove' || e.type === 'touchmove' && e.targettouches.length < 2) { return; } fakegesturemoved = true; gesture.scalemove = getdistancebetweentouches(e); } if (!gesture.$imageel || gesture.$imageel.length === 0) { if (e.type === 'gesturechange') ongesturestart(e); return; } if (support.gestures) { zoom.scale = e.scale * currentscale; } else { zoom.scale = gesture.scalemove / gesture.scalestart * currentscale; } if (zoom.scale > gesture.maxratio) { zoom.scale = gesture.maxratio - 1 + (zoom.scale - gesture.maxratio + 1) ** 0.5; } if (zoom.scale < params.minratio) { zoom.scale = params.minratio + 1 - (params.minratio - zoom.scale + 1) ** 0.5; } gesture.$imageel.transform(`translate3d(0,0,0) scale(${zoom.scale})`); } function ongestureend(e) { const device = swiper.device; const support = swiper.support; const params = swiper.params.zoom; const zoom = swiper.zoom; if (!support.gestures) { if (!fakegesturetouched || !fakegesturemoved) { return; } if (e.type !== 'touchend' || e.type === 'touchend' && e.changedtouches.length < 2 && !device.android) { return; } fakegesturetouched = false; fakegesturemoved = false; } if (!gesture.$imageel || gesture.$imageel.length === 0) return; zoom.scale = math.max(math.min(zoom.scale, gesture.maxratio), params.minratio); gesture.$imageel.transition(swiper.params.speed).transform(`translate3d(0,0,0) scale(${zoom.scale})`); currentscale = zoom.scale; isscaling = false; if (zoom.scale === 1) gesture.$slideel = undefined; } function ontouchstart(e) { const device = swiper.device; if (!gesture.$imageel || gesture.$imageel.length === 0) return; if (image.istouched) return; if (device.android && e.cancelable) e.preventdefault(); image.istouched = true; image.touchesstart.x = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targettouches[0].pagex : e.pagex; image.touchesstart.y = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targettouches[0].pagey : e.pagey; } function ontouchmove(e) { const zoom = swiper.zoom; if (!gesture.$imageel || gesture.$imageel.length === 0) return; swiper.allowclick = false; if (!image.istouched || !gesture.$slideel) return; if (!image.ismoved) { image.width = gesture.$imageel[0].offsetwidth; image.height = gesture.$imageel[0].offsetheight; image.startx = gettranslate(gesture.$imagewrapel[0], 'x') || 0; image.starty = gettranslate(gesture.$imagewrapel[0], 'y') || 0; gesture.slidewidth = gesture.$slideel[0].offsetwidth; gesture.slideheight = gesture.$slideel[0].offsetheight; gesture.$imagewrapel.transition(0); } // define if we need image drag const scaledwidth = image.width * zoom.scale; const scaledheight = image.height * zoom.scale; if (scaledwidth < gesture.slidewidth && scaledheight < gesture.slideheight) return; image.minx = math.min(gesture.slidewidth / 2 - scaledwidth / 2, 0); image.maxx = -image.minx; image.miny = math.min(gesture.slideheight / 2 - scaledheight / 2, 0); image.maxy = -image.miny; image.touchescurrent.x = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targettouches[0].pagex : e.pagex; image.touchescurrent.y = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targettouches[0].pagey : e.pagey; if (!image.ismoved && !isscaling) { if (swiper.ishorizontal() && (math.floor(image.minx) === math.floor(image.startx) && image.touchescurrent.x < image.touchesstart.x || math.floor(image.maxx) === math.floor(image.startx) && image.touchescurrent.x > image.touchesstart.x)) { image.istouched = false; return; } if (!swiper.ishorizontal() && (math.floor(image.miny) === math.floor(image.starty) && image.touchescurrent.y < image.touchesstart.y || math.floor(image.maxy) === math.floor(image.starty) && image.touchescurrent.y > image.touchesstart.y)) { image.istouched = false; return; } } if (e.cancelable) { e.preventdefault(); } e.stoppropagation(); image.ismoved = true; image.currentx = image.touchescurrent.x - image.touchesstart.x + image.startx; image.currenty = image.touchescurrent.y - image.touchesstart.y + image.starty; if (image.currentx < image.minx) { image.currentx = image.minx + 1 - (image.minx - image.currentx + 1) ** 0.8; } if (image.currentx > image.maxx) { image.currentx = image.maxx - 1 + (image.currentx - image.maxx + 1) ** 0.8; } if (image.currenty < image.miny) { image.currenty = image.miny + 1 - (image.miny - image.currenty + 1) ** 0.8; } if (image.currenty > image.maxy) { image.currenty = image.maxy - 1 + (image.currenty - image.maxy + 1) ** 0.8; } // velocity if (!velocity.prevpositionx) velocity.prevpositionx = image.touchescurrent.x; if (!velocity.prevpositiony) velocity.prevpositiony = image.touchescurrent.y; if (!velocity.prevtime) velocity.prevtime = date.now(); velocity.x = (image.touchescurrent.x - velocity.prevpositionx) / (date.now() - velocity.prevtime) / 2; velocity.y = (image.touchescurrent.y - velocity.prevpositiony) / (date.now() - velocity.prevtime) / 2; if (math.abs(image.touchescurrent.x - velocity.prevpositionx) < 2) velocity.x = 0; if (math.abs(image.touchescurrent.y - velocity.prevpositiony) < 2) velocity.y = 0; velocity.prevpositionx = image.touchescurrent.x; velocity.prevpositiony = image.touchescurrent.y; velocity.prevtime = date.now(); gesture.$imagewrapel.transform(`translate3d(${image.currentx}px, ${image.currenty}px,0)`); } function ontouchend() { const zoom = swiper.zoom; if (!gesture.$imageel || gesture.$imageel.length === 0) return; if (!image.istouched || !image.ismoved) { image.istouched = false; image.ismoved = false; return; } image.istouched = false; image.ismoved = false; let momentumdurationx = 300; let momentumdurationy = 300; const momentumdistancex = velocity.x * momentumdurationx; const newpositionx = image.currentx + momentumdistancex; const momentumdistancey = velocity.y * momentumdurationy; const newpositiony = image.currenty + momentumdistancey; // fix duration if (velocity.x !== 0) momentumdurationx = math.abs((newpositionx - image.currentx) / velocity.x); if (velocity.y !== 0) momentumdurationy = math.abs((newpositiony - image.currenty) / velocity.y); const momentumduration = math.max(momentumdurationx, momentumdurationy); image.currentx = newpositionx; image.currenty = newpositiony; // define if we need image drag const scaledwidth = image.width * zoom.scale; const scaledheight = image.height * zoom.scale; image.minx = math.min(gesture.slidewidth / 2 - scaledwidth / 2, 0); image.maxx = -image.minx; image.miny = math.min(gesture.slideheight / 2 - scaledheight / 2, 0); image.maxy = -image.miny; image.currentx = math.max(math.min(image.currentx, image.maxx), image.minx); image.currenty = math.max(math.min(image.currenty, image.maxy), image.miny); gesture.$imagewrapel.transition(momentumduration).transform(`translate3d(${image.currentx}px, ${image.currenty}px,0)`); } function ontransitionend() { const zoom = swiper.zoom; if (gesture.$slideel && swiper.previousindex !== swiper.activeindex) { if (gesture.$imageel) { gesture.$imageel.transform('translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)'); } if (gesture.$imagewrapel) { gesture.$imagewrapel.transform('translate3d(0,0,0)'); } zoom.scale = 1; currentscale = 1; gesture.$slideel = undefined; gesture.$imageel = undefined; gesture.$imagewrapel = undefined; } } function zoomin(e) { const zoom = swiper.zoom; const params = swiper.params.zoom; if (!gesture.$slideel) { if (e && e.target) { gesture.$slideel = $(e.target).closest(`.${swiper.params.slideclass}`); } if (!gesture.$slideel) { if (swiper.params.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual) { gesture.$slideel = swiper.$wrapperel.children(`.${swiper.params.slideactiveclass}`); } else { gesture.$slideel = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeindex); } } gesture.$imageel = gesture.$slideel.find(`.${params.containerclass}`).eq(0).find('picture, img, svg, canvas, .swiper-zoom-target').eq(0); gesture.$imagewrapel = gesture.$imageel.parent(`.${params.containerclass}`); } if (!gesture.$imageel || gesture.$imageel.length === 0 || !gesture.$imagewrapel || gesture.$imagewrapel.length === 0) return; if (swiper.params.cssmode) { swiper.wrapperel.style.overflow = 'hidden'; swiper.wrapperel.style.touchaction = 'none'; } gesture.$slideel.addclass(`${params.zoomedslideclass}`); let touchx; let touchy; let offsetx; let offsety; let diffx; let diffy; let translatex; let translatey; let imagewidth; let imageheight; let scaledwidth; let scaledheight; let translateminx; let translateminy; let translatemaxx; let translatemaxy; let slidewidth; let slideheight; if (typeof image.touchesstart.x === 'undefined' && e) { touchx = e.type === 'touchend' ? e.changedtouches[0].pagex : e.pagex; touchy = e.type === 'touchend' ? e.changedtouches[0].pagey : e.pagey; } else { touchx = image.touchesstart.x; touchy = image.touchesstart.y; } zoom.scale = gesture.$imagewrapel.attr('data-swiper-zoom') || params.maxratio; currentscale = gesture.$imagewrapel.attr('data-swiper-zoom') || params.maxratio; if (e) { slidewidth = gesture.$slideel[0].offsetwidth; slideheight = gesture.$slideel[0].offsetheight; offsetx = gesture.$slideel.offset().left + window.scrollx; offsety = gesture.$slideel.offset().top + window.scrolly; diffx = offsetx + slidewidth / 2 - touchx; diffy = offsety + slideheight / 2 - touchy; imagewidth = gesture.$imageel[0].offsetwidth; imageheight = gesture.$imageel[0].offsetheight; scaledwidth = imagewidth * zoom.scale; scaledheight = imageheight * zoom.scale; translateminx = math.min(slidewidth / 2 - scaledwidth / 2, 0); translateminy = math.min(slideheight / 2 - scaledheight / 2, 0); translatemaxx = -translateminx; translatemaxy = -translateminy; translatex = diffx * zoom.scale; translatey = diffy * zoom.scale; if (translatex < translateminx) { translatex = translateminx; } if (translatex > translatemaxx) { translatex = translatemaxx; } if (translatey < translateminy) { translatey = translateminy; } if (translatey > translatemaxy) { translatey = translatemaxy; } } else { translatex = 0; translatey = 0; } gesture.$imagewrapel.transition(300).transform(`translate3d(${translatex}px, ${translatey}px,0)`); gesture.$imageel.transition(300).transform(`translate3d(0,0,0) scale(${zoom.scale})`); } function zoomout() { const zoom = swiper.zoom; const params = swiper.params.zoom; if (!gesture.$slideel) { if (swiper.params.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual) { gesture.$slideel = swiper.$wrapperel.children(`.${swiper.params.slideactiveclass}`); } else { gesture.$slideel = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeindex); } gesture.$imageel = gesture.$slideel.find(`.${params.containerclass}`).eq(0).find('picture, img, svg, canvas, .swiper-zoom-target').eq(0); gesture.$imagewrapel = gesture.$imageel.parent(`.${params.containerclass}`); } if (!gesture.$imageel || gesture.$imageel.length === 0 || !gesture.$imagewrapel || gesture.$imagewrapel.length === 0) return; if (swiper.params.cssmode) { swiper.wrapperel.style.overflow = ''; swiper.wrapperel.style.touchaction = ''; } zoom.scale = 1; currentscale = 1; gesture.$imagewrapel.transition(300).transform('translate3d(0,0,0)'); gesture.$imageel.transition(300).transform('translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)'); gesture.$slideel.removeclass(`${params.zoomedslideclass}`); gesture.$slideel = undefined; } // toggle zoom function zoomtoggle(e) { const zoom = swiper.zoom; if (zoom.scale && zoom.scale !== 1) { // zoom out zoomout(); } else { // zoom in zoomin(e); } } function getlisteners() { const support = swiper.support; const passivelistener = swiper.touchevents.start === 'touchstart' && support.passivelistener && swiper.params.passivelisteners ? { passive: true, capture: false } : false; const activelistenerwithcapture = support.passivelistener ? { passive: false, capture: true } : true; return { passivelistener, activelistenerwithcapture }; } function getslideselector() { return `.${swiper.params.slideclass}`; } function togglegestures(method) { const { passivelistener } = getlisteners(); const slideselector = getslideselector(); swiper.$wrapperel[method]('gesturestart', slideselector, ongesturestart, passivelistener); swiper.$wrapperel[method]('gesturechange', slideselector, ongesturechange, passivelistener); swiper.$wrapperel[method]('gestureend', slideselector, ongestureend, passivelistener); } function enablegestures() { if (gesturesenabled) return; gesturesenabled = true; togglegestures('on'); } function disablegestures() { if (!gesturesenabled) return; gesturesenabled = false; togglegestures('off'); } // attach/detach events function enable() { const zoom = swiper.zoom; if (zoom.enabled) return; zoom.enabled = true; const support = swiper.support; const { passivelistener, activelistenerwithcapture } = getlisteners(); const slideselector = getslideselector(); // scale image if (support.gestures) { swiper.$wrapperel.on(swiper.touchevents.start, enablegestures, passivelistener); swiper.$wrapperel.on(swiper.touchevents.end, disablegestures, passivelistener); } else if (swiper.touchevents.start === 'touchstart') { swiper.$wrapperel.on(swiper.touchevents.start, slideselector, ongesturestart, passivelistener); swiper.$wrapperel.on(swiper.touchevents.move, slideselector, ongesturechange, activelistenerwithcapture); swiper.$wrapperel.on(swiper.touchevents.end, slideselector, ongestureend, passivelistener); if (swiper.touchevents.cancel) { swiper.$wrapperel.on(swiper.touchevents.cancel, slideselector, ongestureend, passivelistener); } } // move image swiper.$wrapperel.on(swiper.touchevents.move, `.${swiper.params.zoom.containerclass}`, ontouchmove, activelistenerwithcapture); } function disable() { const zoom = swiper.zoom; if (!zoom.enabled) return; const support = swiper.support; zoom.enabled = false; const { passivelistener, activelistenerwithcapture } = getlisteners(); const slideselector = getslideselector(); // scale image if (support.gestures) { swiper.$wrapperel.off(swiper.touchevents.start, enablegestures, passivelistener); swiper.$wrapperel.off(swiper.touchevents.end, disablegestures, passivelistener); } else if (swiper.touchevents.start === 'touchstart') { swiper.$wrapperel.off(swiper.touchevents.start, slideselector, ongesturestart, passivelistener); swiper.$wrapperel.off(swiper.touchevents.move, slideselector, ongesturechange, activelistenerwithcapture); swiper.$wrapperel.off(swiper.touchevents.end, slideselector, ongestureend, passivelistener); if (swiper.touchevents.cancel) { swiper.$wrapperel.off(swiper.touchevents.cancel, slideselector, ongestureend, passivelistener); } } // move image swiper.$wrapperel.off(swiper.touchevents.move, `.${swiper.params.zoom.containerclass}`, ontouchmove, activelistenerwithcapture); } on('init', () => { if (swiper.params.zoom.enabled) { enable(); } }); on('destroy', () => { disable(); }); on('touchstart', (_s, e) => { if (!swiper.zoom.enabled) return; ontouchstart(e); }); on('touchend', (_s, e) => { if (!swiper.zoom.enabled) return; ontouchend(); }); on('doubletap', (_s, e) => { if (!swiper.animating && swiper.params.zoom.enabled && swiper.zoom.enabled && swiper.params.zoom.toggle) { zoomtoggle(e); } }); on('transitionend', () => { if (swiper.zoom.enabled && swiper.params.zoom.enabled) { ontransitionend(); } }); on('slidechange', () => { if (swiper.zoom.enabled && swiper.params.zoom.enabled && swiper.params.cssmode) { ontransitionend(); } }); object.assign(swiper.zoom, { enable, disable, in: zoomin, out: zoomout, toggle: zoomtoggle }); } function lazy(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on, emit } = _ref; extendparams({ lazy: { checkinview: false, enabled: false, loadprevnext: false, loadprevnextamount: 1, loadontransitionstart: false, scrollingelement: '', elementclass: 'swiper-lazy', loadingclass: 'swiper-lazy-loading', loadedclass: 'swiper-lazy-loaded', preloaderclass: 'swiper-lazy-preloader' } }); swiper.lazy = {}; let scrollhandlerattached = false; let initialimageloaded = false; function loadinslide(index, loadinduplicate) { if (loadinduplicate === void 0) { loadinduplicate = true; } const params = swiper.params.lazy; if (typeof index === 'undefined') return; if (swiper.slides.length === 0) return; const isvirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled; const $slideel = isvirtual ? swiper.$wrapperel.children(`.${swiper.params.slideclass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${index}"]`) : swiper.slides.eq(index); const $images = $slideel.find(`.${params.elementclass}:not(.${params.loadedclass}):not(.${params.loadingclass})`); if ($slideel.hasclass(params.elementclass) && !$slideel.hasclass(params.loadedclass) && !$slideel.hasclass(params.loadingclass)) { $images.push($slideel[0]); } if ($images.length === 0) return; $images.each(imageel => { const $imageel = $(imageel); $imageel.addclass(params.loadingclass); const background = $imageel.attr('data-background'); const src = $imageel.attr('data-src'); const srcset = $imageel.attr('data-srcset'); const sizes = $imageel.attr('data-sizes'); const $pictureel = $imageel.parent('picture'); swiper.loadimage($imageel[0], src || background, srcset, sizes, false, () => { if (typeof swiper === 'undefined' || swiper === null || !swiper || swiper && !swiper.params || swiper.destroyed) return; if (background) { $imageel.css('background-image', `url("${background}")`); $imageel.removeattr('data-background'); } else { if (srcset) { $imageel.attr('srcset', srcset); $imageel.removeattr('data-srcset'); } if (sizes) { $imageel.attr('sizes', sizes); $imageel.removeattr('data-sizes'); } if ($pictureel.length) { $pictureel.children('source').each(sourceel => { const $source = $(sourceel); if ($source.attr('data-srcset')) { $source.attr('srcset', $source.attr('data-srcset')); $source.removeattr('data-srcset'); } }); } if (src) { $imageel.attr('src', src); $imageel.removeattr('data-src'); } } $imageel.addclass(params.loadedclass).removeclass(params.loadingclass); $slideel.find(`.${params.preloaderclass}`).remove(); if (swiper.params.loop && loadinduplicate) { const slideoriginalindex = $slideel.attr('data-swiper-slide-index'); if ($slideel.hasclass(swiper.params.slideduplicateclass)) { const originalslide = swiper.$wrapperel.children(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${slideoriginalindex}"]:not(.${swiper.params.slideduplicateclass})`); loadinslide(originalslide.index(), false); } else { const duplicatedslide = swiper.$wrapperel.children(`.${swiper.params.slideduplicateclass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${slideoriginalindex}"]`); loadinslide(duplicatedslide.index(), false); } } emit('lazyimageready', $slideel[0], $imageel[0]); if (swiper.params.autoheight) { swiper.updateautoheight(); } }); emit('lazyimageload', $slideel[0], $imageel[0]); }); } function load() { const { $wrapperel, params: swiperparams, slides, activeindex } = swiper; const isvirtual = swiper.virtual && swiperparams.virtual.enabled; const params = swiperparams.lazy; let slidesperview = swiperparams.slidesperview; if (slidesperview === 'auto') { slidesperview = 0; } function slideexist(index) { if (isvirtual) { if ($wrapperel.children(`.${swiperparams.slideclass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${index}"]`).length) { return true; } } else if (slides[index]) return true; return false; } function slideindex(slideel) { if (isvirtual) { return $(slideel).attr('data-swiper-slide-index'); } return $(slideel).index(); } if (!initialimageloaded) initialimageloaded = true; if (swiper.params.watchslidesprogress) { $wrapperel.children(`.${swiperparams.slidevisibleclass}`).each(slideel => { const index = isvirtual ? $(slideel).attr('data-swiper-slide-index') : $(slideel).index(); loadinslide(index); }); } else if (slidesperview > 1) { for (let i = activeindex; i < activeindex + slidesperview; i += 1) { if (slideexist(i)) loadinslide(i); } } else { loadinslide(activeindex); } if (params.loadprevnext) { if (slidesperview > 1 || params.loadprevnextamount && params.loadprevnextamount > 1) { const amount = params.loadprevnextamount; const spv = math.ceil(slidesperview); const maxindex = math.min(activeindex + spv + math.max(amount, spv), slides.length); const minindex = math.max(activeindex - math.max(spv, amount), 0); // next slides for (let i = activeindex + spv; i < maxindex; i += 1) { if (slideexist(i)) loadinslide(i); } // prev slides for (let i = minindex; i < activeindex; i += 1) { if (slideexist(i)) loadinslide(i); } } else { const nextslide = $wrapperel.children(`.${swiperparams.slidenextclass}`); if (nextslide.length > 0) loadinslide(slideindex(nextslide)); const prevslide = $wrapperel.children(`.${swiperparams.slideprevclass}`); if (prevslide.length > 0) loadinslide(slideindex(prevslide)); } } } function checkinviewonload() { const window = getwindow(); if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return; const $scrollelement = swiper.params.lazy.scrollingelement ? $(swiper.params.lazy.scrollingelement) : $(window); const iswindow = $scrollelement[0] === window; const scrollelementwidth = iswindow ? window.innerwidth : $scrollelement[0].offsetwidth; const scrollelementheight = iswindow ? window.innerheight : $scrollelement[0].offsetheight; const swiperoffset = swiper.$el.offset(); const { rtltranslate: rtl } = swiper; let inview = false; if (rtl) swiperoffset.left -= swiper.$el[0].scrollleft; const swipercoord = [[swiperoffset.left, swiperoffset.top], [swiperoffset.left + swiper.width, swiperoffset.top], [swiperoffset.left, swiperoffset.top + swiper.height], [swiperoffset.left + swiper.width, swiperoffset.top + swiper.height]]; for (let i = 0; i < swipercoord.length; i += 1) { const point = swipercoord[i]; if (point[0] >= 0 && point[0] <= scrollelementwidth && point[1] >= 0 && point[1] <= scrollelementheight) { if (point[0] === 0 && point[1] === 0) continue; // eslint-disable-line inview = true; } } const passivelistener = swiper.touchevents.start === 'touchstart' && swiper.support.passivelistener && swiper.params.passivelisteners ? { passive: true, capture: false } : false; if (inview) { load(); $scrollelement.off('scroll', checkinviewonload, passivelistener); } else if (!scrollhandlerattached) { scrollhandlerattached = true; $scrollelement.on('scroll', checkinviewonload, passivelistener); } } on('beforeinit', () => { if (swiper.params.lazy.enabled && swiper.params.preloadimages) { swiper.params.preloadimages = false; } }); on('init', () => { if (swiper.params.lazy.enabled) { if (swiper.params.lazy.checkinview) { checkinviewonload(); } else { load(); } } }); on('scroll', () => { if (swiper.params.freemode && swiper.params.freemode.enabled && !swiper.params.freemode.sticky) { load(); } }); on('scrollbardragmove resize _freemodenomomentumrelease', () => { if (swiper.params.lazy.enabled) { if (swiper.params.lazy.checkinview) { checkinviewonload(); } else { load(); } } }); on('transitionstart', () => { if (swiper.params.lazy.enabled) { if (swiper.params.lazy.loadontransitionstart || !swiper.params.lazy.loadontransitionstart && !initialimageloaded) { if (swiper.params.lazy.checkinview) { checkinviewonload(); } else { load(); } } } }); on('transitionend', () => { if (swiper.params.lazy.enabled && !swiper.params.lazy.loadontransitionstart) { if (swiper.params.lazy.checkinview) { checkinviewonload(); } else { load(); } } }); on('slidechange', () => { const { lazy, cssmode, watchslidesprogress, touchreleaseonedges, resistanceratio } = swiper.params; if (lazy.enabled && (cssmode || watchslidesprogress && (touchreleaseonedges || resistanceratio === 0))) { load(); } }); on('destroy', () => { if (!swiper.$el) return; swiper.$el.find(`.${swiper.params.lazy.loadingclass}`).removeclass(swiper.params.lazy.loadingclass); }); object.assign(swiper.lazy, { load, loadinslide }); } /* eslint no-bitwise: ["error", { "allow": [">>"] }] */ function controller(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on } = _ref; extendparams({ controller: { control: undefined, inverse: false, by: 'slide' // or 'container' } }); swiper.controller = { control: undefined }; function linearspline(x, y) { const binarysearch = function search() { let maxindex; let minindex; let guess; return (array, val) => { minindex = -1; maxindex = array.length; while (maxindex - minindex > 1) { guess = maxindex + minindex >> 1; if (array[guess] <= val) { minindex = guess; } else { maxindex = guess; } } return maxindex; }; }(); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.lastindex = x.length - 1; // given an x value (x2), return the expected y2 value: // (x1,y1) is the known point before given value, // (x3,y3) is the known point after given value. let i1; let i3; this.interpolate = function interpolate(x2) { if (!x2) return 0; // get the indexes of x1 and x3 (the array indexes before and after given x2): i3 = binarysearch(this.x, x2); i1 = i3 - 1; // we have our indexes i1 & i3, so we can calculate already: // y2 := ((x2−x1) × (y3−y1)) ÷ (x3−x1) + y1 return (x2 - this.x[i1]) * (this.y[i3] - this.y[i1]) / (this.x[i3] - this.x[i1]) + this.y[i1]; }; return this; } // xxx: for now i will just save one spline function to to function getinterpolatefunction(c) { if (!swiper.controller.spline) { swiper.controller.spline = swiper.params.loop ? new linearspline(swiper.slidesgrid, c.slidesgrid) : new linearspline(swiper.snapgrid, c.snapgrid); } } function settranslate(_t, bycontroller) { const controlled = swiper.controller.control; let multiplier; let controlledtranslate; const swiper = swiper.constructor; function setcontrolledtranslate(c) { // this will create an interpolate function based on the snapgrids // x is the grid of the scrolled scroller and y will be the controlled scroller // it makes sense to create this only once and recall it for the interpolation // the function does a lot of value caching for performance const translate = swiper.rtltranslate ? -swiper.translate : swiper.translate; if (swiper.params.controller.by === 'slide') { getinterpolatefunction(c); // i am not sure why the values have to be multiplicated this way, tried to invert the snapgrid // but it did not work out controlledtranslate = -swiper.controller.spline.interpolate(-translate); } if (!controlledtranslate || swiper.params.controller.by === 'container') { multiplier = (c.maxtranslate() - c.mintranslate()) / (swiper.maxtranslate() - swiper.mintranslate()); controlledtranslate = (translate - swiper.mintranslate()) * multiplier + c.mintranslate(); } if (swiper.params.controller.inverse) { controlledtranslate = c.maxtranslate() - controlledtranslate; } c.updateprogress(controlledtranslate); c.settranslate(controlledtranslate, swiper); c.updateactiveindex(); c.updateslidesclasses(); } if (array.isarray(controlled)) { for (let i = 0; i < controlled.length; i += 1) { if (controlled[i] !== bycontroller && controlled[i] instanceof swiper) { setcontrolledtranslate(controlled[i]); } } } else if (controlled instanceof swiper && bycontroller !== controlled) { setcontrolledtranslate(controlled); } } function settransition(duration, bycontroller) { const swiper = swiper.constructor; const controlled = swiper.controller.control; let i; function setcontrolledtransition(c) { c.settransition(duration, swiper); if (duration !== 0) { c.transitionstart(); if (c.params.autoheight) { nexttick(() => { c.updateautoheight(); }); } c.$wrapperel.transitionend(() => { if (!controlled) return; if (c.params.loop && swiper.params.controller.by === 'slide') { c.loopfix(); } c.transitionend(); }); } } if (array.isarray(controlled)) { for (i = 0; i < controlled.length; i += 1) { if (controlled[i] !== bycontroller && controlled[i] instanceof swiper) { setcontrolledtransition(controlled[i]); } } } else if (controlled instanceof swiper && bycontroller !== controlled) { setcontrolledtransition(controlled); } } function removespline() { if (!swiper.controller.control) return; if (swiper.controller.spline) { swiper.controller.spline = undefined; delete swiper.controller.spline; } } on('beforeinit', () => { swiper.controller.control = swiper.params.controller.control; }); on('update', () => { removespline(); }); on('resize', () => { removespline(); }); on('observerupdate', () => { removespline(); }); on('settranslate', (_s, translate, bycontroller) => { if (!swiper.controller.control) return; swiper.controller.settranslate(translate, bycontroller); }); on('settransition', (_s, duration, bycontroller) => { if (!swiper.controller.control) return; swiper.controller.settransition(duration, bycontroller); }); object.assign(swiper.controller, { settranslate, settransition }); } function a11y(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on } = _ref; extendparams({ a11y: { enabled: true, notificationclass: 'swiper-notification', prevslidemessage: 'previous slide', nextslidemessage: 'next slide', firstslidemessage: 'this is the first slide', lastslidemessage: 'this is the last slide', paginationbulletmessage: 'go to slide {{index}}', slidelabelmessage: '{{index}} / {{slideslength}}', containermessage: null, containerroledescriptionmessage: null, itemroledescriptionmessage: null, sliderole: 'group', id: null } }); let liveregion = null; function notify(message) { const notification = liveregion; if (notification.length === 0) return; notification.html(''); notification.html(message); } function getrandomnumber(size) { if (size === void 0) { size = 16; } const randomchar = () => math.round(16 * math.random()).tostring(16); return 'x'.repeat(size).replace(/x/g, randomchar); } function makeelfocusable($el) { $el.attr('tabindex', '0'); } function makeelnotfocusable($el) { $el.attr('tabindex', '-1'); } function addelrole($el, role) { $el.attr('role', role); } function addelroledescription($el, description) { $el.attr('aria-roledescription', description); } function addelcontrols($el, controls) { $el.attr('aria-controls', controls); } function addellabel($el, label) { $el.attr('aria-label', label); } function addelid($el, id) { $el.attr('id', id); } function addellive($el, live) { $el.attr('aria-live', live); } function disableel($el) { $el.attr('aria-disabled', true); } function enableel($el) { $el.attr('aria-disabled', false); } function onenterorspacekey(e) { if (e.keycode !== 13 && e.keycode !== 32) return; const params = swiper.params.a11y; const $targetel = $(e.target); if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.$nextel && $targetel.is(swiper.navigation.$nextel)) { if (!(swiper.isend && !swiper.params.loop)) { swiper.slidenext(); } if (swiper.isend) { notify(params.lastslidemessage); } else { notify(params.nextslidemessage); } } if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.$prevel && $targetel.is(swiper.navigation.$prevel)) { if (!(swiper.isbeginning && !swiper.params.loop)) { swiper.slideprev(); } if (swiper.isbeginning) { notify(params.firstslidemessage); } else { notify(params.prevslidemessage); } } if (swiper.pagination && $targetel.is(classestoselector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletclass))) { $targetel[0].click(); } } function updatenavigation() { if (swiper.params.loop || swiper.params.rewind || !swiper.navigation) return; const { $nextel, $prevel } = swiper.navigation; if ($prevel && $prevel.length > 0) { if (swiper.isbeginning) { disableel($prevel); makeelnotfocusable($prevel); } else { enableel($prevel); makeelfocusable($prevel); } } if ($nextel && $nextel.length > 0) { if (swiper.isend) { disableel($nextel); makeelnotfocusable($nextel); } else { enableel($nextel); makeelfocusable($nextel); } } } function haspagination() { return swiper.pagination && swiper.pagination.bullets && swiper.pagination.bullets.length; } function hasclickablepagination() { return haspagination() && swiper.params.pagination.clickable; } function updatepagination() { const params = swiper.params.a11y; if (!haspagination()) return; swiper.pagination.bullets.each(bulletel => { const $bulletel = $(bulletel); if (swiper.params.pagination.clickable) { makeelfocusable($bulletel); if (!swiper.params.pagination.renderbullet) { addelrole($bulletel, 'button'); addellabel($bulletel, params.paginationbulletmessage.replace(/\{\{index\}\}/, $bulletel.index() + 1)); } } if ($bulletel.is(`.${swiper.params.pagination.bulletactiveclass}`)) { $bulletel.attr('aria-current', 'true'); } else { $bulletel.removeattr('aria-current'); } }); } const initnavel = ($el, wrapperid, message) => { makeelfocusable($el); if ($el[0].tagname !== 'button') { addelrole($el, 'button'); $el.on('keydown', onenterorspacekey); } addellabel($el, message); addelcontrols($el, wrapperid); }; const handlefocus = e => { const slideel = e.target.closest(`.${swiper.params.slideclass}`); if (!slideel || !swiper.slides.includes(slideel)) return; const isactive = swiper.slides.indexof(slideel) === swiper.activeindex; const isvisible = swiper.params.watchslidesprogress && swiper.visibleslides && swiper.visibleslides.includes(slideel); if (isactive || isvisible) return; swiper.slideto(swiper.slides.indexof(slideel), 0); }; const initslides = () => { const params = swiper.params.a11y; if (params.itemroledescriptionmessage) { addelroledescription($(swiper.slides), params.itemroledescriptionmessage); } if (params.sliderole) { addelrole($(swiper.slides), params.sliderole); } const slideslength = swiper.params.loop ? swiper.slides.filter(el => !el.classlist.contains(swiper.params.slideduplicateclass)).length : swiper.slides.length; if (params.slidelabelmessage) { swiper.slides.each((slideel, index) => { const $slideel = $(slideel); const slideindex = swiper.params.loop ? parseint($slideel.attr('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10) : index; const arialabelmessage = params.slidelabelmessage.replace(/\{\{index\}\}/, slideindex + 1).replace(/\{\{slideslength\}\}/, slideslength); addellabel($slideel, arialabelmessage); }); } }; const init = () => { const params = swiper.params.a11y; swiper.$el.append(liveregion); // container const $containerel = swiper.$el; if (params.containerroledescriptionmessage) { addelroledescription($containerel, params.containerroledescriptionmessage); } if (params.containermessage) { addellabel($containerel, params.containermessage); } // wrapper const $wrapperel = swiper.$wrapperel; const wrapperid = params.id || $wrapperel.attr('id') || `swiper-wrapper-${getrandomnumber(16)}`; const live = swiper.params.autoplay && swiper.params.autoplay.enabled ? 'off' : 'polite'; addelid($wrapperel, wrapperid); addellive($wrapperel, live); // slide initslides(); // navigation let $nextel; let $prevel; if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.$nextel) { $nextel = swiper.navigation.$nextel; } if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.$prevel) { $prevel = swiper.navigation.$prevel; } if ($nextel && $nextel.length) { initnavel($nextel, wrapperid, params.nextslidemessage); } if ($prevel && $prevel.length) { initnavel($prevel, wrapperid, params.prevslidemessage); } // pagination if (hasclickablepagination()) { swiper.pagination.$el.on('keydown', classestoselector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletclass), onenterorspacekey); } // tab focus swiper.$el.on('focus', handlefocus, true); }; function destroy() { if (liveregion && liveregion.length > 0) liveregion.remove(); let $nextel; let $prevel; if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.$nextel) { $nextel = swiper.navigation.$nextel; } if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.$prevel) { $prevel = swiper.navigation.$prevel; } if ($nextel) { $nextel.off('keydown', onenterorspacekey); } if ($prevel) { $prevel.off('keydown', onenterorspacekey); } // pagination if (hasclickablepagination()) { swiper.pagination.$el.off('keydown', classestoselector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletclass), onenterorspacekey); } // tab focus swiper.$el.off('focus', handlefocus, true); } on('beforeinit', () => { liveregion = $(``); }); on('afterinit', () => { if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return; init(); }); on('slideslengthchange snapgridlengthchange slidesgridlengthchange', () => { if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return; initslides(); }); on('fromedge toedge afterinit lock unlock', () => { if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return; updatenavigation(); }); on('paginationupdate', () => { if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return; updatepagination(); }); on('destroy', () => { if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return; destroy(); }); } function history(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on } = _ref; extendparams({ history: { enabled: false, root: '', replacestate: false, key: 'slides', keepquery: false } }); let initialized = false; let paths = {}; const slugify = text => { return text.tostring().replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/[^\w-]+/g, '').replace(/--+/g, '-').replace(/^-+/, '').replace(/-+$/, ''); }; const getpathvalues = urloverride => { const window = getwindow(); let location; if (urloverride) { location = new url(urloverride); } else { location = window.location; } const patharray = location.pathname.slice(1).split('/').filter(part => part !== ''); const total = patharray.length; const key = patharray[total - 2]; const value = patharray[total - 1]; return { key, value }; }; const sethistory = (key, index) => { const window = getwindow(); if (!initialized || !swiper.params.history.enabled) return; let location; if (swiper.params.url) { location = new url(swiper.params.url); } else { location = window.location; } const slide = swiper.slides.eq(index); let value = slugify(slide.attr('data-history')); if (swiper.params.history.root.length > 0) { let root = swiper.params.history.root; if (root[root.length - 1] === '/') root = root.slice(0, root.length - 1); value = `${root}/${key}/${value}`; } else if (!location.pathname.includes(key)) { value = `${key}/${value}`; } if (swiper.params.history.keepquery) { value += location.search; } const currentstate = window.history.state; if (currentstate && currentstate.value === value) { return; } if (swiper.params.history.replacestate) { window.history.replacestate({ value }, null, value); } else { window.history.pushstate({ value }, null, value); } }; const scrolltoslide = (speed, value, runcallbacks) => { if (value) { for (let i = 0, length = swiper.slides.length; i < length; i += 1) { const slide = swiper.slides.eq(i); const slidehistory = slugify(slide.attr('data-history')); if (slidehistory === value && !slide.hasclass(swiper.params.slideduplicateclass)) { const index = slide.index(); swiper.slideto(index, speed, runcallbacks); } } } else { swiper.slideto(0, speed, runcallbacks); } }; const sethistorypopstate = () => { paths = getpathvalues(swiper.params.url); scrolltoslide(swiper.params.speed, paths.value, false); }; const init = () => { const window = getwindow(); if (!swiper.params.history) return; if (!window.history || !window.history.pushstate) { swiper.params.history.enabled = false; swiper.params.hashnavigation.enabled = true; return; } initialized = true; paths = getpathvalues(swiper.params.url); if (!paths.key && !paths.value) return; scrolltoslide(0, paths.value, swiper.params.runcallbacksoninit); if (!swiper.params.history.replacestate) { window.addeventlistener('popstate', sethistorypopstate); } }; const destroy = () => { const window = getwindow(); if (!swiper.params.history.replacestate) { window.removeeventlistener('popstate', sethistorypopstate); } }; on('init', () => { if (swiper.params.history.enabled) { init(); } }); on('destroy', () => { if (swiper.params.history.enabled) { destroy(); } }); on('transitionend _freemodenomomentumrelease', () => { if (initialized) { sethistory(swiper.params.history.key, swiper.activeindex); } }); on('slidechange', () => { if (initialized && swiper.params.cssmode) { sethistory(swiper.params.history.key, swiper.activeindex); } }); } function hashnavigation(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, emit, on } = _ref; let initialized = false; const document = getdocument(); const window = getwindow(); extendparams({ hashnavigation: { enabled: false, replacestate: false, watchstate: false } }); const onhashchange = () => { emit('hashchange'); const newhash = document.location.hash.replace('#', ''); const activeslidehash = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeindex).attr('data-hash'); if (newhash !== activeslidehash) { const newindex = swiper.$wrapperel.children(`.${swiper.params.slideclass}[data-hash="${newhash}"]`).index(); if (typeof newindex === 'undefined') return; swiper.slideto(newindex); } }; const sethash = () => { if (!initialized || !swiper.params.hashnavigation.enabled) return; if (swiper.params.hashnavigation.replacestate && window.history && window.history.replacestate) { window.history.replacestate(null, null, `#${swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeindex).attr('data-hash')}` || ''); emit('hashset'); } else { const slide = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeindex); const hash = slide.attr('data-hash') || slide.attr('data-history'); document.location.hash = hash || ''; emit('hashset'); } }; const init = () => { if (!swiper.params.hashnavigation.enabled || swiper.params.history && swiper.params.history.enabled) return; initialized = true; const hash = document.location.hash.replace('#', ''); if (hash) { const speed = 0; for (let i = 0, length = swiper.slides.length; i < length; i += 1) { const slide = swiper.slides.eq(i); const slidehash = slide.attr('data-hash') || slide.attr('data-history'); if (slidehash === hash && !slide.hasclass(swiper.params.slideduplicateclass)) { const index = slide.index(); swiper.slideto(index, speed, swiper.params.runcallbacksoninit, true); } } } if (swiper.params.hashnavigation.watchstate) { $(window).on('hashchange', onhashchange); } }; const destroy = () => { if (swiper.params.hashnavigation.watchstate) { $(window).off('hashchange', onhashchange); } }; on('init', () => { if (swiper.params.hashnavigation.enabled) { init(); } }); on('destroy', () => { if (swiper.params.hashnavigation.enabled) { destroy(); } }); on('transitionend _freemodenomomentumrelease', () => { if (initialized) { sethash(); } }); on('slidechange', () => { if (initialized && swiper.params.cssmode) { sethash(); } }); } /* eslint no-underscore-dangle: "off" */ function autoplay(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on, emit } = _ref; let timeout; swiper.autoplay = { running: false, paused: false }; extendparams({ autoplay: { enabled: false, delay: 3000, waitfortransition: true, disableoninteraction: true, stoponlastslide: false, reversedirection: false, pauseonmouseenter: false } }); function run() { const $activeslideel = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeindex); let delay = swiper.params.autoplay.delay; if ($activeslideel.attr('data-swiper-autoplay')) { delay = $activeslideel.attr('data-swiper-autoplay') || swiper.params.autoplay.delay; } cleartimeout(timeout); timeout = nexttick(() => { let autoplayresult; if (swiper.params.autoplay.reversedirection) { if (swiper.params.loop) { swiper.loopfix(); autoplayresult = swiper.slideprev(swiper.params.speed, true, true); emit('autoplay'); } else if (!swiper.isbeginning) { autoplayresult = swiper.slideprev(swiper.params.speed, true, true); emit('autoplay'); } else if (!swiper.params.autoplay.stoponlastslide) { autoplayresult = swiper.slideto(swiper.slides.length - 1, swiper.params.speed, true, true); emit('autoplay'); } else { stop(); } } else if (swiper.params.loop) { swiper.loopfix(); autoplayresult = swiper.slidenext(swiper.params.speed, true, true); emit('autoplay'); } else if (!swiper.isend) { autoplayresult = swiper.slidenext(swiper.params.speed, true, true); emit('autoplay'); } else if (!swiper.params.autoplay.stoponlastslide) { autoplayresult = swiper.slideto(0, swiper.params.speed, true, true); emit('autoplay'); } else { stop(); } if (swiper.params.cssmode && swiper.autoplay.running) run();else if (autoplayresult === false) { run(); } }, delay); } function start() { if (typeof timeout !== 'undefined') return false; if (swiper.autoplay.running) return false; swiper.autoplay.running = true; emit('autoplaystart'); run(); return true; } function stop() { if (!swiper.autoplay.running) return false; if (typeof timeout === 'undefined') return false; if (timeout) { cleartimeout(timeout); timeout = undefined; } swiper.autoplay.running = false; emit('autoplaystop'); return true; } function pause(speed) { if (!swiper.autoplay.running) return; if (swiper.autoplay.paused) return; if (timeout) cleartimeout(timeout); swiper.autoplay.paused = true; if (speed === 0 || !swiper.params.autoplay.waitfortransition) { swiper.autoplay.paused = false; run(); } else { ['transitionend', 'webkittransitionend'].foreach(event => { swiper.$wrapperel[0].addeventlistener(event, ontransitionend); }); } } function onvisibilitychange() { const document = getdocument(); if (document.visibilitystate === 'hidden' && swiper.autoplay.running) { pause(); } if (document.visibilitystate === 'visible' && swiper.autoplay.paused) { run(); swiper.autoplay.paused = false; } } function ontransitionend(e) { if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.$wrapperel) return; if (e.target !== swiper.$wrapperel[0]) return; ['transitionend', 'webkittransitionend'].foreach(event => { swiper.$wrapperel[0].removeeventlistener(event, ontransitionend); }); swiper.autoplay.paused = false; if (!swiper.autoplay.running) { stop(); } else { run(); } } function onmouseenter() { if (swiper.params.autoplay.disableoninteraction) { stop(); } else { emit('autoplaypause'); pause(); } ['transitionend', 'webkittransitionend'].foreach(event => { swiper.$wrapperel[0].removeeventlistener(event, ontransitionend); }); } function onmouseleave() { if (swiper.params.autoplay.disableoninteraction) { return; } swiper.autoplay.paused = false; emit('autoplayresume'); run(); } function attachmouseevents() { if (swiper.params.autoplay.pauseonmouseenter) { swiper.$el.on('mouseenter', onmouseenter); swiper.$el.on('mouseleave', onmouseleave); } } function detachmouseevents() { swiper.$el.off('mouseenter', onmouseenter); swiper.$el.off('mouseleave', onmouseleave); } on('init', () => { if (swiper.params.autoplay.enabled) { start(); const document = getdocument(); document.addeventlistener('visibilitychange', onvisibilitychange); attachmouseevents(); } }); on('beforetransitionstart', (_s, speed, internal) => { if (swiper.autoplay.running) { if (internal || !swiper.params.autoplay.disableoninteraction) { swiper.autoplay.pause(speed); } else { stop(); } } }); on('sliderfirstmove', () => { if (swiper.autoplay.running) { if (swiper.params.autoplay.disableoninteraction) { stop(); } else { pause(); } } }); on('touchend', () => { if (swiper.params.cssmode && swiper.autoplay.paused && !swiper.params.autoplay.disableoninteraction) { run(); } }); on('destroy', () => { detachmouseevents(); if (swiper.autoplay.running) { stop(); } const document = getdocument(); document.removeeventlistener('visibilitychange', onvisibilitychange); }); object.assign(swiper.autoplay, { pause, run, start, stop }); } function thumb(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on } = _ref; extendparams({ thumbs: { swiper: null, multipleactivethumbs: true, autoscrolloffset: 0, slidethumbactiveclass: 'swiper-slide-thumb-active', thumbscontainerclass: 'swiper-thumbs' } }); let initialized = false; let swipercreated = false; swiper.thumbs = { swiper: null }; function onthumbclick() { const thumbsswiper = swiper.thumbs.swiper; if (!thumbsswiper || thumbsswiper.destroyed) return; const clickedindex = thumbsswiper.clickedindex; const clickedslide = thumbsswiper.clickedslide; if (clickedslide && $(clickedslide).hasclass(swiper.params.thumbs.slidethumbactiveclass)) return; if (typeof clickedindex === 'undefined' || clickedindex === null) return; let slidetoindex; if (thumbsswiper.params.loop) { slidetoindex = parseint($(thumbsswiper.clickedslide).attr('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10); } else { slidetoindex = clickedindex; } if (swiper.params.loop) { let currentindex = swiper.activeindex; if (swiper.slides.eq(currentindex).hasclass(swiper.params.slideduplicateclass)) { swiper.loopfix(); // eslint-disable-next-line swiper._clientleft = swiper.$wrapperel[0].clientleft; currentindex = swiper.activeindex; } const previndex = swiper.slides.eq(currentindex).prevall(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${slidetoindex}"]`).eq(0).index(); const nextindex = swiper.slides.eq(currentindex).nextall(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${slidetoindex}"]`).eq(0).index(); if (typeof previndex === 'undefined') slidetoindex = nextindex;else if (typeof nextindex === 'undefined') slidetoindex = previndex;else if (nextindex - currentindex < currentindex - previndex) slidetoindex = nextindex;else slidetoindex = previndex; } swiper.slideto(slidetoindex); } function init() { const { thumbs: thumbsparams } = swiper.params; if (initialized) return false; initialized = true; const swiperclass = swiper.constructor; if (thumbsparams.swiper instanceof swiperclass) { swiper.thumbs.swiper = thumbsparams.swiper; object.assign(swiper.thumbs.swiper.originalparams, { watchslidesprogress: true, slidetoclickedslide: false }); object.assign(swiper.thumbs.swiper.params, { watchslidesprogress: true, slidetoclickedslide: false }); } else if (isobject(thumbsparams.swiper)) { const thumbsswiperparams = object.assign({}, thumbsparams.swiper); object.assign(thumbsswiperparams, { watchslidesprogress: true, slidetoclickedslide: false }); swiper.thumbs.swiper = new swiperclass(thumbsswiperparams); swipercreated = true; } swiper.thumbs.swiper.$el.addclass(swiper.params.thumbs.thumbscontainerclass); swiper.thumbs.swiper.on('tap', onthumbclick); return true; } function update(initial) { const thumbsswiper = swiper.thumbs.swiper; if (!thumbsswiper || thumbsswiper.destroyed) return; const slidesperview = thumbsswiper.params.slidesperview === 'auto' ? thumbsswiper.slidesperviewdynamic() : thumbsswiper.params.slidesperview; // activate thumbs let thumbstoactivate = 1; const thumbactiveclass = swiper.params.thumbs.slidethumbactiveclass; if (swiper.params.slidesperview > 1 && !swiper.params.centeredslides) { thumbstoactivate = swiper.params.slidesperview; } if (!swiper.params.thumbs.multipleactivethumbs) { thumbstoactivate = 1; } thumbstoactivate = math.floor(thumbstoactivate); thumbsswiper.slides.removeclass(thumbactiveclass); if (thumbsswiper.params.loop || thumbsswiper.params.virtual && thumbsswiper.params.virtual.enabled) { for (let i = 0; i < thumbstoactivate; i += 1) { thumbsswiper.$wrapperel.children(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${swiper.realindex + i}"]`).addclass(thumbactiveclass); } } else { for (let i = 0; i < thumbstoactivate; i += 1) { thumbsswiper.slides.eq(swiper.realindex + i).addclass(thumbactiveclass); } } const autoscrolloffset = swiper.params.thumbs.autoscrolloffset; const useoffset = autoscrolloffset && !thumbsswiper.params.loop; if (swiper.realindex !== thumbsswiper.realindex || useoffset) { let currentthumbsindex = thumbsswiper.activeindex; let newthumbsindex; let direction; if (thumbsswiper.params.loop) { if (thumbsswiper.slides.eq(currentthumbsindex).hasclass(thumbsswiper.params.slideduplicateclass)) { thumbsswiper.loopfix(); // eslint-disable-next-line thumbsswiper._clientleft = thumbsswiper.$wrapperel[0].clientleft; currentthumbsindex = thumbsswiper.activeindex; } // find actual thumbs index to slide to const prevthumbsindex = thumbsswiper.slides.eq(currentthumbsindex).prevall(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${swiper.realindex}"]`).eq(0).index(); const nextthumbsindex = thumbsswiper.slides.eq(currentthumbsindex).nextall(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${swiper.realindex}"]`).eq(0).index(); if (typeof prevthumbsindex === 'undefined') { newthumbsindex = nextthumbsindex; } else if (typeof nextthumbsindex === 'undefined') { newthumbsindex = prevthumbsindex; } else if (nextthumbsindex - currentthumbsindex === currentthumbsindex - prevthumbsindex) { newthumbsindex = thumbsswiper.params.slidespergroup > 1 ? nextthumbsindex : currentthumbsindex; } else if (nextthumbsindex - currentthumbsindex < currentthumbsindex - prevthumbsindex) { newthumbsindex = nextthumbsindex; } else { newthumbsindex = prevthumbsindex; } direction = swiper.activeindex > swiper.previousindex ? 'next' : 'prev'; } else { newthumbsindex = swiper.realindex; direction = newthumbsindex > swiper.previousindex ? 'next' : 'prev'; } if (useoffset) { newthumbsindex += direction === 'next' ? autoscrolloffset : -1 * autoscrolloffset; } if (thumbsswiper.visibleslidesindexes && thumbsswiper.visibleslidesindexes.indexof(newthumbsindex) < 0) { if (thumbsswiper.params.centeredslides) { if (newthumbsindex > currentthumbsindex) { newthumbsindex = newthumbsindex - math.floor(slidesperview / 2) + 1; } else { newthumbsindex = newthumbsindex + math.floor(slidesperview / 2) - 1; } } else if (newthumbsindex > currentthumbsindex && thumbsswiper.params.slidespergroup === 1) ; thumbsswiper.slideto(newthumbsindex, initial ? 0 : undefined); } } } on('beforeinit', () => { const { thumbs } = swiper.params; if (!thumbs || !thumbs.swiper) return; init(); update(true); }); on('slidechange update resize observerupdate', () => { update(); }); on('settransition', (_s, duration) => { const thumbsswiper = swiper.thumbs.swiper; if (!thumbsswiper || thumbsswiper.destroyed) return; thumbsswiper.settransition(duration); }); on('beforedestroy', () => { const thumbsswiper = swiper.thumbs.swiper; if (!thumbsswiper || thumbsswiper.destroyed) return; if (swipercreated) { thumbsswiper.destroy(); } }); object.assign(swiper.thumbs, { init, update }); } function freemode(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, emit, once } = _ref; extendparams({ freemode: { enabled: false, momentum: true, momentumratio: 1, momentumbounce: true, momentumbounceratio: 1, momentumvelocityratio: 1, sticky: false, minimumvelocity: 0.02 } }); function ontouchstart() { const translate = swiper.gettranslate(); swiper.settranslate(translate); swiper.settransition(0); swiper.toucheventsdata.velocities.length = 0; swiper.freemode.ontouchend({ currentpos: swiper.rtl ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate }); } function ontouchmove() { const { toucheventsdata: data, touches } = swiper; // velocity if (data.velocities.length === 0) { data.velocities.push({ position: touches[swiper.ishorizontal() ? 'startx' : 'starty'], time: data.touchstarttime }); } data.velocities.push({ position: touches[swiper.ishorizontal() ? 'currentx' : 'currenty'], time: now() }); } function ontouchend(_ref2) { let { currentpos } = _ref2; const { params, $wrapperel, rtltranslate: rtl, snapgrid, toucheventsdata: data } = swiper; // time diff const touchendtime = now(); const timediff = touchendtime - data.touchstarttime; if (currentpos < -swiper.mintranslate()) { swiper.slideto(swiper.activeindex); return; } if (currentpos > -swiper.maxtranslate()) { if (swiper.slides.length < snapgrid.length) { swiper.slideto(snapgrid.length - 1); } else { swiper.slideto(swiper.slides.length - 1); } return; } if (params.freemode.momentum) { if (data.velocities.length > 1) { const lastmoveevent = data.velocities.pop(); const velocityevent = data.velocities.pop(); const distance = lastmoveevent.position - velocityevent.position; const time = lastmoveevent.time - velocityevent.time; swiper.velocity = distance / time; swiper.velocity /= 2; if (math.abs(swiper.velocity) < params.freemode.minimumvelocity) { swiper.velocity = 0; } // this implies that the user stopped moving a finger then released. // there would be no events with distance zero, so the last event is stale. if (time > 150 || now() - lastmoveevent.time > 300) { swiper.velocity = 0; } } else { swiper.velocity = 0; } swiper.velocity *= params.freemode.momentumvelocityratio; data.velocities.length = 0; let momentumduration = 1000 * params.freemode.momentumratio; const momentumdistance = swiper.velocity * momentumduration; let newposition = swiper.translate + momentumdistance; if (rtl) newposition = -newposition; let dobounce = false; let afterbounceposition; const bounceamount = math.abs(swiper.velocity) * 20 * params.freemode.momentumbounceratio; let needsloopfix; if (newposition < swiper.maxtranslate()) { if (params.freemode.momentumbounce) { if (newposition + swiper.maxtranslate() < -bounceamount) { newposition = swiper.maxtranslate() - bounceamount; } afterbounceposition = swiper.maxtranslate(); dobounce = true; data.allowmomentumbounce = true; } else { newposition = swiper.maxtranslate(); } if (params.loop && params.centeredslides) needsloopfix = true; } else if (newposition > swiper.mintranslate()) { if (params.freemode.momentumbounce) { if (newposition - swiper.mintranslate() > bounceamount) { newposition = swiper.mintranslate() + bounceamount; } afterbounceposition = swiper.mintranslate(); dobounce = true; data.allowmomentumbounce = true; } else { newposition = swiper.mintranslate(); } if (params.loop && params.centeredslides) needsloopfix = true; } else if (params.freemode.sticky) { let nextslide; for (let j = 0; j < snapgrid.length; j += 1) { if (snapgrid[j] > -newposition) { nextslide = j; break; } } if (math.abs(snapgrid[nextslide] - newposition) < math.abs(snapgrid[nextslide - 1] - newposition) || swiper.swipedirection === 'next') { newposition = snapgrid[nextslide]; } else { newposition = snapgrid[nextslide - 1]; } newposition = -newposition; } if (needsloopfix) { once('transitionend', () => { swiper.loopfix(); }); } // fix duration if (swiper.velocity !== 0) { if (rtl) { momentumduration = math.abs((-newposition - swiper.translate) / swiper.velocity); } else { momentumduration = math.abs((newposition - swiper.translate) / swiper.velocity); } if (params.freemode.sticky) { // if freemode.sticky is active and the user ends a swipe with a slow-velocity // event, then durations can be 20+ seconds to slide one (or zero!) slides. // it's easy to see this when simulating touch with mouse events. to fix this, // limit single-slide swipes to the default slide duration. this also has the // nice side effect of matching slide speed if the user stopped moving before // lifting finger or mouse vs. moving slowly before lifting the finger/mouse. // for faster swipes, also apply limits (albeit higher ones). const movedistance = math.abs((rtl ? -newposition : newposition) - swiper.translate); const currentslidesize = swiper.slidessizesgrid[swiper.activeindex]; if (movedistance < currentslidesize) { momentumduration = params.speed; } else if (movedistance < 2 * currentslidesize) { momentumduration = params.speed * 1.5; } else { momentumduration = params.speed * 2.5; } } } else if (params.freemode.sticky) { swiper.slidetoclosest(); return; } if (params.freemode.momentumbounce && dobounce) { swiper.updateprogress(afterbounceposition); swiper.settransition(momentumduration); swiper.settranslate(newposition); swiper.transitionstart(true, swiper.swipedirection); swiper.animating = true; $wrapperel.transitionend(() => { if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !data.allowmomentumbounce) return; emit('momentumbounce'); swiper.settransition(params.speed); settimeout(() => { swiper.settranslate(afterbounceposition); $wrapperel.transitionend(() => { if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return; swiper.transitionend(); }); }, 0); }); } else if (swiper.velocity) { emit('_freemodenomomentumrelease'); swiper.updateprogress(newposition); swiper.settransition(momentumduration); swiper.settranslate(newposition); swiper.transitionstart(true, swiper.swipedirection); if (!swiper.animating) { swiper.animating = true; $wrapperel.transitionend(() => { if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return; swiper.transitionend(); }); } } else { swiper.updateprogress(newposition); } swiper.updateactiveindex(); swiper.updateslidesclasses(); } else if (params.freemode.sticky) { swiper.slidetoclosest(); return; } else if (params.freemode) { emit('_freemodenomomentumrelease'); } if (!params.freemode.momentum || timediff >= params.longswipesms) { swiper.updateprogress(); swiper.updateactiveindex(); swiper.updateslidesclasses(); } } object.assign(swiper, { freemode: { ontouchstart, ontouchmove, ontouchend } }); } function grid(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams } = _ref; extendparams({ grid: { rows: 1, fill: 'column' } }); let slidesnumbereventorows; let slidesperrow; let numfullcolumns; const initslides = slideslength => { const { slidesperview } = swiper.params; const { rows, fill } = swiper.params.grid; slidesperrow = slidesnumbereventorows / rows; numfullcolumns = math.floor(slideslength / rows); if (math.floor(slideslength / rows) === slideslength / rows) { slidesnumbereventorows = slideslength; } else { slidesnumbereventorows = math.ceil(slideslength / rows) * rows; } if (slidesperview !== 'auto' && fill === 'row') { slidesnumbereventorows = math.max(slidesnumbereventorows, slidesperview * rows); } }; const updateslide = (i, slide, slideslength, getdirectionlabel) => { const { slidespergroup, spacebetween } = swiper.params; const { rows, fill } = swiper.params.grid; // set slides order let newslideorderindex; let column; let row; if (fill === 'row' && slidespergroup > 1) { const groupindex = math.floor(i / (slidespergroup * rows)); const slideindexingroup = i - rows * slidespergroup * groupindex; const columnsingroup = groupindex === 0 ? slidespergroup : math.min(math.ceil((slideslength - groupindex * rows * slidespergroup) / rows), slidespergroup); row = math.floor(slideindexingroup / columnsingroup); column = slideindexingroup - row * columnsingroup + groupindex * slidespergroup; newslideorderindex = column + row * slidesnumbereventorows / rows; slide.css({ '-webkit-order': newslideorderindex, order: newslideorderindex }); } else if (fill === 'column') { column = math.floor(i / rows); row = i - column * rows; if (column > numfullcolumns || column === numfullcolumns && row === rows - 1) { row += 1; if (row >= rows) { row = 0; column += 1; } } } else { row = math.floor(i / slidesperrow); column = i - row * slidesperrow; } slide.css(getdirectionlabel('margin-top'), row !== 0 ? spacebetween && `${spacebetween}px` : ''); }; const updatewrappersize = (slidesize, snapgrid, getdirectionlabel) => { const { spacebetween, centeredslides, roundlengths } = swiper.params; const { rows } = swiper.params.grid; swiper.virtualsize = (slidesize + spacebetween) * slidesnumbereventorows; swiper.virtualsize = math.ceil(swiper.virtualsize / rows) - spacebetween; swiper.$wrapperel.css({ [getdirectionlabel('width')]: `${swiper.virtualsize + spacebetween}px` }); if (centeredslides) { snapgrid.splice(0, snapgrid.length); const newslidesgrid = []; for (let i = 0; i < snapgrid.length; i += 1) { let slidesgriditem = snapgrid[i]; if (roundlengths) slidesgriditem = math.floor(slidesgriditem); if (snapgrid[i] < swiper.virtualsize + snapgrid[0]) newslidesgrid.push(slidesgriditem); } snapgrid.push(...newslidesgrid); } }; swiper.grid = { initslides, updateslide, updatewrappersize }; } function appendslide(slides) { const swiper = this; const { $wrapperel, params } = swiper; if (params.loop) { swiper.loopdestroy(); } if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) { for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { if (slides[i]) $wrapperel.append(slides[i]); } } else { $wrapperel.append(slides); } if (params.loop) { swiper.loopcreate(); } if (!params.observer) { swiper.update(); } } function prependslide(slides) { const swiper = this; const { params, $wrapperel, activeindex } = swiper; if (params.loop) { swiper.loopdestroy(); } let newactiveindex = activeindex + 1; if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) { for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { if (slides[i]) $wrapperel.prepend(slides[i]); } newactiveindex = activeindex + slides.length; } else { $wrapperel.prepend(slides); } if (params.loop) { swiper.loopcreate(); } if (!params.observer) { swiper.update(); } swiper.slideto(newactiveindex, 0, false); } function addslide(index, slides) { const swiper = this; const { $wrapperel, params, activeindex } = swiper; let activeindexbuffer = activeindex; if (params.loop) { activeindexbuffer -= swiper.loopedslides; swiper.loopdestroy(); swiper.slides = $wrapperel.children(`.${params.slideclass}`); } const baselength = swiper.slides.length; if (index <= 0) { swiper.prependslide(slides); return; } if (index >= baselength) { swiper.appendslide(slides); return; } let newactiveindex = activeindexbuffer > index ? activeindexbuffer + 1 : activeindexbuffer; const slidesbuffer = []; for (let i = baselength - 1; i >= index; i -= 1) { const currentslide = swiper.slides.eq(i); currentslide.remove(); slidesbuffer.unshift(currentslide); } if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) { for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { if (slides[i]) $wrapperel.append(slides[i]); } newactiveindex = activeindexbuffer > index ? activeindexbuffer + slides.length : activeindexbuffer; } else { $wrapperel.append(slides); } for (let i = 0; i < slidesbuffer.length; i += 1) { $wrapperel.append(slidesbuffer[i]); } if (params.loop) { swiper.loopcreate(); } if (!params.observer) { swiper.update(); } if (params.loop) { swiper.slideto(newactiveindex + swiper.loopedslides, 0, false); } else { swiper.slideto(newactiveindex, 0, false); } } function removeslide(slidesindexes) { const swiper = this; const { params, $wrapperel, activeindex } = swiper; let activeindexbuffer = activeindex; if (params.loop) { activeindexbuffer -= swiper.loopedslides; swiper.loopdestroy(); swiper.slides = $wrapperel.children(`.${params.slideclass}`); } let newactiveindex = activeindexbuffer; let indextoremove; if (typeof slidesindexes === 'object' && 'length' in slidesindexes) { for (let i = 0; i < slidesindexes.length; i += 1) { indextoremove = slidesindexes[i]; if (swiper.slides[indextoremove]) swiper.slides.eq(indextoremove).remove(); if (indextoremove < newactiveindex) newactiveindex -= 1; } newactiveindex = math.max(newactiveindex, 0); } else { indextoremove = slidesindexes; if (swiper.slides[indextoremove]) swiper.slides.eq(indextoremove).remove(); if (indextoremove < newactiveindex) newactiveindex -= 1; newactiveindex = math.max(newactiveindex, 0); } if (params.loop) { swiper.loopcreate(); } if (!params.observer) { swiper.update(); } if (params.loop) { swiper.slideto(newactiveindex + swiper.loopedslides, 0, false); } else { swiper.slideto(newactiveindex, 0, false); } } function removeallslides() { const swiper = this; const slidesindexes = []; for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i += 1) { slidesindexes.push(i); } swiper.removeslide(slidesindexes); } function manipulation(_ref) { let { swiper } = _ref; object.assign(swiper, { appendslide: appendslide.bind(swiper), prependslide: prependslide.bind(swiper), addslide: addslide.bind(swiper), removeslide: removeslide.bind(swiper), removeallslides: removeallslides.bind(swiper) }); } function effectinit(params) { const { effect, swiper, on, settranslate, settransition, overwriteparams, perspective, recreateshadows, geteffectparams } = params; on('beforeinit', () => { if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return; swiper.classnames.push(`${swiper.params.containermodifierclass}${effect}`); if (perspective && perspective()) { swiper.classnames.push(`${swiper.params.containermodifierclass}3d`); } const overwriteparamsresult = overwriteparams ? overwriteparams() : {}; object.assign(swiper.params, overwriteparamsresult); object.assign(swiper.originalparams, overwriteparamsresult); }); on('settranslate', () => { if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return; settranslate(); }); on('settransition', (_s, duration) => { if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return; settransition(duration); }); on('transitionend', () => { if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return; if (recreateshadows) { if (!geteffectparams || !geteffectparams().slideshadows) return; // remove shadows swiper.slides.each(slideel => { const $slideel = swiper.$(slideel); $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').remove(); }); // create new one recreateshadows(); } }); let requireupdateonvirtual; on('virtualupdate', () => { if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return; if (!swiper.slides.length) { requireupdateonvirtual = true; } requestanimationframe(() => { if (requireupdateonvirtual && swiper.slides && swiper.slides.length) { settranslate(); requireupdateonvirtual = false; } }); }); } function effecttarget(effectparams, $slideel) { if (effectparams.transformel) { return $slideel.find(effectparams.transformel).css({ 'backface-visibility': 'hidden', '-webkit-backface-visibility': 'hidden' }); } return $slideel; } function effectvirtualtransitionend(_ref) { let { swiper, duration, transformel, allslides } = _ref; const { slides, activeindex, $wrapperel } = swiper; if (swiper.params.virtualtranslate && duration !== 0) { let eventtriggered = false; let $transitionendtarget; if (allslides) { $transitionendtarget = transformel ? slides.find(transformel) : slides; } else { $transitionendtarget = transformel ? slides.eq(activeindex).find(transformel) : slides.eq(activeindex); } $transitionendtarget.transitionend(() => { if (eventtriggered) return; if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return; eventtriggered = true; swiper.animating = false; const triggerevents = ['webkittransitionend', 'transitionend']; for (let i = 0; i < triggerevents.length; i += 1) { $wrapperel.trigger(triggerevents[i]); } }); } } function effectfade(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on } = _ref; extendparams({ fadeeffect: { crossfade: false, transformel: null } }); const settranslate = () => { const { slides } = swiper; const params = swiper.params.fadeeffect; for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { const $slideel = swiper.slides.eq(i); const offset = $slideel[0].swiperslideoffset; let tx = -offset; if (!swiper.params.virtualtranslate) tx -= swiper.translate; let ty = 0; if (!swiper.ishorizontal()) { ty = tx; tx = 0; } const slideopacity = swiper.params.fadeeffect.crossfade ? math.max(1 - math.abs($slideel[0].progress), 0) : 1 + math.min(math.max($slideel[0].progress, -1), 0); const $targetel = effecttarget(params, $slideel); $targetel.css({ opacity: slideopacity }).transform(`translate3d(${tx}px, ${ty}px, 0px)`); } }; const settransition = duration => { const { transformel } = swiper.params.fadeeffect; const $transitionelements = transformel ? swiper.slides.find(transformel) : swiper.slides; $transitionelements.transition(duration); effectvirtualtransitionend({ swiper, duration, transformel, allslides: true }); }; effectinit({ effect: 'fade', swiper, on, settranslate, settransition, overwriteparams: () => ({ slidesperview: 1, slidespergroup: 1, watchslidesprogress: true, spacebetween: 0, virtualtranslate: !swiper.params.cssmode }) }); } function effectcube(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on } = _ref; extendparams({ cubeeffect: { slideshadows: true, shadow: true, shadowoffset: 20, shadowscale: 0.94 } }); const createslideshadows = ($slideel, progress, ishorizontal) => { let shadowbefore = ishorizontal ? $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top'); let shadowafter = ishorizontal ? $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom'); if (shadowbefore.length === 0) { shadowbefore = $(`
`); $slideel.append(shadowbefore); } if (shadowafter.length === 0) { shadowafter = $(`
`); $slideel.append(shadowafter); } if (shadowbefore.length) shadowbefore[0].style.opacity = math.max(-progress, 0); if (shadowafter.length) shadowafter[0].style.opacity = math.max(progress, 0); }; const recreateshadows = () => { // create new ones const ishorizontal = swiper.ishorizontal(); swiper.slides.each(slideel => { const progress = math.max(math.min(slideel.progress, 1), -1); createslideshadows($(slideel), progress, ishorizontal); }); }; const settranslate = () => { const { $el, $wrapperel, slides, width: swiperwidth, height: swiperheight, rtltranslate: rtl, size: swipersize, browser } = swiper; const params = swiper.params.cubeeffect; const ishorizontal = swiper.ishorizontal(); const isvirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled; let wrapperrotate = 0; let $cubeshadowel; if (params.shadow) { if (ishorizontal) { $cubeshadowel = $wrapperel.find('.swiper-cube-shadow'); if ($cubeshadowel.length === 0) { $cubeshadowel = $('
'); $wrapperel.append($cubeshadowel); } $cubeshadowel.css({ height: `${swiperwidth}px` }); } else { $cubeshadowel = $el.find('.swiper-cube-shadow'); if ($cubeshadowel.length === 0) { $cubeshadowel = $('
'); $el.append($cubeshadowel); } } } for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { const $slideel = slides.eq(i); let slideindex = i; if (isvirtual) { slideindex = parseint($slideel.attr('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10); } let slideangle = slideindex * 90; let round = math.floor(slideangle / 360); if (rtl) { slideangle = -slideangle; round = math.floor(-slideangle / 360); } const progress = math.max(math.min($slideel[0].progress, 1), -1); let tx = 0; let ty = 0; let tz = 0; if (slideindex % 4 === 0) { tx = -round * 4 * swipersize; tz = 0; } else if ((slideindex - 1) % 4 === 0) { tx = 0; tz = -round * 4 * swipersize; } else if ((slideindex - 2) % 4 === 0) { tx = swipersize + round * 4 * swipersize; tz = swipersize; } else if ((slideindex - 3) % 4 === 0) { tx = -swipersize; tz = 3 * swipersize + swipersize * 4 * round; } if (rtl) { tx = -tx; } if (!ishorizontal) { ty = tx; tx = 0; } const transform = `rotatex(${ishorizontal ? 0 : -slideangle}deg) rotatey(${ishorizontal ? slideangle : 0}deg) translate3d(${tx}px, ${ty}px, ${tz}px)`; if (progress <= 1 && progress > -1) { wrapperrotate = slideindex * 90 + progress * 90; if (rtl) wrapperrotate = -slideindex * 90 - progress * 90; } $slideel.transform(transform); if (params.slideshadows) { createslideshadows($slideel, progress, ishorizontal); } } $wrapperel.css({ '-webkit-transform-origin': `50% 50% -${swipersize / 2}px`, 'transform-origin': `50% 50% -${swipersize / 2}px` }); if (params.shadow) { if (ishorizontal) { $cubeshadowel.transform(`translate3d(0px, ${swiperwidth / 2 + params.shadowoffset}px, ${-swiperwidth / 2}px) rotatex(90deg) rotatez(0deg) scale(${params.shadowscale})`); } else { const shadowangle = math.abs(wrapperrotate) - math.floor(math.abs(wrapperrotate) / 90) * 90; const multiplier = 1.5 - (math.sin(shadowangle * 2 * math.pi / 360) / 2 + math.cos(shadowangle * 2 * math.pi / 360) / 2); const scale1 = params.shadowscale; const scale2 = params.shadowscale / multiplier; const offset = params.shadowoffset; $cubeshadowel.transform(`scale3d(${scale1}, 1, ${scale2}) translate3d(0px, ${swiperheight / 2 + offset}px, ${-swiperheight / 2 / scale2}px) rotatex(-90deg)`); } } const zfactor = browser.issafari || browser.iswebview ? -swipersize / 2 : 0; $wrapperel.transform(`translate3d(0px,0,${zfactor}px) rotatex(${swiper.ishorizontal() ? 0 : wrapperrotate}deg) rotatey(${swiper.ishorizontal() ? -wrapperrotate : 0}deg)`); $wrapperel[0].style.setproperty('--swiper-cube-translate-z', `${zfactor}px`); }; const settransition = duration => { const { $el, slides } = swiper; slides.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').transition(duration); if (swiper.params.cubeeffect.shadow && !swiper.ishorizontal()) { $el.find('.swiper-cube-shadow').transition(duration); } }; effectinit({ effect: 'cube', swiper, on, settranslate, settransition, recreateshadows, geteffectparams: () => swiper.params.cubeeffect, perspective: () => true, overwriteparams: () => ({ slidesperview: 1, slidespergroup: 1, watchslidesprogress: true, resistanceratio: 0, spacebetween: 0, centeredslides: false, virtualtranslate: true }) }); } function createshadow(params, $slideel, side) { const shadowclass = `swiper-slide-shadow${side ? `-${side}` : ''}`; const $shadowcontainer = params.transformel ? $slideel.find(params.transformel) : $slideel; let $shadowel = $shadowcontainer.children(`.${shadowclass}`); if (!$shadowel.length) { $shadowel = $(`
`); $shadowcontainer.append($shadowel); } return $shadowel; } function effectflip(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on } = _ref; extendparams({ flipeffect: { slideshadows: true, limitrotation: true, transformel: null } }); const createslideshadows = ($slideel, progress, params) => { let shadowbefore = swiper.ishorizontal() ? $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top'); let shadowafter = swiper.ishorizontal() ? $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom'); if (shadowbefore.length === 0) { shadowbefore = createshadow(params, $slideel, swiper.ishorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top'); } if (shadowafter.length === 0) { shadowafter = createshadow(params, $slideel, swiper.ishorizontal() ? 'right' : 'bottom'); } if (shadowbefore.length) shadowbefore[0].style.opacity = math.max(-progress, 0); if (shadowafter.length) shadowafter[0].style.opacity = math.max(progress, 0); }; const recreateshadows = () => { // set shadows const params = swiper.params.flipeffect; swiper.slides.each(slideel => { const $slideel = $(slideel); let progress = $slideel[0].progress; if (swiper.params.flipeffect.limitrotation) { progress = math.max(math.min(slideel.progress, 1), -1); } createslideshadows($slideel, progress, params); }); }; const settranslate = () => { const { slides, rtltranslate: rtl } = swiper; const params = swiper.params.flipeffect; for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { const $slideel = slides.eq(i); let progress = $slideel[0].progress; if (swiper.params.flipeffect.limitrotation) { progress = math.max(math.min($slideel[0].progress, 1), -1); } const offset = $slideel[0].swiperslideoffset; const rotate = -180 * progress; let rotatey = rotate; let rotatex = 0; let tx = swiper.params.cssmode ? -offset - swiper.translate : -offset; let ty = 0; if (!swiper.ishorizontal()) { ty = tx; tx = 0; rotatex = -rotatey; rotatey = 0; } else if (rtl) { rotatey = -rotatey; } $slideel[0].style.zindex = -math.abs(math.round(progress)) + slides.length; if (params.slideshadows) { createslideshadows($slideel, progress, params); } const transform = `translate3d(${tx}px, ${ty}px, 0px) rotatex(${rotatex}deg) rotatey(${rotatey}deg)`; const $targetel = effecttarget(params, $slideel); $targetel.transform(transform); } }; const settransition = duration => { const { transformel } = swiper.params.flipeffect; const $transitionelements = transformel ? swiper.slides.find(transformel) : swiper.slides; $transitionelements.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').transition(duration); effectvirtualtransitionend({ swiper, duration, transformel }); }; effectinit({ effect: 'flip', swiper, on, settranslate, settransition, recreateshadows, geteffectparams: () => swiper.params.flipeffect, perspective: () => true, overwriteparams: () => ({ slidesperview: 1, slidespergroup: 1, watchslidesprogress: true, spacebetween: 0, virtualtranslate: !swiper.params.cssmode }) }); } function effectcoverflow(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on } = _ref; extendparams({ coverfloweffect: { rotate: 50, stretch: 0, depth: 100, scale: 1, modifier: 1, slideshadows: true, transformel: null } }); const settranslate = () => { const { width: swiperwidth, height: swiperheight, slides, slidessizesgrid } = swiper; const params = swiper.params.coverfloweffect; const ishorizontal = swiper.ishorizontal(); const transform = swiper.translate; const center = ishorizontal ? -transform + swiperwidth / 2 : -transform + swiperheight / 2; const rotate = ishorizontal ? params.rotate : -params.rotate; const translate = params.depth; // each slide offset from center for (let i = 0, length = slides.length; i < length; i += 1) { const $slideel = slides.eq(i); const slidesize = slidessizesgrid[i]; const slideoffset = $slideel[0].swiperslideoffset; const centeroffset = (center - slideoffset - slidesize / 2) / slidesize; const offsetmultiplier = typeof params.modifier === 'function' ? params.modifier(centeroffset) : centeroffset * params.modifier; let rotatey = ishorizontal ? rotate * offsetmultiplier : 0; let rotatex = ishorizontal ? 0 : rotate * offsetmultiplier; // var rotatez = 0 let translatez = -translate * math.abs(offsetmultiplier); let stretch = params.stretch; // allow percentage to make a relative stretch for responsive sliders if (typeof stretch === 'string' && stretch.indexof('%') !== -1) { stretch = parsefloat(params.stretch) / 100 * slidesize; } let translatey = ishorizontal ? 0 : stretch * offsetmultiplier; let translatex = ishorizontal ? stretch * offsetmultiplier : 0; let scale = 1 - (1 - params.scale) * math.abs(offsetmultiplier); // fix for ultra small values if (math.abs(translatex) < 0.001) translatex = 0; if (math.abs(translatey) < 0.001) translatey = 0; if (math.abs(translatez) < 0.001) translatez = 0; if (math.abs(rotatey) < 0.001) rotatey = 0; if (math.abs(rotatex) < 0.001) rotatex = 0; if (math.abs(scale) < 0.001) scale = 0; const slidetransform = `translate3d(${translatex}px,${translatey}px,${translatez}px) rotatex(${rotatex}deg) rotatey(${rotatey}deg) scale(${scale})`; const $targetel = effecttarget(params, $slideel); $targetel.transform(slidetransform); $slideel[0].style.zindex = -math.abs(math.round(offsetmultiplier)) + 1; if (params.slideshadows) { // set shadows let $shadowbeforeel = ishorizontal ? $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top'); let $shadowafterel = ishorizontal ? $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom'); if ($shadowbeforeel.length === 0) { $shadowbeforeel = createshadow(params, $slideel, ishorizontal ? 'left' : 'top'); } if ($shadowafterel.length === 0) { $shadowafterel = createshadow(params, $slideel, ishorizontal ? 'right' : 'bottom'); } if ($shadowbeforeel.length) $shadowbeforeel[0].style.opacity = offsetmultiplier > 0 ? offsetmultiplier : 0; if ($shadowafterel.length) $shadowafterel[0].style.opacity = -offsetmultiplier > 0 ? -offsetmultiplier : 0; } } }; const settransition = duration => { const { transformel } = swiper.params.coverfloweffect; const $transitionelements = transformel ? swiper.slides.find(transformel) : swiper.slides; $transitionelements.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').transition(duration); }; effectinit({ effect: 'coverflow', swiper, on, settranslate, settransition, perspective: () => true, overwriteparams: () => ({ watchslidesprogress: true }) }); } function effectcreative(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on } = _ref; extendparams({ creativeeffect: { transformel: null, limitprogress: 1, shadowperprogress: false, progressmultiplier: 1, perspective: true, prev: { translate: [0, 0, 0], rotate: [0, 0, 0], opacity: 1, scale: 1 }, next: { translate: [0, 0, 0], rotate: [0, 0, 0], opacity: 1, scale: 1 } } }); const gettranslatevalue = value => { if (typeof value === 'string') return value; return `${value}px`; }; const settranslate = () => { const { slides, $wrapperel, slidessizesgrid } = swiper; const params = swiper.params.creativeeffect; const { progressmultiplier: multiplier } = params; const iscenteredslides = swiper.params.centeredslides; if (iscenteredslides) { const margin = slidessizesgrid[0] / 2 - swiper.params.slidesoffsetbefore || 0; $wrapperel.transform(`translatex(calc(50% - ${margin}px))`); } for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { const $slideel = slides.eq(i); const slideprogress = $slideel[0].progress; const progress = math.min(math.max($slideel[0].progress, -params.limitprogress), params.limitprogress); let originalprogress = progress; if (!iscenteredslides) { originalprogress = math.min(math.max($slideel[0].originalprogress, -params.limitprogress), params.limitprogress); } const offset = $slideel[0].swiperslideoffset; const t = [swiper.params.cssmode ? -offset - swiper.translate : -offset, 0, 0]; const r = [0, 0, 0]; let custom = false; if (!swiper.ishorizontal()) { t[1] = t[0]; t[0] = 0; } let data = { translate: [0, 0, 0], rotate: [0, 0, 0], scale: 1, opacity: 1 }; if (progress < 0) { data = params.next; custom = true; } else if (progress > 0) { data = params.prev; custom = true; } // set translate t.foreach((value, index) => { t[index] = `calc(${value}px + (${gettranslatevalue(data.translate[index])} * ${math.abs(progress * multiplier)}))`; }); // set rotates r.foreach((value, index) => { r[index] = data.rotate[index] * math.abs(progress * multiplier); }); $slideel[0].style.zindex = -math.abs(math.round(slideprogress)) + slides.length; const translatestring = t.join(', '); const rotatestring = `rotatex(${r[0]}deg) rotatey(${r[1]}deg) rotatez(${r[2]}deg)`; const scalestring = originalprogress < 0 ? `scale(${1 + (1 - data.scale) * originalprogress * multiplier})` : `scale(${1 - (1 - data.scale) * originalprogress * multiplier})`; const opacitystring = originalprogress < 0 ? 1 + (1 - data.opacity) * originalprogress * multiplier : 1 - (1 - data.opacity) * originalprogress * multiplier; const transform = `translate3d(${translatestring}) ${rotatestring} ${scalestring}`; // set shadows if (custom && data.shadow || !custom) { let $shadowel = $slideel.children('.swiper-slide-shadow'); if ($shadowel.length === 0 && data.shadow) { $shadowel = createshadow(params, $slideel); } if ($shadowel.length) { const shadowopacity = params.shadowperprogress ? progress * (1 / params.limitprogress) : progress; $shadowel[0].style.opacity = math.min(math.max(math.abs(shadowopacity), 0), 1); } } const $targetel = effecttarget(params, $slideel); $targetel.transform(transform).css({ opacity: opacitystring }); if (data.origin) { $targetel.css('transform-origin', data.origin); } } }; const settransition = duration => { const { transformel } = swiper.params.creativeeffect; const $transitionelements = transformel ? swiper.slides.find(transformel) : swiper.slides; $transitionelements.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow').transition(duration); effectvirtualtransitionend({ swiper, duration, transformel, allslides: true }); }; effectinit({ effect: 'creative', swiper, on, settranslate, settransition, perspective: () => swiper.params.creativeeffect.perspective, overwriteparams: () => ({ watchslidesprogress: true, virtualtranslate: !swiper.params.cssmode }) }); } function effectcards(_ref) { let { swiper, extendparams, on } = _ref; extendparams({ cardseffect: { slideshadows: true, transformel: null, rotate: true } }); const settranslate = () => { const { slides, activeindex } = swiper; const params = swiper.params.cardseffect; const { starttranslate, istouched } = swiper.toucheventsdata; const currenttranslate = swiper.translate; for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) { const $slideel = slides.eq(i); const slideprogress = $slideel[0].progress; const progress = math.min(math.max(slideprogress, -4), 4); let offset = $slideel[0].swiperslideoffset; if (swiper.params.centeredslides && !swiper.params.cssmode) { swiper.$wrapperel.transform(`translatex(${swiper.mintranslate()}px)`); } if (swiper.params.centeredslides && swiper.params.cssmode) { offset -= slides[0].swiperslideoffset; } let tx = swiper.params.cssmode ? -offset - swiper.translate : -offset; let ty = 0; const tz = -100 * math.abs(progress); let scale = 1; let rotate = -2 * progress; let txadd = 8 - math.abs(progress) * 0.75; const slideindex = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.from + i : i; const isswipetonext = (slideindex === activeindex || slideindex === activeindex - 1) && progress > 0 && progress < 1 && (istouched || swiper.params.cssmode) && currenttranslate < starttranslate; const isswipetoprev = (slideindex === activeindex || slideindex === activeindex + 1) && progress < 0 && progress > -1 && (istouched || swiper.params.cssmode) && currenttranslate > starttranslate; if (isswipetonext || isswipetoprev) { const subprogress = (1 - math.abs((math.abs(progress) - 0.5) / 0.5)) ** 0.5; rotate += -28 * progress * subprogress; scale += -0.5 * subprogress; txadd += 96 * subprogress; ty = `${-25 * subprogress * math.abs(progress)}%`; } if (progress < 0) { // next tx = `calc(${tx}px + (${txadd * math.abs(progress)}%))`; } else if (progress > 0) { // prev tx = `calc(${tx}px + (-${txadd * math.abs(progress)}%))`; } else { tx = `${tx}px`; } if (!swiper.ishorizontal()) { const prevy = ty; ty = tx; tx = prevy; } const scalestring = progress < 0 ? `${1 + (1 - scale) * progress}` : `${1 - (1 - scale) * progress}`; const transform = ` translate3d(${tx}, ${ty}, ${tz}px) rotatez(${params.rotate ? rotate : 0}deg) scale(${scalestring}) `; if (params.slideshadows) { // set shadows let $shadowel = $slideel.find('.swiper-slide-shadow'); if ($shadowel.length === 0) { $shadowel = createshadow(params, $slideel); } if ($shadowel.length) $shadowel[0].style.opacity = math.min(math.max((math.abs(progress) - 0.5) / 0.5, 0), 1); } $slideel[0].style.zindex = -math.abs(math.round(slideprogress)) + slides.length; const $targetel = effecttarget(params, $slideel); $targetel.transform(transform); } }; const settransition = duration => { const { transformel } = swiper.params.cardseffect; const $transitionelements = transformel ? swiper.slides.find(transformel) : swiper.slides; $transitionelements.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow').transition(duration); effectvirtualtransitionend({ swiper, duration, transformel }); }; effectinit({ effect: 'cards', swiper, on, settranslate, settransition, perspective: () => true, overwriteparams: () => ({ watchslidesprogress: true, virtualtranslate: !swiper.params.cssmode }) }); } // swiper class const modules = [virtual, keyboard, mousewheel, navigation, pagination, scrollbar, parallax, zoom, lazy, controller, a11y, history, hashnavigation, autoplay, thumb, freemode, grid, manipulation, effectfade, effectcube, effectflip, effectcoverflow, effectcreative, effectcards]; swiper.use(modules); return swiper; }));